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Cell Reproduction Centrioles Spindle Fibers Stem Cell G1 Phase

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Reproduction Centrioles Spindle Fibers Stem Cell G1 Phase"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Reproduction Centrioles Spindle Fibers Stem Cell G1 Phase
Cellular growth & DNA replication Inversion Binary Fission Bacteria Long, thin DNA strands Trisomy Chromatin Interphase Same # of chromosomes Nucleus dividing Cytokinesis Anaphase Mitosis Cytoplasm divides forming 2 identical cells Mitosis results Similar in size shape and genetic information Autosomes DNA is duplicated Homologous chromosomes S phase G2 Phase Prophase Skin, muscle, nerve cells Diploid Meiosis results Sister chromatids Humans = 46 Two sets of chromosomes Half the # of chromosomes Each half of a copied chromosome Somatic cells XO Syndrome Centromere Uncontrolled cell cycle Cancer Telophase Translocation Sperm & Egg Haploid Metaphase Genetic Diversity Gametes Humans = 23 One set of chromosomes Advantage of Meiosis Random organization of chromosome pairs Independent Assortment Karyotypes Chromosome Copied Nondisjunction Too few or too many chromosomes in gametes Deletion Random Fertilization Disjunction Zygote Crossing Over

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