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Presentation on theme: "Announcements/Reminders"— Presentation transcript:

1 Announcements/Reminders
Mrs. Fetters  Announcements/Reminders *Scholastic book orders are due on September 11th so students can receive books by the end of the month! **September 8-Dominos Dough Raising Night (the class with the most orders that night wins a pizza party!) *September 11th- Grandparents Day 11 EVERY STUDENT NEEDS TO BRING A SACK LUNCH!  Invitations were sent home in your child’s folder. *Chickasaw Book Fair- Sept 14-18 *Penny War ends September 16th Sept. 8-11 Word Study -l blends (bl, cl, fl, etc.) flag plop black slug clip flush glass play Fry Words: 9. very our 10. after just 11. things Dictation Sentences: 1. Fay will give the pen back to Tom. 2. I know most of my words. Homework Packet *Due Friday* Spelling activity (1 a night for three nights=3 completed activities), reading passage with questions, base ten and place value practice, vocabulary practice sheet for four of new words. Don’t forget to study vocabulary and read each night!  Upcoming Assessments Spelling assessment (Friday), math assessment on place value (Friday). Informal assessment on text features, Cold Read 2 assessment This week’s “I Can” statements are listed on the back of this sheet, and the vocabulary words and definitions can also be found in your child’s daily folder.

2 “I Can” Statements Reading- *These standards are for our six week unit. Thefore, we will focus on some more than others each week, however we will hit all of them this unit . RL 2.1- I can ask and answer questions such as who, what, when, where and why and how to show understandings of details in the text. RI 2.1- I can ask and answer questions such as who, what, when, where, when, and why and how to show understanding of details in the text. RI 2.5- I can use various text features to locate key facts or information in a text (This week we will focus on photographs and labels). RI 2.2 I can identify the main topic of a multiparagraph text and specific paragraphs in the text. RI 2.7- I can explain how specific images clarify a text. Math 2. NBT. 1a-b I can understand that the three digits of a 3 digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones. **Example- 236 is 2 hundreds,2 tens, 6 ones 2. NBT. 2- I can count within 1,000; count by 5s, 10s, and 100s.

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