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Zones of Regulation.

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Presentation on theme: "Zones of Regulation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zones of Regulation

2 Fosters self-regulation and emotional control
Goals are for students to: Increase social, emotional, and sensory regulation Students explore tools to help with their regulation Teach perspective taking how you can impact others thoughts/feelings Increase emotional vocabulary

3 Blue Zone Your body is running low Tired/sick Green Zone You are good to go! Ready to learn! Yellow Zone Proceed with Caution! Starting to lose control Frustration wiggly Red Zone Extreme Emotions Out of control, and MUST STOP!

4 Red Zone Yellow Zone Green Zone Blue Zone
Angry Terrified Hitting Yelling Out of Control Red Zone Frustrated Silly/Wiggly Excited Annoyed Loss of Control Yellow Zone Happy Calm Focused Positive Ready to Learn Green Zone Blue Zone Sick Sad Tired Bored Moving Slowly

5 Key Components of Implementing the Zones
Teaching Strategies for each zone Expected VS Unexpected behaviors (this goes along really well with social contracts) ID triggers for what pushes students into yellow/red zone Three main tools: 1) Sensory supports 2) Calming Supports 3) Thinking supports

6 Sensory Supports Tools
Have students investigate what activities help to increase their alertness level, (i.e., therapy ball, silly putty, wall sits, etc) Try to have at least 2.

7 Calming Support Tools Deep breathing 6 sided breathing
Lazy 8 breathing Count to 10 Meditation sequences Calming Bottles

8 Thinking Tools Big Versus Little Problem Inner Coach/Outer Critic
SuperFlex Thinking (can take different POV) Rock Brain Thinking (rigid thinking) Stop, OPT, Go – Impulse Control

9 5 4 3 2 1 Then, there are those really, really bad times. They don’t happen very often but when they do, look out! Sometimes I just lose all control and can’t make good decisions. I may be in danger of hurting myself or someone else. My teachers can help by backing off and waiting. If they talk to me too soon, I might get Sometimes I get really mad! I may yell. I may not be able to make good choices. My teachers can help by reminding me to, “Use your words.” My teachers can help by waiting. They can show me what calm behavior looks like and only respond to my questions if I don’t yell. I call this a 4. Sometimes I feel frustrated and tense. When that happens, I don’t have really good control. I can try to calm down by asking a teacher, “I need a break, please.” Then I can choose to walk, get a drink, or go to a safe area. I call this a 3. Sometimes I am a little worried or tired.I can usually make a good choice. I might need some redirection or a reminder to breathe.I call this a 2. Sometimes I have lots of control. I am relaxed and feeling happy. I call this a 1.



12 Reflection Log Date Name
What emotion was I feeling? Where did I feel it in my body? What Zone was I in when the unexpected behavior happened? What Unexpected Behavior Happened? What coping strategy can you use next time, to prevent this from happening? How did your behavior make others feel? How did your behavior make you feel about yourself?

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