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Romeo and Juliet Unit 10.

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Presentation on theme: "Romeo and Juliet Unit 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Romeo and Juliet Unit 10

2 About William Shakespeare
Greatest - types, human nature + realistic - Universality, nature - Timelessness - Beauty - Adaptability Age, time

3 His Life Author Birthplace Education Hathaway Playwright 154 Plays
King’s, Globe Money Christian

4 His Career + nationalism + love + threats + mature + complex
+ dialogue

5 His Philosophy + What, content + How, style + functional + explicit
+ moral tone - theme, purpose > Themes > Characterization

6 Random Facts Performed Longest all

7 Terms Drama, action, oldest Directions, time, exits Dialogue, speeches
Alone, thoughts - “To Be or Not to Be” Comment Movement, probable Action, does, says - hero - villain Plot, five, introduction, climax

8 Freytag’s Pyramid

9 Terms Tragedy, comedy - serious, universal - happy, themes Truth
Meanings Real dressing

10 General Information Italy Tragedy Protagonists Antagonists Point

11 Characters- The Montagues
Rome’s Peace Comic, traditional Peacemaker, Chorus Friend, tease

12 Characters- the Capulets
Juliet’s Cold 14, defy Messenger Violent Marry mute

13 Neutral Characters Narrator Symbol, restore Confessor, marry, fate

14 About Act I, Scenes 1-3 Sonnet, foreshadowing Fate, free will Never
Sunday, haste, Montague, Capulets, Juliet Punning Servant, hotheaded Foil, normative Dignity, rusty, end Comic, wife

15 About Act I, Scenes 1-3 Comic, seriously lovesick, never
Never, courtly, misery Flowery, never Oxymorons Metaphor Slowly Sympathetic, ironically Coincidence Foils, love Parents, thirteen love

16 About Act I, Scenes 4-5 Immature, dreamer, fatal, comedy
Punner, dreams, dreams, end Forty, himself, revenge first Hate Sonnet Ababcbcbdedeff Pilgrim, kiss Religion, purity Agressor, not, timid Identify, paradox, hate

17 Postcard Directions: You are Romeo or Juliet. Write a postcard to someone about a scene in Act 2. Example: Romeo was in my garden. I thought I was alone. I said I loved him aloud, and he appeared and spoke of love. Nurse almost caught us twice. He left at dawn to arrange a wedding.

18 About Act II Sonnet Center, not, rapport, good Foils, more
Light, moon, chastity Metaphor Only, famous, value Name

19 About Act II Love Pun The more love one gives, the more one has.
God, abuse, haste Human Famous, forty Foreshadowing, offstage Not, fourteen

20 About Act III, Scenes 1 July, hotheaded Peacemaker
Matured, blocks, situational, death Own, avenge Not Pun Tybalt, killed Fortune, decisions Haste, impetuosity

21 About Act III, Scene 2 Mythology, Phaethon, love Internal, oxymorons
Suicide, kill, dead, too, haste

22 About Act III, Scenes 3-5 Suicide, condemned, not
Fate, blessings, good Four 1. secretly 2. Paris 3. potion 4. before

23 Act III, Scenes 3-5 Ironic, mother, father Night, day Irony Foreshadow
Personification, apostrophe, alliteration Generation evil

24 About Act IV Rapid Scheming, fate, negative Nothing, love Suicide
Haste Fears, mad Foreshadows First Dramatic Grief, twice, Nurse, synonymns Humor, clown

25 About Act V Dramatic Fate Poison Death Never, Wednesday
Timing, ignorance, foils Mature No haste

26 Freytag’s Pyramid

27 Themes Love- Fate vs. Free Will- late, accurate
Haste and immaturity- Friday Light/Dark- Suicide- Poison-

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