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Angiosperm Reproduction

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1 Angiosperm Reproduction
Chapter 38 Angiosperm Reproduction

2 What you need to know: The relationship between seed and fruit.
How temperature and moisture determine seed germination. How different modes of plant reproduction affect their genetic diversity.

3 Angiosperms have 3 unique Features:
Flowers Fruits Double Fertilization


5 SYMMETRY OVARY LOCATION FLORAL DISTRIBUTION Bilateral symmetry (orchid) Lupine inflorescence Superior ovary Radial symmetry (daffodil) Sunflower inflorescence Semi-inferior ovary Inferior ovary Sepal Fused petals

Maize, a monoecious species Dioecious Sagittaria latifolia (common arrowhead)

7 Pollination: transfer pollen from anther to stigma
Pollen tube grows down into ovary for 2 sperm to travel to egg

8 “Pin” and “thrum” flower types reduce self-fertilization
Some plants are self-pollinated Cross-pollinated plants: Self-incompatibility: plant rejects own pollen or closely related plant Maximize genetic variation Stigma Pin flower Anther with pollen Thrum flower “Pin” and “thrum” flower types reduce self-fertilization

9 The development of a plant embryo

10 Fruit Egg cell  plant embryo Ovules inside ovary  seeds
Ripe ovary  fruit Fruit protects enclosed seed(s) Aids in dispersal by water, wind, or animals

11 Types of Fruit

12 Seeds Mature seed  dormancy (resting) Low metabolic rate
Growth & development suspended Resumes growth when environmental conditions suitable for germination

13 Seed Structure



16 Germination Seed take up water (imbibition)  trigger metabolic changes to begin growth Root develops Shoot tip emerges above ground Stimulated by light Foliage leaves expand & turn green  photosynthesis Very hazardous for plants due to vulnerability Predators, parasites, wind

17 Seed Germination

18 (Vegetative Reproduction)
Plant Reproduction Sexual Asexual (Vegetative Reproduction) Flower  Seeds Runners, bulbs, grafts, cuttings vegetative (grass), fragmentation, test-tube cloning Genetic diversity Clones More complex & hazardous for seedlings Simpler (no pollinator needed) Advantage in unstable environments Suited for stable environments

19 Asexual reproduction in aspen trees

20 Test-tube cloning of carrots
Just a few parenchyma cells from a carrot gave rise to this callus, a mass of undifferentiated cells. The callus differentiates into an entire plant, with leaves, stems, and roots.

21 Humans Modify Crops Artificial selection of plants for breeding
Plant Biotechnology: Genetically modified organisms “Golden Rice”: engineered to produce beta-carotene (Vit. A) Bt corn: transgenic – expresses Bt (bacteria) gene  produces protein toxic to insects Biofuels – reduce CO2 emissions Biodiesel: vegetable oils Bioethanol: convert cellulose into ethanol

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