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The 18th Century Industrial Revolution

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1 The 18th Century Industrial Revolution
The Advent of How the World Now Turns

2 What was the Industrial Revolution?
A monumental shift in the production of goods from hand-craftsmanship methods to machine manufacturing…

3 What changes did the Industrial Revolution bring to Europe?
New means of producing products Machine made v Artisan made, Guild control Cost reduction… Quantity v. Quality debate New work skills required Job creation, discipline & schedules changed New products to buy Want v. Need, not only the rich can have ‘stuff’ Consumerism created, materialism rising

4 Why Great Britain? London: population, hub of fashion & style
Established communication Social Structure more flexible & mobile Colonies = raw materials source & market Free Trade & established infrastructure Stable & supportive government Social mimicry Key Resources water, iron & coal

5 Cottage Industry

6 Cottage aka Putting Out System

7 How did the Textile Industry change?
Putting-out / Cottage / Domestic system… Key inventions: Spinning Jenny by James Hargreaves Water Frame by Richard Arkwright Leads to FACTORY PRODUCTION Power Loom by Edmund Cartwright Water is initial power source What limitations are there at this point?

8 What impact did the Steam Engine have on Industrialism?
Once James Watt perfects it… Flexible & mobile source of power Anywhere, anytime… just needs fuel Created new opportunities, spin-offs Engineering, manufacturing, service… Multiple applications Mining, transportation, factories… It is THE ENGINE of the Industrial Revolution

9 Which industries developed?
Textile Due to population growth = ↑ need Access to cotton Iron & Metal working Smelting Δ > Cast > Pig > Wrought iron Henry Cort: “puddling” w/ coke = ↑ heat Transportation Turnpike + Canal + Railroad development ↑↑ improvement & efficiency

10 Smelting works

11 The Great Exhibition of 1851
During the reign of Queen Victoria & Prince Albert Hosted by Crystal Palace, London Demonstrated GB’s industrial creativity & might to the world GB is #1 INDUSTRIAL NATION, $$$$ “Workshop, banker & trader of the world” “Sun never sets on the British Empire”

12 Crystal Palace, London

13 The Great Exhibition 1851

14 The Great Exhibition 1851

15 The Great Exhibition 1851

16 Writing Application: 1. Construct an intro paragraph with Contextualization & Thesis 2. Outline key points of Body ¶s What factors contributing to Great Britain leading the 1st Industrial Revolution of the 18th c.?

17 Spread of Industrialization
Continental development lagged b/c… Poor roads, tariffs, ↓ bold, guilds, local tradition Gov’t control stifled innovation, traditions GB suppressed info / access / product Low Countries, France, Germans 1st France, Belgium = textile Germans = heavy industry (the Ruhr)

18 Spread of industrialization: USA
Use of smuggled industrial plans: Slater Eli Whitney Interchangeable parts + cotton gin Steamboat & Railroad development Sectionalism: N = industry / S = cotton Labor Force Mix: Immigrant, young men / women, Slaves

19 Global Impact of Industrialization
Developed v Undeveloped areas Third World nations still exist today West v East Europe = Free v Feudal Asia / Africa: Europe dominated & ↑↑ $$ Colonial peoples ↓↓ jobs, freedom, status British East India Co. example: Forced Indian peoples into poverty, starvation as GB prospered

20 Compare the industrialization of Great Britain to Continental Europe
Writing Application: 1. Construct an intro paragraph with Contextualization & Thesis 2. Outline key points of Body ¶s Compare the industrialization of Great Britain to Continental Europe

21 What Social Changes Occurred?
Population Growth Ag Rev + Sci Rev = ↑ pop, exponential Irish Potato Famine 1840s GB controlled Ireland, did little to help Sole crop, “poor man’s food” Blight > Death Emigration: Irish > GB, America, Australia, S. America

22 How did women’s roles change?
Industrialism of farming & textiles… Male machine operation >> less women Shifted to other hand-work = ‘women’s work’ Gender-based separation of work >>> Devaluation of female contribution Shift in opportunities for females Removal from technology, left behind… Men expected to be main provider, higher pay

23 How was social class affected?
New Bourgeoisie = Industrial Middle Class Professionals,, Finance, Bureaucrats… “White Collar” + $$$ driven Entrepreneurs New Aristocracy: Individually owned & operated Individually generated wealth… risk takers… Social climbers… sought “gentry” status

24 How was social class affected?
Working Class: Skilled craftsmen & artisans, but dying out Ag Labor & domestic servants Factory Workers… growing over time… proletariat Technology driven, Job growth, Urban areas, Children

25 Writing Application Construct a thesis…intro paragraph and outline
What factors led to Great Britain being at the forefront of the 18th c. Industrial Revolution? and Explain the impact industrialism had on women and their role in society.

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