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Vocabulary Taking Sides chapters 9 &10

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1 Vocabulary Taking Sides chapters 9 &10

2 satisfied Content Pleased Happy
“I ate 6 pieces of pizza but my stomach still wasn’t satisfied.

3 injection A shot “Lincoln did not like injections.”

4 cruel Mean Unkind “Monica said it was cruel to eat venison.”

5 groggy Sleepy Tired “I’m always a little groggy until I take a shower in the morning.”

6 intrude To go in somewhere you are not supposed to go
“There was an intruder in my house.”

7 unscathed Unharmed Safe and sound
“I made it out of the car crash unscathed.”

8 admittance Entry Access
“If you are late to school the office has to give you an admittance pass.”

9 furtive Secretly Sneakily
“Monica had to eat her apple furtive because there was no food allowed in the library.”

10 cinch An easy or simple task
“Lincoln thought the history quiz was a cinch.”

11 mingle mix Come together “I want everyone to mingle at the party.”

12 slouch Hunched over Not sitting up straight
“The players sat slouched over on the bench.”

13 draped Hung over “A towel was draped over his shoulders.”

14 offense The team that has the ball
“When Columbus has the ball they are on offense.”

15 dumpy Saggy Large Short & wide “Couch Yesutis has a dumpy body.”

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