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Section B Foundations of Religion – Christianity
Chapter Nine The Death and Resurrection of Jesus
Conflict with Authority
When an individual or a group clashes with the people who hold power, make decisions and enforce obedience The authority figures in Jesus’ time were the Romans and the leaders of Judaism
Events of the Last Week of Jesus’ Life
Palm Sunday Turning over the money changers’ tables Betrayal by Judas The Last Supper Praying in the Garden Arrest Trial and interrogation Crucifixion
Passover Passover is a Jewish festival that commemorates the story of the Exodus, in which the ancient Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt Jesus and the disciples shared a last meal together during Passover This was probably a Seder meal Jesus followed the Jewish custom of thanking God
Memorial At the meal, Jesus broke the bread and gave it to the disciples, saying: ‘This is my body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me’ After the meal, Jesus blessed the wine and gave it to the disciples, saying: ‘This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood’ Eucharist is an action intended to commemorate this.
Eucharist Christian service, ceremony or sacrament commemorating the Last Supper Eucharist means ‘thanksgiving’ Bread and wine are consecrated (made sacred) and consumed Also known as Holy Communion, Mass, the Lord’s Supper
Sacrifice In ancient times, an act of slaughtering an animal or surrendering a possession as an offering to a God Sacrifice means giving up something valued for the sake of something else that is more important or more worthy In Christianity, ‘sacrifice’ can refer to Jesus’ offering of himself in the crucifixion
Martyrdom A martyr is someone who is killed for their beliefs
Martyrdom means the death or suffering of a martyr Jesus’ death was a part of his mission to bring people close to God, and to repair their broken relationship with God, and so he sacrificed himself for others
Resurrection Resurrection means restoring a dead person to life in a transformed way beyond the power of death In Christianity it refers to the belief that Jesus rose from the dead: ‘When a group of women followers went to anoint Jesus on the Sunday morning, they found the tomb empty and were told: “He has been raised, he is not here”’
Transformation Transformation means to undergo a marked change
Following the resurrection, the disciples went through a complete transformation For the early Christians the resurrection was a transforming event Modern Christians, remember and celebrate it Christians believe it has the power to transform people’s lives today
Presence Presence means the state or fact of existing, occurring, or being present; it can also refer to a person or thing that exists or is present in a place but is not seen Christians believe that Jesus was God incarnate or ‘God in the flesh’ The presence of God was fully realised in the life of Jesus but in the resurrection that presence is promised continually until the end of time
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