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Stu: Our project is about how to maximize capacity and increase return on investment for the Colorado Department of Revenue and their new tax software.

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Presentation on theme: "Stu: Our project is about how to maximize capacity and increase return on investment for the Colorado Department of Revenue and their new tax software."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stu: Our project is about how to maximize capacity and increase return on investment for the Colorado Department of Revenue and their new tax software GENTAX. Our deliverable includes two main subjects: Best Practices for IT System Implementation Remote Access The focus of our presentation will be on how to obtain remote access because it is critical for maximizing the GENTAX investment. Now we’ll briefly discuss the Best Practices for IT System Implementation: Super Users and Training

2 Brian: As Stu mentioned today we will be talking about remote access but I will now discuss the concept of super users which is further detailed in our deliverable. Super Users: Employees who have received EXPERT training Are resources for CDoR employees through IM, , video conference, etc. Dual responsibility of marketing and training Provides a continued support structure after general training Stu: Training First, training will consist of a firm-wide training orientation which will be proctored by super users and an implementation team. The training will consist of two phases: PHASE 1 Overview and Marketing of GENTAX Explain the value of GENTAX to CDoR employees Making their lives easier Audits more efficient More secure Get everyone on the same page Training employees during system interaction During this phase employees will use the system throughout multiple scenarios, real-life experience, hypothetical situations. Quality Assurance Interviews Active feedback, NOT A SURVEY, from the employees on what they think about the system What works, what doesn’t work Interviews are open-ended where surveys are limited. PHASE 2 Educating employees on how to use remote access Establishing a remote connection at client site and accessing VPN Passwords – computers, GENTAX, VPN, etc. Why this security is necessary for the CDoR Data Integrity Encryption Decreases general controls risk Matt: REMOTE ACCESS Remote Access is gaining access to a secure network from a remote location. Remote Access is most easily achieved through a Virtual Private Network (VPN). A VPN provides remote access to secure networks by encrypting data sent through a public internet source. Compresses, encrypts, and disguises the data flow This secure connection fortifies the system of controls Communication: Also allows employees to access secure documents and resources Can access on-site problem solving resources from experts and Super Users Communication with other employees, customers, partners Overall, this enhanced communication allows for on-site problem solving MOST IMPORTANTLY – using a VPN allows employees to access GENTAX from the client site through client or public internet source.

3 Matt: Now that we have explained the capabilities of our solution, we will identify some areas for improvement that would be directly affected. Client Site Currently there is no system in place to access online workpapers from the client site. Only hardcopies exist and must be physically taken to and from the site. No system in place to securely access the internet IT Controls If the CDoR is going to rely on an electronic server like GENTAX, they will need to implement certain controls to protect their sensitive information. Data integrity is a growing concern for all businesses with increased threat of information theft Communication Interacting with fellow employees, experts, resources, and customers is severely limited without a secure internet connection Technology CDoR is behind on the technology used by their peer groups within industry Database access Inaccurate tax return information requests CDoR can improve the audit turnover, efficiency of audits, and reliability of taxpayer information with the new GENTAX system supplemented by remote access through a VPN.

4 Brian: Start from the department level and build from there: First, Control and Risk Management Subject to significant risk from lack of access controls Lack of access controls leads to increased risk at a system-wide level Second, w/o remote access  limited system performance Ability to use GENTAX on-site, communicate and use epapers are all negatively affected. Client – Taxpayer perception Perception that CDoR is not timely or accurate in providing important taxpayer information Remote access, along with a central database can be used to prevent these inefficiencies State Revenue In financial crisis, CDoR needs a system to maximize GENTAX and return on investment associated with the purchase

5 Elliott: Here we are going to illustrate the potential resistance created from taking action on our solution: We want to provide remote access at client sites. A VPN is our solution for providing secure remote access. This will allow the CDoR to use GENTAX remotely and increase communication on all levels. POSSIBLE FORSEEN RESISTANCE FROM IT & EMPLOYEES: Too costly Although implementing a VPN is relatively inexpensive, CDoR is already spending a lot of money on implementing GENTAX – roughly $20M However, VPN costs between $10K - $30K for enterprise – wide firm Very worthwhile and highly justifiable Unrealized benefits Employees do not realize how GENTAX will improve their work lives Complexity GENTAX is a complex software upgrade Requires extensive training Employees must adapt their work schedules to incorporate daily use of the system Both of these require more time than usual MINIMIZING RESISTANCE REQUIRES EDUCATION AND TRAINING EMPLOYEES TO CLEARLY REALIZE BENEFITS OF REMOTE ACCESS TO GENTAX

6 STU: These are the areas of improvement we have already touched on The Alternative Remote Access Process 1. VPN Purchase and implement 2. Gateway Actual RSA SecurID object that provides individual users remote access to a private network Phase 2 Training Train employees on gateway use 3. IT Testing Performance and security

7 Matt: Now we will discuss the benefits that other states have attained from fully implementing a similar tax software upgrade West Virginia implemented a tax software upgrade The year after it implemented the software for $22M… Went from $82M in revenue to $126M $44M increase in state revenue against spending $22M 200% return New Mexico implemented similar tax system Consolidated online tax forms, has 13 of 26 tax forms online Significant decrease in phone calls to department and numerous positive feedback from offering easy online access Very good website Industry and Faculty Research We interviewed two industry experts at KPMG and E&Y, local CPAs, and two respected CU faculty Having remote access to a new system like GENTAX was deemed critical if not necessary through every interview All of the research concluded that best practices for system implementation through remote access is critical for any organization Both industry examples currently use VPNs for remote access

8 Brian: Specific recommendations for Super Users and Training – further detailed in our deliverable Today we’ve emphasize the importance of remote access and maximizing the capacity and ROI associated with the purchase of GENTAX Analogy Imagine that a VPN is like using the drive through teller at a bank. Instead of going to the teller in person, you can send your money and information directly through a tunnel. However, if someone were to break into that tunnel and recover your information, it would be protected through encryption STU: Reduce Risks Data Integrity Through remote access, risks are reduced through controls, VPN, and technology General and Specific risks General and access controls risk Access to inventory, information, audit documentation, tax forms Maximizing ROI Will not be able to use GENTAX at client sites without remote access Improve Services Quicker turnover between audits Thus improving client relationships More self sufficient, not client - reliant

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