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ENOC 18th Annual Conference

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Presentation on theme: "ENOC 18th Annual Conference"— Presentation transcript:

1 ENOC 18th Annual Conference
Rights of the child and child poverty Lara Blake European Commission DG JUST Unit C1 Fundamental rights and rights of the child October 2014, Edinburgh

2 EU Agenda for the rights of the child
11 actions completed New EU Agenda 2015, subject to new Commission approval Evidence-based policy making (data collection) Missing children study Study on children's involvement in criminal, civil and administrative justice proceedings Directive: children suspected/accused in criminal proceedings, adoption in 2015? Study: UNCRC Article 12 in EU28: evaluate legislation, policy and practice on child participation

3 Child poverty 2013 Commission Recommendation "Investing in children: breaking the cycle of disadvantage" Country-specific Recommendations EPIC website: evidence-based best practices Study: conditional cash transfers Europe European Social and Investment Funds Target: lift 20 million people out of poverty 20% of European Social Fund for social inclusion, integration of young people into labour market, etc. European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion Interservice Group Annual Convention, November, Brussels Work on integrated child protection systems

4 Childcare service development: the Barcelona targets
2002 European Council in Barcelona Provide childcare for 33% of children up to three years Provide childcare for 90% of children from three to compulsory school age All by 2010 European Pact for Gender Equality Renewed commitment Monitoring the Barcelona Targets Only six Member States achieved both targets in 2012 Europe 2020 10 Member States received a recommendation on improving the availability, affordability and quality of childcare services

5 Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC)
Policy guidance for funding: European Social Fund, European Regional Development Fund, Erasmus+ Evidence-based policy making Studies on staff competence, link between ECEC and early school leaving, quality in ECEC Thematic working group 25 Member States plus Norway and Turkey Proposal: principles of a quality framework in ECEC 5 areas: access, workforce, curriculum, governance and funding, evaluation and monitoring 2014: 10 Country-specific Recommendations

6 Funding on rights of the child and to prevent violence against children
Rights, Equality and Citizenship/Justice Programme Call for proposals Capacity building for professionals in child protection systems Capacity building for judicial professionals representing children in judicial proceedings Operating grants for formal networks on rights of the child and to prevent violence against children Pilot project (€700k) to fund projects that raise awareness of children of their rights in the context of civil, criminal and administrative judicial proceedings Daphne/violence against children Call to be launched October 2014: child-centred approaches, bullying in schools, residential care and detention, FGM

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