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stages OF team development

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1 stages OF team development
Good Morning! Guten Morgen! Buenos Dias! Bonjour! Dobri Ranok! Chao buoi sang! Pardon me, but H.C.’s talk on inclusiveness and diversity has inspired me. This morning, we are going to explain the Stages of Team development. Why do we need to learn about Team Development? As leaders, whether in Scouting, church, or our occupations, we will all experience this dynamic, and it is important that we can recognize the stages, and realize that when all seems lost it may just be one of the stages your team is going through that is necessary for it to develop successfully. Almost all teams go through these stages when brought together and given a task, or a goal to complete. These stages are called Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing. We will show you these stages with some diagrams and pictures that depict each stage. Keep in mind there are 2 important variables present throughout the 4 stages- Enthusiasm, and Skills. So let’s take a look at these stages. Presented by Bob Efird Joe Walters

2 Overview Illustrate stages of Team Development
View video depicting the stages of team development A personal story illustrating stages of team development Patrol Task I will be giving you an illustration of team development with an overview of each stage, then we will view a video that showing each stage of development and I will share a personal story with you, telling of my recent experience with team development. We will finish with a patrol task.

3 A group of people brought together to accomplish a set task or GOAL!
TEAM A group of people brought together to accomplish a set task or GOAL!

4 First, we have the Forming stage
First, we have the Forming stage. This is where the group has first assembled, all is good. The team members are excited about their upcoming project together, they are getting to know one another, but little is actually getting accomplished. An example of this occurred yesterday morning when you arrived. You were formed together as a group, but you were not yet a team. As you meld together as a team, look at the diversity within your Patrol, and see that if you utilize it properly it will be beneficial to your overall success. At this stage you will typically see high enthusiasm, but low performance. Let’s look at a more familiar example of this step.

5 “Set up-Forming”-Remember the Titans is based on a true story that happen here in Virginia in The high school is being integrated for the first time. A new coach, Herman Boone, has been appointed to take over the football team, replacing a highly successful and popular coach who has been demoted to assistant coach. Boone is tough, opinionated, and as opposite of the old coach as he can be. The movie tells the story tells of how the coaches and the players overcame their differences and became a team. This clip depicts the “Forming” stage of team development. It begins just prior to the first meeting some of the players and their new coach. Watch the teams for indications of the “Forming” stage: eagerness, high and unrealistic expectations, anxiety about how players will fit in, what demands will be placed on them. Team members are unclear about expectations, rules, roles and goals. There is a high dependence on the leadership figures for purpose and direction, and the new coach provides it quickly and clearly. At this stage, team morale is high and team productivity is low. RUN VIDEO STOP VIDEO

6 Have we gone through any Storming yet? How about last night?
In this stage the team members have a common goal, but differing ideas on how to proceed. There is usually some friction, maybe some arguments, and it doesn’t really look like much is getting done. However, this is an important step for a team to go through, and it will lead to future success once the team resolves their differences and focuses on the goal. It is also important to keep in mind that different teams will progress through this stage at different speeds. In this stage you will see Lower enthusiasm, and lower performance. Here is a more familiar example of this stage.

7 “Set up-Storming”-This clip illustrates the “Storming” stage
“Set up-Storming”-This clip illustrates the “Storming” stage. The scene features two players, both speaking on behalf of others. Clear factions have formed within the team, and morale is low. Look for signs of the “Storming” stage: difficulty working together, frustration, negativity, communication breakdowns, and dissatisfaction with leadership-in this instance with the team captain, not the coach RUN VIDEO STOP VIDEO

8 For the most part, differences have been resolved, and the team is now focused on the goal, and putting all their energies into successfully achieving it. As you can see Enthusiasm and Skills are increasing. Maybe Norming looks something like this-

9 “Set up-Norming”-This clip illustrates the “Norming” stage
“Set up-Norming”-This clip illustrates the “Norming” stage. Attitudes and morale are improving. There is a willingness to share responsibility and control. Things to watch for in this clip, all of which indicate norming stage, are: euphoric, positive feelings; team members valuing the differences among themselves; team members start thinking “we” rather than “I”. Clearly the climate has changed. There is increased commitment to purpose, roles, goals and working together. The team has not necessarily transformed itself into a high-performing team yet, but it is coming around. By the way, this is a rather humorous clip. RUN VIDEO STOP VIDEO

10 Performing! Now we are at the Performing stage and life…is…good! Enthusiasm is high and the combined efforts of the team are yielding good results and success is in sight. Would you like to see what a high performing team looks like?

11 “Set up-Performing”-The last clip depicts the “Performing” stage
“Set up-Performing”-The last clip depicts the “Performing” stage. At this stage both productivity and morale are high. There is a sense of pride and excitement in being part of a high-performing team. The primary focus is on performance. Purpose and goals are clear. There is commitment to continuous improvement. Watch for pride and confidence. Communication is open and leadership is shared. The scene takes place at halftime of the biggest game of the season-and the Titans are losing the game. RUN VIDEO STOP VIDEO

12 Stages of Team Development
Skill Level Enthusiasm ■ The stages enable us to anticipate what a team is likely to go through. This will prevent team members from being surprised or depressed by various events such as disagreements during the “Storming” stage. ■ The stages enable us to use appropriate strategies to smooth the progress of a team as it evolves. For example, we can suggest a procedure for establishing ground rules for a team in the “Norming” stage. ■ Different teams may proceed through different stages at different speeds, a process that can be affected by the fact that team members may also have varying rates of progress. Members of a team should avoid making selffulfilling prophecies about how long each stage will last. ■ A team may sometimes regress to an earlier stage. For example, team members may return to a previous stage if they discover that the team’s vision or membership has changed, such as when a significant number of new boys are added to a patrol. ■ It is possible for a team to be in different stages with respect to different aspects of its vision. For example, it may still be in the “Storming” stage with respect to implementing its final plan, even while it is in the “Performing” stage with respect to efficiently generating ideas for the plan.

13 Personal Story Virginia State Police

14 Story Creation Task Each patrol will create a story illustrating the stages of team development The story may be based upon; A patrol members experience A historical event A popular TV show Each patrol will select a spokes person Each patrol will create a story to illustrate the stages of team development. The story may be based on a patrol member’s experiencer, or a historical event, or some popular TV show. The story should clearly illustrate the different stages. The patrols have 11 minutes to create the story.

15 SUMMARY Teams are brought together to accomplish set tasks or GOALS.
Leaders must understand and recognize the different stages of team development Leaders must use appropriate strategies and set expectations to move team through different stages. Team members move at different speeds and may regress Performance, trust, enthusiasm, skill and morale are a key part of each stage. We, not I!


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