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Navigating High School

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1 Navigating High School
The ‘what if?’ guide to Endeavour Sports High School

2 What if you have lost your timetable and don’t know where to go?
Office Don’t worry, it happens all the time! Go to the office and ask for a new one. Follow your classmates to the next lesson then go to the office during recess or lunch.(or Mrs Young)

3 What if you are finding the classwork too difficult?
Don’t worry, lots of students find high school work hard. Talk to your class teacher & ask for help. Collect a slip to attend the Homework Centre from the Learning Centre. Go to the homework centre for help, Period 5 on Tuesday’s & Thursdays.

4 What if you are feeling sick?
Tell your class teacher and get a note. Go to sick bay. They will contact your parents.

5 What if you need to use the bathroom during class time?
Ask your class teacher, they will give you an ‘out of class’ note. Go to the office and ask for the key to the bathroom. Return the key to the office before you return to class.

6 What if you need to pay money for an excursion?
All money is paid at the Finance Office near the main office. The finance office is open before school and at recess and lunch.

7 What if I can’t find assembly?
Assembly is only on Thursday mornings in the quad. You will sit in line with your roll call group. If it is raining the bell will ring 3 times and then you will go to normal roll call rooms. When there is an Emergency Assembly, the bell will ring 3 times and you will go to the quad.

8 What if I am late for school or need to leave school early?
Go to the attendance office and get a late note. If you need to leave school early you will need a note from your parents. The attendance office will give you a student leave form for your parents to sign.

9 What if I don't know where to go for sport?
Go to the office or ask Mrs Young at the beginning of lunch. Sport day has only ½ lunch before you need to catch the bus to sport. After sport the bus brings you back to school.

10 What if I forget to wear my sport uniform on sports day?
Meet at NON SPORT in the quad at the Thursday Morning Assembly. Look for the group not in sports uniform or ask a teacher. Bring a note from your parents explaining your injury. What I can’t do sport because I am injured?

11 What if my library book is overdue?
Don’t worry, a lot of students sometimes forget to get their books back in time! Bring it in as soon as you can. Let the librarian know you have returned it.

12 What if someone is bullying you?
Don’t react! The bully wants a response. Use your exit strategy- move away from the person. You could go to the Library or the Learning Centre. Use your cool down strategy. Take 3 deep breaths, sit down and relax. Go and tell Mrs Young what happened. Pat yourself on the back for being so mature!

13 What if I don’t know the rules at High School?
These are the rules.


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