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13th Symposium: Evolutions in Power Systems The Digital Substation

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1 13th Symposium: Evolutions in Power Systems The Digital Substation

2 Most of us are not old enough to have seen such a substation in action.
Did some research to see where we come from - Picture of a substation in 1959 Substation supervision: engineer living on-site Until 1970, exclusively male engineers Every design needs a good back-up: if the engineer was in the field, the wife had to take over supervision Source:

3 Program: The Digital Substation
14:10 Towards multi-vendor interoperability over systems lifecycle, The ENTSO-E approach – Grégory Huon, ENTSO-E 14:50 Full use of digital technology in HV substations, from process till control center – Stefaan Vleeschouwers, ABB 15:30 How to give the digital substation hands and feet - Kim Vrancken, Eandis 16:10 Coffee break 16:40 Smart Secondary Distribution Substations: an SME Perpective– Rik Verheyen, Tom De Rybel, Bausch Datacom 17:20 IED development for grid automation with an open lab-scale platform – Stijn Uytterhoeven, Laborelec, Filip Langenaken, National Instruments We moved away from manual/human control to automated controls Digital technology is being gradually introduced, but we are on the verge of total implementation Brings along certain questions How to let measurements/control/protection talk to each other? How to visualize data to operators? What decisions do we take? How do we practically implement it Five presentations: before the break we have the overview from the user/grid perspective and after the break we look deeper into bringing the concepts into reality 9/22/2018

4 Welcome by IEEE Chair

5 What is IEEE? Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
The world’s largest professional association for the advancement of technology A leading authority on areas ranging from aerospace systems, computers and telecommunications to biomedical engineering, electric power and consumer electronics. More than members worldwide (’15) More than student members In 160 countries Activities Publicize scientific magazines and journals Organize conferences, ± 300 per year Define standards (Firewire and ethernet/WiFi)

6 IEEE Student Branch Leuven
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9 Summarizing What’s in it for you? Have an idea yourself?
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10 And of course… all of this would not be possible without the help of our sponsors !
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11 Program 14:10 Towards multi-vendor interoperability over systems lifecycle, The ENTSO-E approach – Grégory Huon, ENTSO-E 14:50 Full use of digital technology in HV substations, from process till control center – Stefaan Vleeschouwers, ABB 15:30 How to give the digital substation hands and feet - Kim Vrancken, Eandis 16:10 Coffee break 16:40 Smart Secondary Distribution Substations: an SME Perpective– Rik Verheyen, Tom De Rybel, Bausch Datacom 17:20 IED development for grid automation with an open lab-scale platform – Stijn Uytterhoeven, Laborelec, Filip Langenaken, National Instruments 9/22/2018

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