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Chapter 2 Applied geometry.

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1 Chapter 2 Applied geometry

2 Applied Geometry Bisecting Parallel line Inclined line Tangent arc
Perpendicular line Tangent line Contents

3 Bisecting a line and an angle
Applied Geometry Contents

4 To bisect a given line Explanations Given
1. Swing two arcs having a radius greater than half-length of the line with the centers at the ends of the line. A B r1 r1 2. Join the intersection points of the arcs with a line. 3. Locate the midpoint. play Applied Geometry

5 To bisect a given angle Explanations Given A
r1 1. Swing an arc of any radius whose centers at the vertex. r2 2. Swing the arcs of any radius from the intersection points between the previous arc and the lines. r2 3. Draw the line. play Applied Geometry

6 Drawing a parallel line
Applied Geometry Contents

7 Line parallel to a given line
through a given point Given Explanations + C 1. Line an edge of a triangle up to a given line. 2. Support the triangle with another one. 3. Slide the first triangle until its edge passes through the given point. 4. Draw a line. play Applied Geometry

8 Line parallel to a given line
at a given distance Given Explanations 1. Choose a convenient point on a given line. r r 2. Use that point as center of an arc with a radius equal to a given distance. 3. Draw a line parallel to a given line and tangent to the arc. play Applied Geometry

9 Drawing a perpendicular line
Applied Geometry Contents

10 Line perpendicular to a point in a line
Revolve method Explanations Given 1. Line an opposite edge of a 45o triangle up to a given line. 2. Support the triangle with another one. + C 3. Flip the first triangle and slide until its edge passes through the given point. 4. Draw a line. play Applied Geometry

11 Line perpendicular to a point in a line
Adjacent-sides method Explanations Given 1. Line an adjacent edge of a 45o triangle up to a given line. 2. Support the triangle with another one. + C 3. Slide the first triangle until another adjacent edge passes through the given point. 4. Draw a line. play Applied Geometry

12 Line perpendicular to a point in a line
Compass method Explanations r2 > r1 Given 1. Use a given point as center, draw the arc with any radius. r2 D r2 2. Bisect the distance between the intersection points between an arc and a given line. r1 A 3. Draw a line. + C B play Applied Geometry

13 Line perpendicular to a given line through a point outside the line
Adjacent-sides method Explanations Given 1. Line an adjacent edge of a 45o triangle up to a given line. + C 2. Support the triangle with another one. 3. Slide the first triangle until another adjacent edge passes through the given point. 4. Draw a line. play Applied Geometry

14 Line perpendicular to a given line through a point outside the line
Compass method Explanations Given + C 1. Use a given point as a center, draw the arc with any radius that intersect the given line. r2 r1 D r2 2. Bisect the distance between the intersection points between an arc and a given line. A 3. Draw a line. B play Applied Geometry

15 Practice by Yourself Draw a line perpendicular to a given line and pass through a point lies outside using revolved method. Applied Geometry

16 Drawing an inclined line
Applied Geometry Contents

17 Line making 15o with a given line
through a given point Given Given C C + + play play Applied Geometry

18 Line making 30o with a given line
through a given point Given Given C C + + play play Applied Geometry

19 Line making 75o with a given line
through a given point Given Given C + C + play play Applied Geometry

20 Drawing a Tangent line to an arc (or a circle)
Applied Geometry Contents

21 Tangent line to a given arc (or circle)
Case 1 : A given point lies on an arc Given Explanations 1. Line an adjacent edge of a 45o triangle up to the center of an arc and a given given. C 2. Support the triangle with another one. 3. Slide the first triangle until another adjacent edge passes through the given point. 4. Draw a line. play Applied Geometry

22 Tangent line to a given arc (or circle)
Case 2 : A given point lies outside an arc 1st method 2nd method Given Given C C play play Applied Geometry

23 Drawing a tangent curve to the given lines
Applied Geometry Contents

24 Key Concept To draw a tangent arc (of a specified radius, R),
it is necessary to locate 1. its center, C. It places outside a line for a distance equal to a radius of an arc. R R 2. the start and end points (or tangent points) of the arc. R It lies on a given line in the way that the line passing through this point and the center of an arc be perpendicular to a given line.

25 Tangent arc to the given lines
1. Locate the center of an arc R R play Continue Applied Geometry

26 Tangent arc to the given lines
2. Locate the tangent points TP.1 TP.2 Replay Applied Geometry

27 Drawing a tangent curve to the given curves
Applied Geometry Contents

28 Key Concept Tangent point lies on the line passes through the centers of each arc (or circle). R3 R2 R1

29 Tangent arc to a given arcs (or circles)
To draw a tangent arc (of a specified radius, R), it is necessary to locate 1. its center, C. 2. the start and end points (or tangent points) of the arc. Case 1 : External Case 2 : Internal C R R R2 R2 R1 R1 C1 C2 C2 C1 R-R1 R-R2 C

30 External tangent arc + + Given R + R2 R + R1 C R2 R R1 C2 C1 play
Applied Geometry

31 Internal tangent arc (Type 1)
Given R R2 R1 + + C2 C1 C R – R2 R – R1 play Applied Geometry

32 Internal tangent arc (Type 2)
Given R2 R1 C2 C1 + + R R – R1 C play R + R2 Applied Geometry

33 Problem solving steps 1. Calculate the required space.
2. Layout the drawing steps. 3. Match the construction techniques to each drawing step. 4. Start drawing. Always use a construction line if the information to draw a line or a curve is incomplete.

34 Example Drawing steps VDO

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