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Animal Kingdom Plant Kingdom Fungi Kingdom Protista Kingdom

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1 Animal Kingdom Plant Kingdom Fungi Kingdom Protista Kingdom
*multicellular with nucleus *Moving bodies and parts *internal digestion of food Plant Kingdom *immobile but parts move *make their own food Fungi Kingdom *Multicellular with nucleus *immobile *external digestion of food Protista Kingdom *cells with a nucleus *uni- and multicellular *includes the algae Monera Kingdom *unicellular but no nucleus *some are mobile *different feeding methods Moss Phylum *usually small-soft *tiny green leaflets *live in damp locations Fern Phylum *roots, stems and leaves *spores on back of leaves *reproduction needs water Conifer Phylum *cones and seeds *needles or sharp leaves Angiosperm Phylum *flowers *seeds in pods and fruits Monocot Class *seeds in one part *mostly narrow leaves *leaves have parallel veins Dicot Class *seeds in two parts *mostly broad leaves *leaves have net veins Jellyfish Phylum *soft round bodies *poccess tentacles *live in water Worm Phylum *long soft tube-like body *body in segments *live in damp or water Mollusc Phylum *soft body-may have shell *muscular foot *live in water and on land Arthropod Phylum *hard outer ‘exoskeleton’ *many jointed limbs Vertebrate Phylum *Backbone *skeleton inside body *body in parts Insect Class *three body parts *six legs *many have wings Spider Class *two body parts *eight legs on front part *make webs Myriapod Class *long segmented body *legs on each segment *centipedes, Millipedes Crustacea Class *many specialised limbs *live in water/damp places *segmented bodies Fish Class *scaly skin + fins *breathe with gills *live in water + lay eggs Amphibian Class *moist skin +lay eggs *adults on land + four legs *gills(young), lungs(adults) Reptile Class *scaly skin + lay eggs *lungs + four legs (most) *live in land habitats Bird Class *feathers + warm blooded *wings and flight *lay eggs + land creatures Mammal Class *hair or fur on skin *warm blooded *young born live/suckled SJ Gaze

2 Blue-green Algae Class Euglena Class Amoeba Class Paramecium Class
Bacteria Class *unicellular in fresh water *about 1micromilimetre *may be consumers, parasites or decomposers *reproduce by splitting in two (binary fission) or by spores Blue-green Algae Class *unicellular or in colonies *immobile or glide along *producers –make their own food by photosynthesis *reproduce by binary fission *involved in the nitrogen cycle Euglena Class *make food - photosynthesis *can also absorb food *detect and move to light *swim using a flagellum Amoeba Class *Unicellular in water *move by extensions growing outward and pulling it along *pursue and consume prey *also reproduce by sex cells Paramecium Class *unicellular-mostly aquatic *move by beating tiny cilia *create currents to sweep small organisms into ‘mouth’ *sometimes exchange genes Mould Class *fuzzy appearance *multicellular appearance *in water and on land *decomposers and parasites *find threads invade hosts *reproduce by spores Mushroom Class *terrestrial (land) fungi *large fruiting bodies *decomposers of plant tissue *Reproduce by spores *Also sexual reproduction *some are poisonous SJ Gaze

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