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Mr Aleksandra Bradić-Martinović

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1 Mr Aleksandra Bradić-Martinović
Informacioni sistemi Prof. dr Hasan Hanić Mr Aleksandra Bradić-Martinović Beogradska bankarska akademija – Fakultet za bankarstvo, osiguranje i finansije Beograd, Zmaj Jovina 12, Tel:

2 Elektronsko poslovanje i elektronska trgovina
Poglavlje 6 Elektronsko poslovanje i elektronska trgovina

3 Pregled sadržaja poglavlja
6.1 Pregled E-Business & E-Commerce 6.2 Business-to-Consumer (B2C) E-Commerce 6.3 Business-to-Business (B2B) E-Commerce 6.4 Elektronsko plaćanje 6.5 Etička i pravna pitanja u e-poslovanju

4 Ciljevi učenja Opisati elektronsku trgovinu, njen obim, prednosti, ograničenja i tipove. Napraviti razliku između čiste i delimične elektronske trgovine. Shvatiti osnove on-lajn aukcija. Napraviti razliku između e-trgovine B2B, B2C, C2C, C2E i G2C. Opisati glavne servise za podršku e-trgovini, posebno za plaćanje i logistiku. Opisati neka etička i pravna pitanja u vezi sa e-poslovanjem.

5 6.1 Pregled e-poslovanja i e-trgovine
Elektronska trgovina (Electronic Commerce, E-Commerce, EC) – kupovina, prodaja, razmena proizvoda, usluga i informacija putem računarskih mreža Elektronsko poslovanje (E-Business) – obuhvata i e-trgovinu, ali i saradnju među poslovnim partnerima i transakcije u okviru organizacije. Electronic commerce (e-commerce, EC) describes the buying, selling, transferring or exchanging of products, services or information via computer networks, including the Internet. E-business is a broader definition of EC, including buying and selling of goods and services, and also servicing customers, collaborating with partners, conducting e-learning and conducting electronic transactions within an organization.

6 Pregled e-poslovanja i e-trgovine (nastavak)
Čista versus delimična e-trgovina zavisi od stepena digitalizacije. Brick-and-mortar organizacija –čisto fizička Virtuelna organizacija – isključivo elektronski Click-and-mortar organizacija – posluju i fizički i virtuelno Pure vs. Partial EC --The product can be physical or digital. --The process can be physical or digital. --The delivery agent can be physical or digital. Brick-and-mortar organizations are purely physical organizations. Virtual organizations are companies that are engaged only in EC. (Also called pure play) Click-and-mortar organizations are those that conduct some e-commerce activities, yet their business is primarily done in the physical world. i.e. partial EC.

7 FreshDirect primer Sledeći slajdovi daju vam uvid u kompaniju FreshDirect, koja je primer delimične e-trgovine, tj. clicks-and-mortar kompanija.








15 Tipovi e-trgovine Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
Business-to-Business (B2B) Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) Business-to-Employee (B2E) E-Government Mobile Commerce (m-commerce) Business-to-consumer (B2C): the sellers are organizations and the buyers are individuals. Business-to-business (B2B): both the sellers and buyers are business organizations. B2B represents the vast majority of e-commerce. Consumer-to-consumer (C2C): an individual sells products or services to other individuals. Business-to-employee (B2E): An organization uses e-commerce internally to provide information and services to its employees. Companies allow employees to manage their benefits, take training classes electronically; buy discounted insurance, travel packages, and event tickets. E-Government: the use of Internet Technology in general and e-commerce in particular to deliver information about public services to citizens (called Government-to-citizen [G2C EC]), business partners and suppliers (called government-to-business [G2B EC]), Mobile Commerce (m-commerce) refers to e-commerce that is conducted in a wireless environment. For example, using cell phone to shop over the Internet.

16 B2B and B2C Electronic Commerce
This image shows B2B and B2C electronic commerce, and illustrates the difference between the two types of EC.

17 E-Commerce poslovni modeli
Direktni on-lajn marketing (Online direct marketing) Elektronski sistem tendera (Electronic tendering system) Model “kaži svoju cenu” (Name-your-own-price) Model nalaženja najbolje cene (Find-the-best-price) Online direct marketing: manufacturers or retailers sell directly to customers. Electronic tendering system: businesses (or governments) request quotes from suppliers; uses B2B (or G2B) with reverse auctions. Image above is the Hong Kong Government’s electronic tending system homepage. Name-your-own-price: customers decide how much they want to pay. Image above is William Shatner, Priceline’s spokesman. Find-the-best-price. customers specify a need and an intermediary compares providers and shows the lowest price. Note: clicking on the images will take you to the respective Web pages.

18 E-Commerce poslovni modeli (nastavak)
Udruženi marketing (Affiliate marketing) Uočite Sony logo na vrhu ove web stranice Affiliate marketing: Vendors ask partners to place logos or banners on partner’s site. If customers click on logo, go to vendor’s site, and buy, then vendor pays commission to partners. Note: clicking on image above will take you to the Web page.

