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Unit 6 Learning.

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1 Unit 6 Learning

2 Module 30: Learning by Observation
Do First: Complete the Do First “True or False?” section. Done early? Begin housekeeping your binder – straighten out your units and begin your Unit 6 section.

3 Schedule of Unit 6 Day 1: How We Learn and Classical Conditioning
Day 2: Operant Conditioning + Classical Conditioning Practice Day 3: Comparing Classical and Operant Conditioning Day 4: Biology, Cognition, and Learning Day 5: Learning by Observation Day 6: Writing Bibliographies + Unit Review Day 7: Unit 6 Test

4 Module 30 Objective: Learning by Observation
SWBAT describe the essential characteristics of social/observational learning, paying attention to the Bobo doll experiments, methods of imitation, and predicting the pro-social and anti- social applications of learning

5 Mirrors and Imitation in the Brain
Observational Learning Learning by observing others (aka social learning) Modeling Process for following and imitating a behavior Albert Bandura and the Bobo Doll Experiment Important because it showed how learning can occur w/o rewards and punishments Social-cognitive learning – many ways to learn

6 Mirrors and Imitation in the Brain

7 Mirrors and Imitation in the Brain
Mirror neurons neurons in the brain that “light up” and mirror the pain or empathy or other feelings we observe in lighting Monkeys watching another monkey figure out a four-code puzzle pattern to gain a banana Monkeys watching would then follow that order, even when shown the same pictures in a different configuration

8 Applications of Observational Learning
Prosocial behavior Prosocial (helpful, positive) models help us gain these skills Your teachers and highly effective coworkers or mentors show you ways in which to interact effectively, teaching you the same skills Antisocial behavior Antisocial models (non-social, violent or harmful) help us gain anti-social behaviors Psychologists have long noticed that monkey infants subjected to high levels of aggression become aggressive themselves “Do as I say, not as I do” – parental hypocrisy Basically, kids learn both the ACTION the parent does (not the ‘be better than me’ lesson) and how to be hypocritical to others

9 Test Yourself Jason’s parents and older friends all smoke, but they advise him not to. Juan’s parents and friends don’t smoke, but they say nothing to deter him from doing so. Will Jason or Juan be more likely to start smoking? A young boy is left at home wit his older brother while their parents drop off the family car for repairs. While the parents are out, the older brother prepares lunch for the young boy. Then the older brother entertains him by building several fires with small twigs. Explain how the older brother’s conduct is: Prosocial modeling and antisocial modeling Explain how Bandura’s Bobo doll experiment illustrates each of the following: modeling, mirror neurons.

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