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Spanish-American War Trouble first begins in Cuba – which is controlled by Spain. Cuban revolt begins in 1895 – led by Jose Marti. Guerrilla tactics… Turns.

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Presentation on theme: "Spanish-American War Trouble first begins in Cuba – which is controlled by Spain. Cuban revolt begins in 1895 – led by Jose Marti. Guerrilla tactics… Turns."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spanish-American War Trouble first begins in Cuba – which is controlled by Spain. Cuban revolt begins in 1895 – led by Jose Marti. Guerrilla tactics… Turns nasty! Rebels burn fields and buildings. Spanish force Cubans into camps and towns to separate them from the rebels. “Concentration Camps”…

2 Yellow Journalism William Randolph Hearst – The Journal.
Joseph Pulitzer – The World. Two of the largest and most influential newspapers in the U.S. Competed with each other… How do newspapers make money?

3 The newspapers call the Spanish camps “death camps” and give graphic detail of Spanish actions.
Inhuman Torture Spanish Cannibalism Amazon Warriors Fight For Rebels A rather minor revolt becomes BIG news.


5 In January of 1898 – rioting breaks out in the Cuban capital – Havana.
President McKinley sends the Battleship U.S.S. Maine to protect American lives and interests.


7 For nearly three weeks – all remains quiet in Havana.
On the night of February 15 the Maine suddenly explodes and sinks. More than 260 American sailors are killed.

8 The Fallout Papers in the U.S. blame the Spanish for the explosion – “Remember the Maine!”. McKinley demands a Spanish truce with the Cubans. April 19, 1898 Congress recognizes Cuban independence – demands withdrawal of Spanish forces. Also authorize the use of force.


10 On April 25, 1898 – Congress declares war on Spain.


12 Peace On August 12 the Spanish sign an armistice, ending the fighting.
The Treaty of Paris officially ends the war –December 10, 1898.

13 What we get… Puerto Rico, and Guam become territories of the United States. The United States pays $20 million to Spain for the rights to the Philippines.

14 Cuba U.S. would like Cuba, but doesn’t want their debt.
Cuba becomes an American protectorate. 1901, Cuba is given their ‘full’ independence. Platt Amendment = the United States maintains some control. Guantanamo Bay.

15 Philippines The Philippines handout and homework.

16 During the fighting, nearly 4,000 Americans die.
Beginning in February of 1899, Emilio Aguinaldo leads his forces in a battle against American control. In March, 1901 Aguinaldo is captured by American forces – the rebellion ends. During the fighting, nearly 4,000 Americans die. As many as 250,000 Filipinos died… Following the rebellion in 1901, the U.S. begins preparing the islands for self rule. They get it…. … in 1946! Discussion: Compare and contrast the Spanish-American War with the war in the Philippines.




20 Guerrilla Tactics It is both a military and political approach.
Make them bleed… Make them pay ($)… Break their hearts… Wear them down. Specifically, how can that be accomplished? Think Iraq or Afghanistan

21 Journalism Discussion
1) List the sources of news and information today. 2) Which of these do you think is the most common source for most people? 3) Which do you use? Which source do you think your parents used when they were your age? Which source do you think your grandparents used when they were your age?

22 Advertising Discussion
What are the goals of advertising? List the forms of advertising available to businesses today. Imagine that you have invented a new product and you are ready to begin to sell it… Which of these do you think is best? Tell me why…

23 The New York Journal “I noticed that…”
Give me three. Give me AT LEAST one good question. More would be sweet… 

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