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Reproduction Part 1.

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1 Reproduction Part 1

2 _______________ reproduction (without sex) Only ____________ parent.
Reproduction and development are necessary for the continuation of any species. Every organism requires a set of coded instructions (their chromosomes) for specifying it’s traits. For offspring (children) to resemble their parents there must be a reliable way to transfer the information on the chromosomes from one generation to the next. This may be accomplished by asexual reproduction (one parent) or sexual reproduction (two parents). Hereditary information is contained in the genes, located in the chromosomes in each cell. I. Types of reproduction: _______________ reproduction (without sex) Only ____________ parent. No ____________ (joining together) of cells or cell nuclei. No special reproductive cells (eggs and sperm) or organs involved.

3 Another name for asexual reproduction is _____________.
4. The two cells produced are ______________ to each other and _____________ to the parent cells. Another name for asexual reproduction is _____________. In cloning a somatic cell (body cell) is used to create a genetically identical organism. 1. A donor cell is taken from a sheep’s udder The first successful cloning of a mammal occurred in 1996 at the Roslin Institute in Scotland 4. These two cells are fused using and electric shock 2. An egg cell is taken from an adult female sheep 5. The fused cell begins dividing normally 3. The nucleus of the egg cell is removed 7. The embryo develops normally into a lamb- Dolly 6. The embryo is placed in the uterus of a foster mother

4 __________________reproduction.
________________ parents are involved. ________________ (joining together) of two nuclei from specialized sex cells which are produced by two separate parents (for example the fusion of egg and sperm cells to produce an embryo) Special reproductive cells (eggs and sperm) or organs (ovaries and testes) are involved. The offspring ______________ characteristics of both parents, and this allows for ____________ in the offspring

5 II. Mitotic Cell Division- This process is used for two purposes:
Reproduction in one-celled organisms. Repair and ____________ of body (somatic) cells in multicellular organisms. Mitotic Cell Division involves two steps: ______________ - complex changes in the ____________ involving ____________ of the chromosomes and separation of these chromosomes into two _____________ sets (nuclei)

6 2. ____________ ____________ - the separation of ____________ which occurs during or at the end of mitosis, resulting in the formation of _________ _____________ ___________ each containing a nucleus with an ______________ set of _____________. division

7 Chromosomes are replicating
Interphase- Chromosomes are replicating Parent Cell Chromatin condenses into chromosomes. Nuclear envelope disappears Chromosomes align at the equatorial plate Sister chromosome separate. Centomeres divide Chromatin expands. Cytoplasm divides Two daughter cells

8 Mitosis is divided into stages or ____________.
____________- ____________ of chromosomes, chromatids are attached at the _____________ in the center of the doubled chromosome. Chromosome DNA is packed with proteins to form chromatin Two chromatids Centomere ____________ - Centrioles (animal cells) separate,____________ form, nucleolus disappears, the __________ __________ begins to disappear, chromatids shorten and thicken.

9 __________- daughter chromosomes move to opposite ____________ (away).
____________- chromosomes __________ (meet) on the equatorial plane, centromere replicates. __________- daughter chromosomes move to opposite ____________ (away). ____________- chromosomes ____________ back to chromatin, spindle fibers ____________, nuclear membrane forms, cytoplasm divides (cytokinesis) (in plants cells, cell plate forms). AS A RESULT OF MITOTIC CELL DIVISION, TWO IDENTICAL DAUGHTER CELLS ARE PRODUCED. THEY ARE IDENTICAL TO EACH EACH OTHER AND TO THE PARENT CELL!

10 Differences in plant and animal cell mitosis:
46 46 46 This diagram shows a human cell that has undergone Mitosis. Notice that two cells are produced. Each has 46 chromosomes and are identical to the parent cell. Plant Cell Mitosis: Mitosis in Plants occurs in developing seeds and in growing regions of roots and stems. Differences in plant and animal cell mitosis: No ____________, but spindle fibers do form. In telophase there is no pinching of the cytoplasm. Instead a __________ ___________ forms which becomes the cell wall.

11 Plant cell Mitosis

12 Cytoplasm divides by forming a ____________________
Comparisons between Plant and Animal Cell Mitosis Plant Cells Animal Cells No _____________ Have ______________ Cytoplasm divides by forming a ____________________ Cytoplasm divides by ______________ of cell membrane (cytokinesis)

13 Cancer cell growth ____________ - Uncontrolled, abnormal , rapid mitotic cell division. This abnormal cell division invades surrounding tissues and interferes with normal tissue and organ function

14 Types of asexual reproduction (involves only mitosis)
___________ ____________ The simplest form of asexual reproduction The parent organism divides into ____________ equal parts. Results in two ____________ ____________ that become a separate individual and grow to normal size. This is the usual method of reproduction in ______ _________ organisms. Binary Fission

15 _____________ In unicellular organisms such as yeast, budding is similar to fission except that the ______________ division is ____________. New individuals develop as small outgrowths or ____________ on the outer surface of the parent. These buds may break off and live independently or remain together to form a ____________. Budding in yeast

16 4. Budding in the hydra produces a multicellular outgrowth (a new hydra) from the parent organism. This little hydra then breaks away from the parent but is genetically identical.

17 ____________ or spore formation.
____________ are small, microscopic, specialized cells which contain a ____________ and a small amount of cytoplasm surrounded by a thick outer wall. spores Moldy bread

18 These are released from ___________ ____________ .
Spores can resist unfavorable environmental conditions (extreme heat and cold). When the conditions are favorable the spore can produce a new organism. Bacteria, yeasts, molds mushrooms, mosses and ferns produce spores. ______________ The development of a _________ ________ organism from a __________ of the original organism. Regeneration also refers to the replacement of __________ structures for example: Lobsters may regenerate a lost claw.

19 Examples: Potatoes and strawberries
3. Organisms that can regenerate have many cells that are ________________ meaning they have not yet been assigned a “job”. This lobster has regenerated a new claw. This lizard will regenerate a new tail lost perhaps in a fight Whole starfish regenerating from a lost leg _____________ _______________- When an entire new plant can grow from a __________ or a ___________. Examples: Potatoes and strawberries

20 Vegetative Propagation in Strawberries
Mother plant Daughter plant genetically identical to mother. Vegetative propagation in potato plant The roots will develop into another potato plant genetically identical to the original.

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