19 E-Commerce poslovni modeli (nastavak)
Virusni marketing (Viral marketing) Grupna kupovina (Group purchasing) Viral marketing: receivers send information about your product to their friends. Group purchasing: small buyers aggregate demand to get a large volume; then the group conducts tendering or negotiates a lower price. Online auctions: companies run auctions of various types on the Internet. Note: clicking on the bottom two images will take you to the respective Web pages.

20 E-Commerce poslovni modeli (nastavak)
On-lajn aukcije (Online auctions)

21 E-Commerce poslovni modeli (nastavak)
Prilagođavanje proizvoda (Product customization) Veliki popusti (Deep discounters) Članstvo (Membership) Product customization: customers use the Internet to self-configure products or services. Sellers then price them and fulfill them quickly. Deep discounters: company offers deep price discounts. Membership: only members can use the services provided. Note: clicking on the images above will take you to the respective Web pages. (We address Electronic marketplaces and exchanges in later PowerPoints.)

22 E-Commerce poslovni modeli (nastavak)
On-lajn trampa (Bartering online) Bartering online: an intermediary administers online exchange of surplus products, and/or company receives “points” for its contribution, and the points can be used to purchase other needed items.

23 Glavni mehanizmi e-trgovine
Aukcije (Auctions) Obične aukcije (Forward Auctions) Reverzne aukcije (Reverse Auctions) An auction is a competitive process in which either a seller solicits consecutive bids from buyers or a buyer solicits consecutive bids from sellers. Sellers use a forward auction as a channel to many potential buyers. Note that Sotheby’s uses forward auctions. In reverse auctions, one buyer, usually an organization, wants to buy a product or a service. The buyer posts a request for quotation (RFQ) on its Web site or on a third-party Web site. The RFQ contains detailed information on the desired purchase. Suppliers study the RFQ and submit bids, and the lowest bid wins the auction.

24 Prednosti e-trgovine Prednosti za organizaciju Prednosti za kupca
Nacionalna i međunarodna tržišta postaju lakše dostupna. Niži troškovi procesiranja, distribucije i prikupljanja informacija. Prednosti za kupca Pristup brojnim proizvodima i uslugama (24/7/365).

25 Prednosti e-trgovine (nastavak)
Prednosti za društvo Donosi korist društvu jer omogućava da se informacije, proizvodi i usluge lako i brzo dostavljaju ljudima u gradovima, selima i zemljama u razvoju.

26 Ograničenja e-trgovine
Tehnološka ograničenja Nedostatak opštih, univerzalnih standarda bezbednosti Nedovoljno razvijene telekomunikacije Skup pristup Netehnološka ograničenja Stav da je e-trgovina nesigurna Nerešena pravna pitanja Nedostatak kritične mase kupaca i prodavaca

27 Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Electronic Commerce
Elektronski izlozi (Electronic storefronts) Elektronski tržni centri (Electronic malls) An electronic storefront is a Web site that represents a single store. Electronic malls are collections of individual shops under a single Internet address. Note: clicking on the images above will take you to the respective Web sites.

28 Vodeći E-Tailing websajtovi
B2C e-trgovina poznata je i pod nazivom e-tailing. Primeri su:

29 Industrija on-lajn usluga
Ključni problem uklanjanje posrednika Online service involves customers accessing services via the Web. Intermediaries or middlemen provide information and/or provide value-added services. When the function(s) of these intermediaries can be automated or eliminated, this process is called disintermediation.

30 Industrija on-lajn usluga
Cyberbanking Online securities trading Online job market Travel services Cyberbanking involves conducting banking activities from home, a place of business, or on the road instead of at a physical bank location. Virtual banks are dedicated only to Internet transactions. Note: Clicking on images above will take you to the respective Web sites. However, NetBank has been acquired by ING Direct, so the NetBank image has no link.

31 Problemi u e-trgovini Konflikt u kanalu distribucije (Channel conflict) – problem sa standardnim distributerima Multikanalisanje – potpuno odvajanje virtelnog od fizičkog poslovanja može umanjiti sinergetski efekat (primer Best Buy), tako da kompanije integrišu oba kanala Channel conflict occurs when manufacturers disintermediate their channel partners, such as distributors, retailers, dealers, and sales representatives, by selling their products directly to consumers, usually over the Internet through electronic commerce. Multichanneling is a process in which a company integrates its offline and online channels. Order fulfillment involves finding the product to be shipped; packaging the product; arrange for speedy delivery to the customer; and handle the return of unwanted or defective products.

32 Channel Conflict IT’s About Business 6.2 discusses channel conflict at Best Buy and the problems that the conflict caused. ???

