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Integumentary System Review

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Presentation on theme: "Integumentary System Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integumentary System Review

2 How many layers does SKIN have?


4 Which layer of the epidermis is the thickest?

5 Stratum corneum

6 Which layer of the epidermis is the darkest?

7 Stratum granulosum

8 Which cell is responsible for the skin’s immune response, targeting early cancer cells and microorganisms?

9 Langerhan’s Cells

10 Which layer are Langerhan’s cells found in?

11 Stratum spinosum

12 What two pigments are found in the epidermis?

13 Carotene and melanin

14 Which layer of the epidermis has the highest mitotic rate?

15 Stratum basale/germanativum

16 What is the purpose of the Merkel cell?

17 Touch receptor

18 What are the two types of exocrine glands?

19 Sebaceous and Sudoriferous

20 What is the purpose of the arrector pili muscle?

21 Contracts to pull hair upward and trap a layer of air above the skin to warm it; also any time muscle contracts it produces heat

22 What is the function of the vernix caseosa?

23 Protect baby’s skin from watery environment of the amniotic fluid

24 What type of hair is pictured?

25 Terminal – thick (coarse), darkly pigmented sometimes curly hair

26 What type of hair is pictured?

27 Lanugo

28 What type of hair is pictured?

29 Vellus

30 What are the two types of sweat glands?

31 Apocrine and eccrine

32 What is the main function of eccrine glands?

33 Evaporative cooling – body temperature regulation

34 What is the main function of the apocrine glands?

35 Pheromones to communicate before spoken language

36 Which layer of the skin is considered to be avascular?

37 8 Epidermis

38 What is the purpose of the stratum corneum layer?

39 Protection

40 Which layer of the skin is considered to be vascular?

41 Dermis and Hypodermis/Subcutaneous

42 Which layer is present in thick skin, but not in thin skin?

43 Stratum lucidem

44 Which gland secretes oil?

45 Sebaceous gland

46 Which gland produces milky secretions that bacteria love?

47 Apocrine gland

48 These glands are located in the greatest number on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.

49 Eccrine glands

50 Which glands are activated at puberty?

51 Apocrine glands

52 Which burn affects the epidermis and results in redness of the skin?

53 1st Degree Burn

54 Which burn is the most painful?

55 2nd degree burn

56 Which burn is the least painful due to the destruction of nerve receptors?

57 Third degree burn

58 Which burn is regeneration of tissue usually impossible?

59 Third degree burn

60 Which burn destroys the epidermis and part of the dermis?

61 Second degree burn

62 Which pigment is an orange-yellow color?

63 Carotene

64 What protein makes up hair and nails?

65 Keratin

66 Which pigment is primarily responsible for protecting the body from UV rays?

67 Melanin

68 What protein functions to carry and deliver oxygen throughout the body?

69 Hemoglobin

70 Which receptors are found in the stratum basale?

71 Merkel cells, melanocytes

72 What receptors are responsible for detecting pressure?

73 Pacinian corpuscles

74 Which layer of the skin is responsible for the fingerprints of an individual?

75 Dermal papillary/epidermal ridges

76 Which cancer affects a melanocyte and is the most malignant?

77 Melanoma

78 What is the most common type of skin cancer?

79 Basale cell carcinoma

80 Why are lines of cleavage important?

81 Surgeons can cut WITH/PARALLEL to the lines of cleavage, keep the wound closed, decrease the amount of scar tissue formed, and decrease the healing time.

82 Where are the youngest epidermal cells found?

83 Stratum basale

84 What procedure is used to treat victims with third degree burns?

85 Skin graft

86 Why is it better to take skin from the burned individual rather than another person?

87 To limit the rejection of the skin by the body

88 Identify the following on the picture below:

89 Identify A on the picture below:

90 Arrector pili

91 Identify B on the picture below:

92 Pacinian Corpuscle

93 This happens when the body’s receptors don’t respond to repeated stimuli over time.

94 Sensory Adaptation

95 This describes the ability of the body to locate what touch receptor has been stimulated.

96 Tactile localization

97 Bone deformation can occur is the body is unable to produce _____.

98 Vitamin D3

99 Vitamin D can help the body absorb ___, which is important for strong bones.

100 Calcium

101 What disease is a fungal infection of the foot, caused by a warm, humid environment that results in red, itchy skin between the toes?

102 Tinea Pedis (Athlete’s foot)

103 What disorder occurs as a result of touching something that triggers red, itchy, watery filled blisters on the skin?

104 Contact dermatitis

105 What disorder is extremely contagious, especially among elementary children, caused by a Staphlococcus aureus infection that results in yellow, crusty lesions around the nose and mouth?

106 Impetigo

107 What extremely contagious disorder results in parasites that feed off human blood from the scalp?

108 Pediculosis humanus capitis
(head lice)

109 Small, fluid-filled blisters that itch and sting, caused by herpes simplex virus.

110 Cold sores, or fever blisters

111 Scar tissue that doesn’t know when to stop forming.

112 Keloids

113 A quick way to estimate how much of the body surface is burned
A quick way to estimate how much of the body surface is burned. The body is divided into 11 areas, each accounting for 9% of the total body surface area, plus an additional area surrounding the genitals representing 1%.

114 Rule of Nines

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