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6 Kingdoms of Life SOL BIO: 5 a-f.

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1 6 Kingdoms of Life SOL BIO: 5 a-f

2 The grouping of organisms into KINGDOMS is based on 3 factors:
1. Cell Type (prokyotic or eukaryotic) 2. Cell Number (unicellular or multicellular) 3. Feeding Type (autotroph or heterotroph)

3 Prokaryotes or Eukaryotes
1. Cell Type- The presence or absence of cellular structures such as the nucleus, mitochondria, or a cell wall Prokaryotes or Eukaryotes DNA strands float free in the cytoplasm DNA is contained in the nucleus

4 2nd criteria for Kingdom Divisions: Cell Number
Multicellular many celled organism – cells start to specialize/differentiate. Required for complex life. Unicellular single celled organism – protozoans, bacteria, some algae

5 3rd Criteria for Kingdom Divisions
Feeding Type - How the organisms get their food Heterotroph or Consumer Must eat other organisms to survive Includes decomposers – those that eat dead matter! Autotroph or Producer Make their own food

6 There used to be only 5 kingdoms Moneran Protista Fungi Plantae
Animalia This kingdom has now been divided into 2 – archaebacteria & eubacteria

7 6 Kingdoms Prokaryotes Eukaryotes Archaebacteria Eubacteria Protista
Fungi Plantae Animalia Prokaryotes Eukaryotes

8 Archaebacteria Ancient bacteria-
Live in very harsh environments (volcanic vents, polar ice) extremophiles

9 Eubacteria It is the eubacteria that most people are talking about when they say bacteria, because they live in more neutral conditions.

10 All Bacteria Bacteria are unicellular prokaryotes

11 Bacterial Locomotion Some bacteria have flagella or cilia for movement
Some secrete a slime layer and ooze over surfaces like slugs

12 Bacterial Nutrition Some bacteria are autotrophs and can photosynthesize like plants Some bacteria are heterotrophs All Archaebacteria are autotrophs because there is not much nutrition where they live.

13 Bacteria Reproduction
Bacteria undergo a type of asexual reproduction called binary fission. Some bacteria reproduce every 15 minutes!

14 Protists Protists include many widely ranging microbes, including slime molds, protozoa and primitive algae. Odds & Ends Kingdom -everything that doesn’t fit into one of the other kingdoms

15 Protists Locomotion types of movement: Pseudopod (false foot)
Flagella/cilia Contractile vacuoles

16 Protists Nutrition Protists can be autotrophs or heterotrophs

17 Protista Kingdom Asexual Reproduction through a variety of methods.
Must live in a water-based environment. Protists are generally unicellular but are more complex than bacteria because they have a nucleus.

18 Protists can be beneficial but many cause Disease
Giardiasis (beaver fever)  Giardia African Sleeping Sickness  Trypanosoma Malaria Plasmodium

19 Fungi Kingdom The Kingdom Fungi includes some of the most important organisms. By breaking down dead organic material, they continue the cycle of nutrients through ecosystems.

20 Fungi All fungi are eukaryotic
They may be unicellular or multicellular All fungi have a cell wall Unicellular (yeast) Multicellular

21 Fungi Fungi also causes a number of plant and animal diseases:
Athlete's Foot

22 Fungi Locomotion Fungi are stationary
They have root-like structures that they use for attachment

23 Fungi Nutrition All fungi are heterotrophs
- Saprophytes-get their nutrients from dead organic matter - Mutualists – live symbiotically - Parasites – absorb from a host, eventually killing the host

24 Fungi Although fungi look like plants, they do not have any chlorphyll. Because they get their nutrition from whatever organism they are growing on, fungi do not have to be exposed to the sun and Therefore often grow in dark or shaded environments

25 Most Fungi reproduce asexually
Fungi Reproduction Most Fungi reproduce asexually By releasing spores that float in the air Or are carried by animals out into the environment

26 Pharmaceutically important!
Fungi on oranges from which penicillin is extracted COMMERCIALLY important! Fungi accounts for the blue vein in blue cheese! Used to make soy sauce. Yum!

27 Plant Kingdom All plants are multicellular, their cells having a cell wall, and… they are autotrophs

28 Nonvascular Plants - Mosses
do not produce seeds or flowers -fertilization depends on water medium to get the sperm to the egg. Vascular Plants Produce Seeds – plants must be pollinated to bring the male and female sex cells to each other.

29 Animalia Kingdom All animals are:
Multicellular: cells lacking a cell wall -Heterotrophs Capable of movement at some point in their lives.

30 Criteria for Animal Classification Skeletal Characteristics
Invertebrates have a hard external skeleton made of chitin known as an exoskeleton Vertebrates have a hard internal skeleton made of bone or cartilage

31 Kingdom Phylum Major phylums of animals are… Subphylum Class Order
Family Genus species

32 Porifera: sponges

33 Cnidarians: Jellyfish, corals, and other stingers
Cnidarians: Jellyfish, corals, and other stingers. . . Their stinger is called a nematocyst

34 Nematocyst

35 Mollusks Octopi, squid

36 Mollusks Clams, oysters

37 Mollusks Snails, slugs

38 Platyhelminthes (flat worms)
Tapeworms & Liver Fluke & Planaria Human liver fluke

39 Annelids (segmented worms)
Worms & leeches

40 Echinoderms Starfish, sea urchins, sea cucumbers

41 Arthropods Shell fish, arachnids & BUGS!

42 Phylum: Chordates

43 Viruses Viruses do not share many of the characteristics of living organisms. HIV Virus

44 Viruses Viruses are not alive! They store DNA but cannot make energy, move on their own, or reproduce.

45 Viruses The viral reproductive process includes the following steps:
A virus must insert its genetic material into the host cell. The viral genetic material takes control of the host cell and uses it to produce viruses. The newly formed viruses are released from the host cell.

46 Virus Vectors Viruses are transmitted through vectors, such as:
Airborne Influenza

47 Virus Vectors Contaminated food or water Hepatitis

48 Virus Vectors Infected animal bite West Nile Rabies
Avian influenza (bird flu) Ebola

49 Virus Vectors Sexual contact HIV Herpes

50 Virus Vectors Contaminated blood products or needles HIV Hepatitis

51 Virus Treatment Viruses cannot be treated with antibiotics.
There are some anti-viral drugs available. You generally have to wait for the virus to run its course and let your immune system fight it off.

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