33 On-lajn oglašavanje Oglašavanje je distribucija informacija pri pokušaju da utiče na kupovinu proizvoda ili usluga. Metode on-lajn oglašvanja Baneri (Banners) Pop-up ad Pop-under ad Marketing sa dozvolom (Permission marketing) Virusni marketing (Viral marketing) Banners are simply electronic billboards. Pop-up ad appears in front of the current browser window. Pop-under ad appears underneath the active window. Permission marketing asks consumers to give their permission to voluntarily accept online advertising and . Viral marketing refers to online “word-of-mouth” marketing.

34 Opadanje upotrebe tradicionalnih medija

35 Fragmetacija različitih medija
Source: PiperJaffray

36 Osam tipova reklamnih web sajtova
Portals: most popular; best for reach but not targeting Search: second largest reach; high advertising value Source: PiperJaffray

37 Osam tipova reklamnih web sajtova (nastavak)
Commerce: high reach; not conducive to advertising Entertainment: large reach; strong targetability Mall of Hawai’i

38 Osam tipova reklamnih web sajtova (nastavak)
Community: emphasize being a part of something; good for specific advertising Communications: not good for branding; low targetability

39 Osam tipova reklamnih web sajtova (nastavak)
News/weather/sports: poor targetability Games: good for very specific types of advertising

40 6.3 Business-to-Business (B2B) elektronska trgovina
U B2B e-poslovanju, kupci i prodavci su poslovne organizacije (kompanije).

41 B2B model e-prodaje (B2B Sell-Side Marketplace)
Ključni mehanizam: elektronski katalozi i aukcije In the sell-side marketplace, organizations sell their products or services to other organizations Electronically from their own Web site and/or from a third-party Web site. This model is similar to the B2C model in which the buyer comes to the seller’s site, views catalogs, and places an order. In the B2B sell-side marketplace, the buyers are organizations.

42 (Sell-side marketplace)

43 B2B model e-kupovine (B2B Buy-Side Marketplace)
Ključni mehanizam: reverzna aukcija The buy-side marketplace is a model in which organizations buy needed products and services from other organizations electronically.

44 Elektronska razmena (Electronic Exchange)
Exchanges have many buyers and many sellers.

45 PlasticsNet (Vertikalna razmena)
Vertical exchanges connect buyers and sellers in a given industry.

46 The Paper Site (Vertikalna razmena)

47 Horizontalna razmena Horizontal exchanges connect buyers and sellers across many industries and are used mainly for MRO materials.

48 Funkcionalna razmena In functional exchanges, needed services such as temporary help or extra office space are traded on an “as-needed” basis.

49 6.4 Elektronska plaćanja Sistemi elektronskih plaćanja omogućuju da se roba ili usluge plate elektronskim putem. Elektronski čekovi (e-checks) Electronske kreditne kartice Platne kartice (b2b) Electronska gotovina Pripejd kartice (Stored-value money cards) Smart kartice Plaćanje pojedinac pojedincu (Person-to-person payments) – PayPal Digitalni novčanici (Digital Wallets) - softver Electronic checks (e-checks) are similar to paper checks and are used mostly in B2B. Electronic credit cards allow customers to charge online payments to their credit card account. Purchasing cards are the B2B equivalent of electronic credit cards and are typically used for unplanned B2B purchases. Electronic cash Stored-value money cards allow you to store a fixed amount of prepaid money and then spend it as necessary. Smart cards contain a chip called a microprocessor that can store a considerable amount of information and are multipurpose – can be used as a debit card, credit card or a stored-value money card. Person-to-person payments are a form of e-cash that enables two individuals or an individual and a business to transfer funds without using a credit card.

50 Etička i pravna pitanja
Etička pitanja Privatnost Praćenje Privacy: ecommerce provides opportunities for businesses and employers to track individual activities on the WWW using cookies or special spyware. This allows private/personal information to be tracked, compiled, and stored as an individual profile. This profile can be used or sold to other businesses for target marketing or by employees to aide in personnel management decisions (i.e., promotions, raises, layoffs). Disintermediation: middlemen or intermediaries (1) provide information, and (2) perform value-added services such as consulting. The first function can be fully automated, and the second can be partially automated through e-marketplaces and portals for free thereby causing job loss among intermediaries.

51 Pravna pitanja svojstvena e-trgovini
Prevare na Internetu Ime domena Registrovanje domena radi prodaje (Cybersquatting) Takse i druge naknade Autorska prava Fraud on the Internet i.e. stocks, investments, business opportunities, auctions. Domain Names problems with competition. Domain Tasting is a practice of registrants using the five-day "grace period" at the beginning of a domain registration to profit from pay-per-click advertising. Cybersquatting refers to the practice of registering domain names solely for the purpose of selling them later at a higher price. Taxes and other Fees when and where (and in some cases whether) electronic sellers should pay business license taxes, franchise fees, gross-receipts taxes, excise taxes, …etc. Copyright protecting intellectual property in e-commerce and enforcing copyright laws is extremely difficult.

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