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Prof Dr Jorge Mineiro MD, PhD, FRCSEd

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1 Prof Dr Jorge Mineiro MD, PhD, FRCSEd
UEMS-ort / EBOT Spring Meeting Bergen - Norway An update on the EBOT exam Prof Dr Jorge Mineiro MD, PhD, FRCSEd Chairman of EBOT Examining Committee Bergen, 20th May 2017

2 EBOT Exam – an update ◙ introduction
● demand for the exam came in 1998 ■ dealing with the programs of training (1960) and upon realizing that the programs of training in the whole of Europe were very similar ■ but the outcome of training was very different across Europe and there were app 5 different types of assessment at the end of training ■ all members at the UEMS-ort GA 1999 decided to develop this project to assess the result of training in Europe ■ the need for a common curriculum – Minimal Requirements for Orthopaedics Training – was approved in October 2002 in Bergen j.mineiro 17

3 EBOT Exam – an update ◙ are we double checking ?
● let’s look at our data from the EBOT PAST DATA Exam Year Venue Nº Candidates Pass Fail %     Rhodes - Greece % Stockholm - Sweden % Amsterdam – Netherlands % Berlin - Germany % Madrid - Spain % Torino – Italy % Vienna - Austria % Geneva – Switzerland % Brussels – Belgium % **Lisbon – Portugal % **Paris – France % **Dublin – Ireland ,3% **Barcelona - Spain % ** Vienna – Austria % **Rotterdam - Holland % **In 2010 the rules changed and the written paper was set separately + trainees

4 EBOT Exam – an update ◙ are we double checking ?
● let’s look at our data from the EBOT PAST DATA Exam Year Venue Nº Candidates Pass Fail %     Lisbon - Portugal (english) % *Madrid – Spain (spanish) % Passing rate at the written paper was 55% *in close cooperation with SECOT - Spainish Orthopaedic Society *First EBOT Exam in another language – FEBOT-Spain

5 EBOT Exam – an update ◙ are we double checking
● let’s look at our data from the EBOT - from 2010 the EBOT exam was closed to the rest of the world and this is the data Exam Year Venue Nº Candidates Pass Fail %     Lisbon - Portugal (35) % written part I % (72,5%) Oral part II EU 12/14 (86%) Non EU 13/21 (62%) j.mineiro 17

6 EBOT Exam – an update ◙ we are increasing in number of candidates
● since 2010 we have been increasing 30 to 40% / Year 245 candidates spanish + we'll have 161 candidates from all over Europe who then would eventually sit the English oral part. However, not all will pass. Let's assume it'll be 100/110 who pass plus then the resits for the oral from last year, we'll end up with about candidates in Lisbon!!! Years since 2001

7 EBOT Exam – an update ◙ at present ● Final EBOT Exam
Happens regularly since 2001 in the first weekend in October It has 2 parts – Part I written(Spring) + Part II oral (October) Last year in Lisbon – Portugal (this year will be in Edinburgh) Explicar q o exame de outubro é o oral Different locations is Europe with easy low cost access Run in English – discussion in 5 different stations j.mineiro 16

8 EBOT Exam – an update ◙ over view
● progress over the years – written exam (part I) Meejorar la calidad Pero es interessante ver j.mineiro 17

9 EBOT Exam – an update ◙ at present ● Interim Exam
● Happens regularly since MCQ ● It is run always in the Spring (last year 12th of April 2016) all around Europe on the same day at the same time • 453 registered for Interim, 448 candidates (11th of April 2017) have taken their departments (last year there were 378) Translations will loose quality of the exam – impossibleto grade dthe difficulty of each MCQ in the different languages Run in English – decision taken not to do different translations ■ free of charge for the next 3 years (sponsored by the European Board of Orthopaedics and Traumatology from 2013) j.mineiro 17

