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Diane Shires Freshman Language Arts

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1 Diane Shires Freshman Language Arts
Back To School Night! Diane Shires Freshman Language Arts

2 Background BA - Comparative American / British Literature, UCSC
MA - LIberal Arts, St. John’s College CLAD / Clear Teaching Credential, San Jose State University, Secondary Ed. English Language Arts, CLAD certified Collegeboard AP Language and Composition training SPHS alumni SPMS alumni Marengo Elementary Alumni

3 Background Last

4 Curriculum Semester One Non Fiction Unit To Kill A Mockingbird Unit
Semester Two Greek gods and mythology Unit Romeo and Juliet Unit Homework- 10 literary terms every 2 weeks Student’s choice Young Adult Novel - one per quarter

5 Homework 10 literary terms every 2 weeks
* In the reference section in the back of the green textbook * Memorize first sentence. Not multiple choice! * * - online index cards with self tests, memorization games, audio, memorization helps

6 Homework Student’s Choice Young Adult Novel
- Check out novel from SPHS library or SP Public library - Award winner or well reviewed - Literature / Fiction / Non-Fiction - First novel - Selected by September 26th and completed by November 1st. - NOT a part of a series that is being currently read. - One novel each quarter. - Grade level appropriate as well as individual reading level appropriate. - Classwork / homework - in class reflections, quickwrites, recommendations, presentations, etc., at the end of each quarter

7 Wish Night... 1. Library Resource Set of AP Language Textbooks
The Informed Argument - 7th Edition, Robert Miller (8 to 10 copies as part of a library resource set) 2. Great Homework and Study Skills DVD 3. To Kill A Mockingbird CD (Audio book) 4. Replacement Lamp for Dell 2400MP Projector. Part # (CDW) Donations of tissue boxes and hand sanitizer are happily accepted...

8 E-mail-
Contact Information - Checked daily Monday through Friday Teacher Web page Click on “faculty” Click on “Diane Shires” Office Hours 6th period (even days) 7th period (every day) After 3 p.m. (Monday through Friday)

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