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DOL level 4 week 2 Analogy ocean : seaweed - prairie : _______

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1 DOL level 4 week 2 Analogy ocean : seaweed - prairie : _______
2. foot: ________ - head: ear 1. she said you slided it between joe and i 2. but yesterday i never give nothing to him grasses toe

2 Pledge

3 Fluency 6 min. reading solution

4 Word Structure reconsider reassured disappear disown unknown uncertain
unable unhappy enrich enable endear enlarge midnight Midwest midway midterm Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 In groups of three, list other words in “Two Tickets to Freedom” or other readings that contain the prefixes re-, un-, en-, or mid-. Identify the root word and the meanings of the words you find.

5 Language Arts Publishing
Some options for presenting their work. Students might: present their stories orally. You should speak clearly, look at your audience, and use intonation and pacing to make your realistic stories come to life. want to publish your stories in class. You might want to add illustrations, photographs, covers, and other art to enhance the look of your finished pieces. want to submit your stories to a magazine or local newspaper for publication. Place your finished writing pieces in a Writer’s Portfolio. Skills Practice 1 page 10

6 Vocabulary lesson 2 companion companñero concealed ocultarse
Her stuffed animal was her favorite companion. The trees were concealed by the mist. person who is traveling with someone else to hide (past tense) hastened apresuran shuddered cercenado In order to finish he hastened his speed. He shuddered at the thoughts of being alone in the woods at night. to hurry (past tense) to shake with horror (past tense)

7 Vocabulary lesson 2 despairing desesperado delivered emitido
“There is no hope,” he said in despairing voice. “I would give anything to be delivered from this mess!”. without hope to save (past tense) flickerin parpadenties sympathetic compasivo Just then he saw a flickering light. “I care,” he said in a sympathetic voice. understanding; having a kind feeling for someone become brighter and then darker over and over

8 Spelling Say each word listed .
Volunteers identify the root word and the prefix in each word. Does the prefix change the spelling of any root word? Which word is capitalized and why? replace discount review unfold midterm rewind unfair midlife displace untie renew undone disown reheat midnight uncover Midwest disagree midway disappear dissolve rearrange unfamiliar

9 Language Arts Listening/Speaking/Viewing
A good speaker clearly states each word of a sentence, speaks loudly enough to be heard (without shouting) and changes his or her tone of voice to create different moods (excitement, danger) or to convey emotions (happiness, sadness, anger). We can adjust our voices to sound like different characters to add excitement or emotion to what we are saying. When we speak in monotone, out voices sound boring. Guided Practice Take turns reading aloud brief passages from “Two Tickets to Freedom.” Speak clearly, take your time, and read so the entire class can hear. How did the reader’s tone affect your understanding of that part of the story? Apply Tell a partner about a particularly exciting or emotional scene from your favorite movie.. Use the tone of voice to create a sense of excitement or to convey a certain emotion.

10 Rotations Blue Yellow Red Blue Red Green Yellow Green Red Green Yellow
Read with teacher Work in Skills Practice Book Pages 15, 17, 18, 21,23 Work in Skills Practice book Pages 17, 17, 18, 21, 23 Practice cursive handwriting . The letter H h Blue Yellow Red Blue Red Green Yellow Green Red Green Yellow Blue Green Yellow Blue Red

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