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Lesson 16 Negotiation and Diplomacy

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1 Lesson 16 Negotiation and Diplomacy
Diplomats are officials who represent a government in its relations with other governments. Their jobs require great diplomacy, or "tact and skill in dealing with people" – something that can benefit most everyone. Learning how to negotiate and be diplomatic s the key to success in many aspects of life. Th words in this lesson will help you understand and discuss matters of negotiation and diplomacy.

2 1. Arbitration Part of Speech Definition Noun
He process in which parties involved in a dispute allow an impartial party to settle their differences

3 2. Attaché Part of Speech Definition Noun
A person assigned to serve in a specific capacity on a diplomatic mission

4 3. Consul Part of Speech Definition Noun
A diplomatic who represents his or her own government's economic interest in a foreign country and assists fellow citizens living or traveling there.

5 4. Covenant Part of Speech Definition Noun
A binding agreement; a legal contract

6 5. Discretion Part of Speech Definition Noun
The quality of using good judgment and self-restraint; the quality of acting wisely based on awareness of the potential consequences of one's actions The ability or power decide responsibly

7 6. Entente Part of Speech Definition Noun
An understanding or agreement between two or more political powers, providing for a common course of action or policy

8 7. Insular Part of Speech Definition Adjective
Suggestive of the isolated life on an island Having a narrow viewpoint

9 8. Machiavellian Part of Speech Definition Adjective
Cunning, deceitful, and underhanded in business or politics aiming to maintain power by whatever means necessary

10 9. Protocol Part of Speech Definition Noun A code of correct conduct

11 10. Status Quo Part of Speech Definition Noun
The existing condition or state of affairs

12 Negotiation and Diplomacy
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13 Negotiation and Diplomacy
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