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Your FREE and OPEN Digital Library of Workforce Training Materials

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Presentation on theme: "Your FREE and OPEN Digital Library of Workforce Training Materials"— Presentation transcript:

1 Your FREE and OPEN Digital Library of Workforce Training Materials Your FREE and OPEN Digital Library of Workforce Training Materials U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration

2 Presenter Evan Burke, SkillsCommons Project Lead
TAACCCT Grant Program, Division of Strategic Investments, Employment & Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor Evan is a program analyst at the Department of Labor’s Employment & Training Administration. He serves as the project lead for for the TAACCCT Grant Program. Before coming to the Department of Labor in 2015, Evan worked internationally on education, conflict transformation, and microfinance projects, including serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Philippines where he developed culture-localized, indigenous language peer-learning programs, and working as a project evaluator for micro-finance projects with tribal women’s labor unions in Gujarat, India.

3 Developed Through: Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grant (TAACCCT)

4 Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grant (TAACCCT)

5 Open Educational Resources (OER) at
TAACCCT has created the world’s largest collection of OER for job-driven workforce development. 900,000+ 12,000+ materials downloaded to date materials available for download, and this continues to grow steadily every month Data as of April, 2018

6 SkillsCommons: An online library of 12,000+ free workforce development resources ready to be downloaded, adapted, and used

7 Top 10 Types of Materials on SkillsCommons
Course Collections 1,940 906 Syllabi 1,275 Outreach Materials 899 Online Course Materials 1,198 Hybrid/Blended Courses 881 Student Support Materials 1,017 Material Type  Results Syllabus 1940 Recruitment and Outreach 1275 Hybrid/Blended Course 1198 Presentation 1017 Program Planning Resources 907 Course Collection 906 Online Course 899 Student Support Materials 881 Grant Management Materials 819 Assignment 796 Instructor and/or Advisor/Case Manager Support Materials 735 Reference Material 722 Program 613 Tutorial 611 Quiz/Test 518 Online Course Module 510 Quality Assurance Report 488 Workshop and Training Material 420 Assessment Tool 398 Animation 366 Drill and Practice 323 Program Assessment and Evaluation 320 Video 261 Simulation 252 Articulation Processes and Agreement 213 Development Tool 198 Job Training/Fieldwork Experiences 196 Illustration/Graphic 161 Partnership Resources 133 Photographic Image 118 Case Study 62 Final Program Report 52 Open Textbook 26 Learning Object Repository 5 Other 1 819 Grant Management Materials Presentations 907 796 Course Assignments Program Planning Materials Data as of October, 2017

8 SkillsCommons Resources are Industry-Aligned

9 SkillsCommons Resources are Free & Open to Use and Adapt
Content is openly licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. You are free to: Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. Under the condition that you give attribution: appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made.

10 A Treasure for the Workforce Investment System
“Wow. Just wow.  What a treasure of resources!”  - Coordinator of Professional Development, State Department of Education “Really love this resource! I have been working with adult education and workforce development partners in developing career pathways systems/programs. Tremendous resource to assist them.” -Senior Director for Adult Education, CTE and Workforce Development  “I needed to have access to a free educational resource that can be revised for use in our American Job Center.  The fact that SkillsCommons offers technical support is also great.” -WIOA Manager at American Job Center

11 Tribal Colleges that Participated in TAACCCT
Blackfeet Community College Cankdeska Cikana Community College Project: Montana HealthCARE Consortium Chief Dull Knife College Sitting Bull College Aaniiih Nakoda College Project: Tribal College Consortium for Developing North Dakota Workforce (TCC DeMaND Workforce) Turtle Mountain Community College Fort Peck Community College United Tribes Technical College Project: Strengthening Workforce Alignment in Montana’s Manufacturing and Energy Industries Oglala Lakota College Little Big Horn College Project: South Dakota Allied Health Training Consortium Sinte Gleska University Salish Kootenai College Stone Child College Fort Berthold Community College Project: Training for Regional Energy in North Dakota (TREND)

12 TAACCCT Grantee Finder
Contact information and descriptions of TAACCCT colleges’ programs of study are available on the TAACCCT Grantee Finder

13 Grantee Highlight: Montana HealthCARE Project
Created statewide nursing pathways using stacked and latticed credentials and contextualized curricula Address Montana's nursing shortages by providing accelerated pathways to credential completion Increase success for students by providing services that better prepare adult learners for college; accelerate credential completion; coach students in pathway navigation; and provide access to distance education Engage the healthcare industry, education, workforce programs, and other stakeholders in healthcare workforce transformation; on-the-job and apprenticeship opportunities

14 Grantee Highlight: Montana HealthCARE Project
Developed in the context of apprenticeship programs: Learning Resource Collection Soft Skills Leadership Training LEAD: Learn, Engage, Adapt, Do. Fostering Self-Awareness for Workplace Success Student Support at Salish Kootenai College Fostering Success Among Native American and Non-Traditional Students Report

