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JUDAISM Do you recognize any of the symbols?

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1 JUDAISM Do you recognize any of the symbols?
Dreidel—game played at Hanukah, symbols mean “Great miracle happened there,” referring to miracle of the oil when temple was rebuilt Torah scroll—holy book Star of David—symbol of Jews, associated with King David, a great king Wine glass—wine plays an important role in Jewish rituals 10 Commandments Tablets Menorah—Candles lit to celebrate miracle of Hanukah when the oil burned for 8 days when there was only enough for 1

2 ORIGINS Israel, ___________ years ago
One of the oldest _________ religions in the world

3 IMPORTANT PEOPLE Abraham: 1st Hebrew
Willingness to sacrifice ____ shows ultimate devotion Moses: most important ______________ Lead the Hebrews out of ______________ in Egypt to Promised Land God revealed the _________ to Moses at Mt. Sinai Abraham Story: God told Abraham that he must sacrifice his son Isaac as a sign of devotion to him. While Abraham didn’t want to kill his beloved son, he was willing to do it if that is what God wanted. At the last moment, God sent an angel to stop Abraham from killing Isaac and a lamb miraculously appeared to be sacrificed in his place. Moses Story: Moses, with God’s help, brought several plagues upon the Egyptians until the Pharaoh agreed to let the Jews leave. The Pharaoh's army chased them and Moses parted the Red Sea to help them escape. Once the Hebrews were safely across, the waters fell back into place, drowning the army. They wandered for 40 years in the desert before finding the promised land, during which time God revealed the Torah to Moses.

4 CORE BELIEFS Only one ________ (monotheism)
Jews are God's __________ people God's __________ is revealed in the Torah (Holy Book) Other instructions on life & faith recorded in _______________ Chosen people: God will bless & protect them if they remain faithful Talmud written by various Jewish rabbis and scholars The various types of Jews (Orthodox, Traditional, Reform) are distinguished by how closely they follow the teachings of the Torah & Talmud

5 TEN COMMANDMENTS Basis of _____________
Part of what God told __________ on Mt. Sinai There are actually 613 sub-commandments in the Torah

6 TEN COMMANDMENTS I am the Lord, your God, and you shall have _________________________ before me. Do not make or worship ________________. Do not take the name of the ______________ in vain. Remember the __________________ and keep it holy. ___________ your father and mother. Do not commit ___________. Do not commit _______________. Do not ___________________. Do not bear ___________________ against your neighbour. Do not _______________ your neighbour's wife or anything that belongs to your neighbour. DO NOT WRITE THESE DOWN 1: Essential belief—monotheism 3: Name of God is so holy to devout Jews that they never write it down completely, instead using G-d or something similar 4: Sabbath = holy day, day of rest What do you think of the 10 Commandments? How well would society function if everyone in it followed these simple rules? Is there anything you would add or change? Do they sound familiar? What other religions recognize the 10 Commandments? Both Christians and Muslims. Why? Because the 5 books of the Torah, which includes the 10 Commandments, are also part of the Bible and the Qur'an, the holy books of Christianity and Islam.

7 WORSHIP Worship at a _________________ where rabbi leads services
Holy day is Shabbat (day of rest from ________ on Friday until Saturday night) Pray _____ times a day 4th prayer on Shabbat & _____________ Photo: The woman of the house lights 2 candles & says a prayer to begin Shabbat. Another word sometimes used for Shabbat is Sabbath. Everything must be prepared in advance because work is forbidden once Shabbat begins. Families attend synagogue, share a special meal, study the Torah and enjoy leisure activities

8 WORSHIP Kippah worn on the head when praying, ________________ & studying religious texts Prayer ____________ worn by men & some women while praying Photo: Boy is wearing kippah and prayer shawl (called a tallit by Jews), probably celebrating his Bar Mitzvah; also interesting to note: he is using a pointer so he doesn’t touch the Torah scroll directly because it is the word of God and sacred Another word for kippah is yarmulke

9 IMPORTANT HOLIDAYS Holy days mark major events in Jewish history:
Passover: features Seder, a ______________ where the story of Exodus is retold Rosh Hashanah: Jewish ______________, begins 10 day period of atonement for sins Yom Kippur: day of atonement spent fasting & praying for __________________________ Hanukkah: 8 day celebration to mark re-dedication of temple & Miracle of the ______________ Passover: Exodus is the story of the Jews escape from slavery in Egypt, the final plague that God brought was the death of every first born son in Egypt, but God “passed over” the Jewish households Yom Kippur: most holy day for Jews, atonement means making amends, seeking forgiveness for sins; if someone asks you to forgive them on Yom Kippur you have to do it Hanukkah: temple was destroyed and Hanukkah celebrates when it was rebuilt, only had enough oil to light the eternal flame for one day, but the miracle is that it burned for 8 days, not as significant a holiday to Jews as it may seem—gets more attention because it is celebrated close to Christmas There are many other Jewish holidays, including: Shavuot: celebrates the day the Torah was revealed to Moses Sukkot: observed to remember the 40 years of wandering in the desert; also marks the beginning of the next Torah reading cycle

10 DIETARY RESTRICTIONS May eat kosher (follow special __________ laws from Torah) Meat & dairy can’t be __________ or prepared/served with the same dish or utensils Can’t eat certain ___________ (e.g. pork) In very observant households there are separate fridges for meat and dairy Can eat meat from animals with split hooves that chew cud (e.g. beef is okay, but no pork) Most fish is allowed, but only if it has scales and fins, so many types of seafood are forbidden e.g. eels, shrimp Can eat some birds like chicken Most reptiles, insects and amphibians are forbidden

11 IMPORTANT LIFE EVENTS Brit Milah: 8-day-old males circumcised & given ___________ name Bar Mitzvah/Bat Mitzvah: 13-year- olds celebrate ____________________________ Marriage Death: week-long period of __________________ called Shiva There is no equivalent of Brit Milah for girls In some Jewish communities boys celebrate Bar Mitzvah at 12. The Bar/Bat Mitzvah is celebrated by reading the Torah & saying special prayers during service. It is also common to have a big party similar to a Sweet 16. Married under chuppah, which symbolizes their home; groom breaks glass to symbolize destruction of the temple

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