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Icexplorer- The Europa mission

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Presentation on theme: "Icexplorer- The Europa mission"— Presentation transcript:

1 Icexplorer- The Europa mission
Europa in false and true color Designed by Ian Miller

2 What is Europa? Europa is one of those moons that has had scientists stumped for years. Europa is a moon of Jupiter. From what we know now, scientists think that below the moon’s icy crust, there is an ocean that may contain life! Hopefully, Icexplorer-The Europa Mission will help us learn more about this fascinating moon.

3 I want to: Land on Europa Map Europa
Lower an instrumental “box” into a geyser hole Take measurements of the ice with a rover

4 Picking the Landing Site
The Orbiter will orbit, mapping, until it finds a geyser. It will then aim the lander at the geyser and “let go”.

5 EDL (Entry Descent & Landing)
Lander is ejected from orbiter Brake Rockets fire for 1sec. every 1/2 minute 10m. above the surface Brake Rockets fire until dead Lander unfolds


7 Thera & Thrace Macula Ice rafting Pwyll Crater Impact structures

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