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The Brain Mr. Roorda and Mrs. King.

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1 The Brain Mr. Roorda and Mrs. King

2 Hindbrain Highway the lower part of the brainstem, comprising the cerebellum, pons, and medulla oblongata.

3 The Hindbrain/Brainstem
State Troopers Monitor the rules of the road Medulla “State Troopers” – attaches to spinal cord Largely unconscious function control (blood pressure, breathing, and regulation of reflexes like sneezing/coughing.

4 Hindbrain Highway The Pons – “the bridge” fibers that connect brainstem with cerebellum to pass info. Movement, sleep, and attention. Cerebellum – highly folded “little brain” responsible for coordinating fine muscle movements and balance. It also seems to be involved in procedural memory.

5 The Midbrain – integrates sensory processes
Reticular Rest Stop Reticular formation – group of fibers that carry stimulation related to sleep and arousal through the brain stem.

6 The Forebrain – largest most complex part
Welcome Cerebral City… Composed of the thalamus, hypothalamus, limbic system, and cerebrum. Cerebrum – center for complex thought Cerebral cortex – wrinkly surface of cerebrum, outer layer of the brain.

7 The Thalamus: Sensory Relay
Thalamus (Compass) – sends sensory information to the correct location in the brain All sensory information, except smell, must pass through to get to the cerebral cortex.

8 Welcome to Limbic System Lane- Learning, Memory, and Emotion
Hypothalamus- Regulates Biological Needs Hippocampus- Memory Amygdala- Fear, Anger, EMOTION Olfactory bulb- Smell

9 The Hypothalamus: Biological Needs Your “To Do” List
Controls autonomic nervous system. Link between brain and endocrine system- controls the Pituitary Gland Control of sleep, sexual motivation, hunger, thirst, temp. regulation.

10 Meet the Hippo on the block..
Hippocampus – Mainly responsible for memory. A hippo never forgets. Without it… you wouldn’t live in the present.

11 Meet Miss Amy. G. Dala Amygdala- Responsible for emotion. Mainly fear, anger and aggression. Amy is a shut-in. She is very fearful of what will happen outside. But she’s also ready to throw down.

12 Checkout the Old Smelly Factory
Olfactory Bulb- Neural structure mainly involved in with the sense of smell. Think of an old smelly factory on Limbic Lane

13 The Cerebrum– Complex Thought
70% of Human Brain- Responsible for sensing, thinking, learning, emotion, consciousness, and voluntary movement. Cerebral Hemispheres – Left/Right halves of the brain. Split the neighborhood into two cul-de-sacs Lateralization – one area excels at a particular task Corpus Callosum – structure that connects the 2 cerebral hemispheres. Divided into Four Lobes

14 Occipital lobe The Neighborhood Watch/ Boys in blue
back of head, primary visual cortex.

15 Parietal Lobe In front of occipital lobe
Primary somatosensory cortex- registers Touches and Feelings Push Over. Passive.

16 Temporal Lobe Primary auditory cortex
Good listeners. Therapists always there for you

17 Frontal Lobe Largest lobe, controls thinking and muscle movement.
This is where thinking, decision making, planning, and personality live. Soccer moms. Includes the Primary motor cortex in the back

18 Plasticity of the Brain
Aspects of experience can shape features of the brain. Brain damage can lead to natural reorganization. Neurogenesis- adult brains can generate new neurons.

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