10 EBOT Exam – an update ◙ over view ● progress over the years
Meejorar la calidad Pero es interessante ver j.mineiro 17

11 EBOT Exam – an update ◙ interim exam ● Registered Hospitals
j.mineiro 17

12 EBOT Exam – an update ◙ EBOT 2017 ● Final EBOT Exam
▲ addressing the two different issues optimizing results : A.Exam preparation B.Final assessment ● B.Final Assessment (EBOT Fellowship Examination) : - create different exams centres in October, same day but different languages – this autmn english + german* + spanish ● in order to keep the high standards of the exam we are enquiring with the EBOT pool of examiners, a second language they would be comfortable examining – building pool examiners different languages j.mineiro 16

13 EBOT Exam – an update ◙ EBOT 2017 ● Final EBOT Exam
For second time we have over 150 candidates for part II exam Part II oral ( 6 and 7th of October 2017) - 290 candidates registered for written exam Location – Edinburgh (?) + Madrid (Hotel Melia Castilla) Explicar q o exame de outubro é o oral Pool of 75 “Certified” EBOT Examiners for Exam in Edinburg. Pool 40 “Certified” EBOT Spanish Examiners for Exam Madrid *all costs of the Spanish EBOT Exam will be covered by SECOT j.mineiro 17

14 EBOT Exam – an update ◙ EBOT 2017 ● Interim & Final Exam
▲ EBOT Examination – how will it be structured : - Interim Exam – European wide, run all around Europe in the different hospitals / centres (more countries on board) – 11th April - Written Part I final – European wide, run all around Europe different centres in each country – English – 8th June Oral Part II final – European, run at one (or two) centre in Europe, in English and other languages by multinational faculty appointed by national societies – 6 & 7th October +Spanish 4 & 5th November j.mineiro 17

15 EBOT Exam – an update EEP-EFORT

16 ● if there is a loss, EBOT-UEMS shares the loss (up to 25K €)
EBOT Exam – an update ◙ what was agreed in Lyon 2016 – UEMS-orth Spring meeting ● support further development of this prestigious European project ● help to reach the end stage of EBOT National Exam ● European National Society involvement ● if there is a loss, EBOT-UEMS shares the loss (up to 25K €) ● continuous/annual feedback on the exam accounts ● reduce costs ● have an EFORT member as a member (EBOT Examiner) of the examining committee j.mineiro 17

17 EBOT Exam – an update ◙ organization of the EBOT Examining Committee
► Under guidance of the chairman of EBOT Examining Committee – President UEMS-ort + adviser Mr J.Albert (+ Chairman EFORT EduCom) ● from 2001 to EBOT Exam was run by its secretariat under Mrs Theresa Neves (EBOT Exam administrator) Meejorar la calidad Pero es interessante ver ▲ from 2011 EBOT Exam was run by central EFORT office under Mrs Nina Nurnberger (EBOT Exam administrator) j.mineiro 17

18 EBOT Exam – an update ◙ what about the future ? j.mineiro 17

19 EBOT Exam – an update ◙ how can we reduce costs j.mineiro 17
Professor Hervé Tomezeau j.mineiro 17

20 EBOT Exam – an update ◙ in the future
● budget approved by November – EFORT & EBOT ● separate account for the EBOT exam ● accounts presented annually to be approved by both org. ● Exam fees increased at regular intervals ● Costs and Budget will have to be presented at the EBOT–GA in the Spring Meeting ● limiting number of candidates per exam / exams in different languages (ideally as national board exam) j.mineiro 17

21 EBOT Exam – an update ◙ conclusion
● European Board Exams are gaining broader base of support Europe wide and throughout the rest of the world ● more and more standards of these exams are being accepted ● tendency within EU is for European qualifications to take relevance over the national ones ● Cooperation EFORT / UEMS / CESMA to reduce costs, optimize outcomes Sustainability ?? ● we do need to work together on finding EU “sponsoring” for development of final assessment at the end of speciality training as a gold standard qualification across the EU j.mineiro 17

22 EBOT Exam Team ◙ thank you so much to the EBOT Exam – an update
j.mineiro 17

23 EBOT Exam – an update ◙ thank you j.mineiro 17

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