15 How does SkillsCommons work?

16 Search for materials by keyword

17 Search by: Grant projects Types of materials Credentials Institutions Industries Occupations






23 Program Design Resources:
Implementation Reports Outreach Materials Career Pathways

24 Instructional Materials:
Courses Syllabi Learning materials

25 Apprenticeship Resources Showcase


27 Search for free: Online Textbooks Course Materials Online Courses Journal & Articles Colleagues in Your Discipline

28 Affordable Learning Solutions Showcase

29 Open Courseware Showcases http://support. skillscommons

30 Open Courseware Showcases http://support. skillscommons


32 Open CourseWare Showcase

33 Reuse Example in Wisconsin: Basic IT Skills Course (BITS)
Developed through TAACCCT INTERFACE Project Modularized, easily customized, self-paced, full course: Assessments, badges of completion, lesson transcripts, digital learning objects Thumb drive availability for those with no internet connectivity Reused in over 100 locations across WI, including: AJCs/WDBs, libraries, veterans centers, correctional facilities, literacy centers Online: or

34 Example: Digital Literacy Online Course

35 BITS: Examples of Re-Use
Wisconsin Digital literacy grant: Offered free internet service for members of 3 underserved neighborhoods in Madison, WI Many residents—now with connectivity—had limited digital literacy skills and were Residents were offered digital literacy training using BITS Ohio Northwest State Community College/iSTAR project: WSOS Career Coaches Local AJC: Ohio Means Jobs - Williams County Local manufacturing firm WSOS is the local Community Action Agency. Sarah Stubblefield, iSTAR Project Manager (Round 4 OhioTechNET) at Northwest State CC, provided BITS course to WSOS career coaches to share with students who are struggling with online component of coursework. Sarah also shared BITS with: - OhioMeansJobs, the local AJC, which told her they lack the staff to run through the course with their service population, but are very “happy to have this tool in their toolbox.” - A TACT employer partner who needed to improve computer skills of incumbent workers; company was “struggling to bring their operators up to speed.”

36 BITS: Testimonials Heather Nilsen, Employment and Training Specialist
“When we launched the course in January 2016, we invited our workforce development partners to join us…and within weeks of that launch we were flooded with requests from them to think about using and adding additional features.” Kathy Spada, Project Manager INTERFACE Consortium Northcentral Technical College “After previewing the INTERFACE Basic Skills Computer Course, I found the lessons and course material to be right on the mark and at a pace that would not overwhelm a new or inexperienced computer user….This program helps solve a significant, long-term workforce training need by helping job seekers increase their computer skills.” Heather Nilsen, Employment and Training Specialist Department of Workforce Development Bureau of Job Service - Milwaukee

37 Reuse Example in New Mexico: SUN PATH’s Job Development Career Coaching
New Mexico SUN PATH Program collaborated with the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions to offer job development career coaching to participants including: One-on-one career blueprint: development of where participants want to go and how to get there. Assistance in creating an effective resume, cover letter, and thank you letter or . Overview and guidance while utilizing the New Mexico Workforce Connection online system, including posting resumes for employers to see. Customer Service Training, participants receive a certificate upon completion Resources developed through the program are available on Career-Readiness-Workshop Collaboration-and-Partnership Effective-Employer-Outreach Interview-Skills-and-Resume-Development Workforce-Connection-Online-System

38 Program Design Resources for Employer Engagement
Employer Engagement Forms, Tracking Sheet, Outreach Protocol and Surveys Submitted by Norwalk Community College NORWALK COMMUNITY COLLEGE: PPM-2: HL-SCI Consortium Employer Engagement Materials Employer Engagement Strategies-TRAC-7 Submitted by Washburn Institute of Technology NRC Promising Practices Manual Submitted by Passaic County Community College MIDDLESEX COMMUNITY COLLEGE: PPM-14: Outreach Materials Submitted by Middlesex Community College - CT

39 Other Online Employment & Training Tools
CareerOneStop: Wide variety of online tools for finding jobs, training, and career exploration Competency Model Clearinghouse: Library of skill competency models for key industry sectors O*NET: Online tools for career exploration and job analysis for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, and researchers. Workforce System Strategies: Online library of research, best practices, and guides for developing the workforce Eligible Training Provider List: List of WIOA eligible training providers by state

40 Innovations Leading to Career Success Webinar Series
Thank you! Please also join us for our webinar series in collaboration with the US Department of Education: Innovations Leading to Career Success Webinar Series February 28 - Make Industry Experts into Expert Instructors to Increase Student Success March 14 - Scaling Career Pathways in Wisconsin March 28 - Resources for Developmental Education Using Competency-Based Education April 11 - Lowering the Cost of Course Materials with Free and Open Educational Resources May 2 - Sustaining Grant-funded Projects for Long-term Success May 16 – Free Resources for Apprenticeship and Work-based Learning

41 Questions? Evan Burke SkillsCommons Project Lead TAACCCT Grant Program For more information see: Utilizing Free Online Educational Resources on the Repository Webinars: Part I: Introduction Part II: Makeover Visit website at Contact

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