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Low Energy Printing Project P09505

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Presentation on theme: "Low Energy Printing Project P09505"— Presentation transcript:

1 Low Energy Printing Project P09505
Mid-Project Review Senior Design I Josh 1 September 22, 2018 Senior Design I – Mid Project Review

2 Senior Design I – Mid Project Review
Agenda Introduction Project Background Customer Requirements Project Deliverables Concept Selection Current Design Concept Bill of Materials Feasibility Checklist Key Risks From Design Reviews MSD 2 Project Plan Josh September 22, 2018 Senior Design I – Mid Project Review 2

3 Project Team, Faculty, & Customer
Project Lead: Joshua Jones (ME – Year 5) Team Members: Whitney Domigan (ME – Year 4) Jenna Kilroy (ISE - Year 5) Andrzej Lubaszka (EE – Year 5) Faculty: Guide: Bill Nowak (ME, Xerox Employee) Consultant: Marcos Esterman (ISE) Customer: Xerox Corp – Marking Elements & Integration Lab John Knapp Josh September 22, 2018 Senior Design I – Mid Project Review 3

4 Senior Design I – Mid Project Review
Project Background Xerographic digital printers are very energy intensive, specifically the fusing sub-system. This is largely due to the fact that during the fusing process toner is heated to well above its melting point, to enable heat flow, and allow the toner to adhere to the paper. Senior Design Project as Stated on Edge: “Re-consider the design of an extremely low power, non-thermal fusing system” Jenna September 22, 2018 Senior Design I – Mid Project Review 4

5 Senior Design I – Mid Project Review
Project Scope The purpose of this project is develop a fusing sub-system that uses pressure instead of thermal energy to fuse toner to paper. The new design should fit into the current Xerox Workcentre 245/55 Pro printer, however if due to design constraints the new design in unable to be fit internally it my be externally attached to the Xerox Workcentre 245/55 Pro printer. Jenna September 22, 2018 Senior Design I – Mid Project Review 5

6 How a Fusing Sub-System Works
Traditional Toner Fusion: Temperature + Pressure Heat = Fused, Adhered Toner Heat Discrete, loose toner Fused, adhered toner Nip Andrzej Pressure Image by: David Thompson, Xerox Corp. Information by: David Thompson, Xerox Corp. and Dinesh Tyagi, Eastman Kodak Company September 22, 2018 Senior Design I – Mid Project Review 6

7 Customer Requirements
Most Important Customer Requirements: Paper is not damaged Uniform pressure along nip Fit into current Xerox Workcentre 245/55 Pro Use pressure only to fuse toner to paper Jenna September 22, 2018 Senior Design I – Mid Project Review 7

8 Senior Design 2 Deliverables
Physical Hardware: Working cold pressure fusing system One working prototype with multiple configurations Parametric Analysis: Effect of different roller skews on: Uniformity of pressure across the nip Damage to paper Various loads and their effect on: Analytically test the max load design can handle Effects of paper thickness Analytically examine the effects of roller lengths Verification of theory that additional rollers will generate a more uniform pressure across the nip September 22, 2018 Senior Design I – Mid Project Review

9 Concept Selection Process
PUGH 3 - Week 6 How to Mechanically Apply Load PUGH 1 - Week 3 Preliminary Design PUGH 2 - Week 4 Loading Styles Jenna Concept Selection PUGH 1 Concept Selection PUGH 2 Concept Selection PUGH 3 September 22, 2018 Senior Design I – Mid Project Review 9

10 Current Design Concept
12 inches Andrzej September 22, 2018 Senior Design I – Mid Project Review 10

11 Current Design Concept
Josh Current Fuser System’s Dimensions: Length: 18.5 inches Width: 4.5 inches Height: 6.5 inches Our Design’s Dimensions: Length: 13 inches Width: 3 inches Height: 4 inches September 22, 2018 Senior Design I – Mid Project Review

12 Current Design Concept Features
September 22, 2018 Senior Design I – Mid Project Review

13 Senior Design I – Mid Project Review
Budget Jenna BOM - Budget September 22, 2018 Senior Design I – Mid Project Review

14 Key Risks: Identified During Design Reviews
Andrzej Risk Tracking September 22, 2018 Senior Design I – Mid Project Review

15 Senior Design I – Mid Project Review
MSD2 Project Plan September 22, 2018 Senior Design I – Mid Project Review

16 Senior Design I – Mid Project Review
Questions September 22, 2018 Senior Design I – Mid Project Review

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