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Modern European Revolutions: Review

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1 Modern European Revolutions: Review
From 1917 to 1939

2 Russian Revolution, Historical background: Tsarist state which was slow to modernize politically and economically. Late 19th century: Rise of revolutionary movements on the left (Narodniki, Nihilists, Socialists) Flaws of ruling system: Government does not respond effectively to crises it faces, e.g., Russo-Japanese war, , Russian Revolution of 1905)

3 Russian Revolution, cont.
Opponents of the regime on the left: Marxist factions (Bolsheviks and Mensheviks); Agrarian socialists (SRs); Anarchists. Failure of Liberalism: Octobrists and Kadets (Duma, parliamentary road to reform and change?) Final crisis: First World War and the collapse of Tsarist regime, 1917.

4 Russian Revolution, cont.
Revolutionary events of 1917: Provisional government, Soviets (dual power-sharing), the role of crowds Fatal flaws of Provisional Government: opposition from the right (Kornilov) and left (Bolsheviks, etc.) October Revolution of 1917 (Rise of Bolshevism)

5 Russian Revolution, cont.
Civil War and Revolution, “Reds” vs. “Whites”: Who fought whom? And why? Triumph of the Communists: What did the revolution achieve?

6 POINTS TO CONSIDER: Ideological content of revolutionary movements on the left. Role of gender/crowds Phases of revolution: Liberal democratic , radical transformation accompanied by bloodshed/violence. Accomplishments of revolutionaries: Vision of new society, new social and economic forms (art, collective enterprises, media…)

7 Spanish Civil War and Revolution
Historical background: From dictatorship ( ) to Second Republic ( ). Political factions on left and right Breakdown of democracy

8 Spanish Civil War and Revolution
July rebellion and popular revolution Examples of revolutionary events: Collectivization projects, transforming the urban and rural landscapes (revolutionary cultural, economic, and political forms) International intervention

9 Spanish Civil War and Revolution
Opposing sides: “Nationalists” vs. “Republicans” Course of war: Major battles and contrasting conditions of war-time society in Nationalist and Republican zones.

10 Points to consider Ideological content of revolutionary factions on the left (anarchosyndicalists, etc.) Examples of revolutionary behavior: collectives, dress codes, gender relations, people power. Limits imposed on revolution

11 Points to consider, cont.
Accomplishments of revolution: empowering peasants and workers, establishing examples of self-rule/control over key elements of society and economy. Why revolution failed: shortcomings of revolutionary strategy and tactics; role of counter-revolutionary forces on the left; military superiority of Nationalists.

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