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RPL in Scotland Development within the context of a national credit and qualifications framework European RPL Network event 5 November 2010 Ruth Whittaker.

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Presentation on theme: "RPL in Scotland Development within the context of a national credit and qualifications framework European RPL Network event 5 November 2010 Ruth Whittaker."— Presentation transcript:

1 RPL in Scotland Development within the context of a national credit and qualifications framework European RPL Network event 5 November 2010 Ruth Whittaker Centre for Research in Lifelong Learning Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland

2 Overview RPL development in Scotland since 2003
Cycle of RPL development in Scotland University sector integrating RPL within formal learning provision Operational models for RPL in HE QAA Scottish Universities RPL Network Cross sector work The Way Forward Possible areas of collaborative investigation and development via European Network Benefits of European collaboration

3 RPL development in Scotland since 2003
SCQF VALEX EU project ( ) Pedagogical model and toolkit SCQF RPL Guidelines Review; National Debate Consultation Formative & summative RPL core principles & key features : Sectoral developments RPL Networks : SCQF & QAA Policy drivers

4 Use of Recognition of Prior informal Learning (RPL) in Scotland
As a result of RPL people may: Plan a learning pathway which will build on their prior learning Identify core, and other skills, which they have gained through their life and work experiences which will help them to study, train or work effectively Gain entry to a programme at college or university as alternative to traditional entry qualifications Gain credit within a programme or towards a qualification Plan a learning pathway; personal/career development plan; or personal learning plan which will build on their prior learning. This may include a mapping or ‘notional levelling’ of their learning onto the SCQF to help identify their starting point and their future direction. This form of recognition is described as RPL for Personal/Career Development, or formative recognition. Identify core, and other, skills which they have already gained through their life and work experiences which will help them to study or train effectively in a college, university or other learning and training provider. This form of RPL focuses on building learner confidence and easing the transition between informal and more formal learning situations. Gain entry to a programme at a college, university or other learning and training provider as an alternative to the normal entry requirements if they can demonstrate knowledge and skills which are equivalent to the entry requirements. This form of recognition can be described as RPL for entry and will involve some form of assessment, which may be written or oral, such as an interview. Gain credit within a programme, or towards a qualification, at a college, university or other learning and training provider. Credit can either be for particular units or modules or for entire levels of a programme or qualification. This form of recognition is described as RPL for Credit, or summative recognition. It involves a formal assessment of the learning as part of the credit-rating process.

5 Cycle of RPL Development in Scotland
Innovation: Broad policy into practice Reflection & consolidation: Good practice distilled back into policy development Translation of new policy into effective practice at organisational level Formal learning providers e.g. Higher Education Careers Guidance Skills Development Scotland Health Sector Banking sector Social Services sector Scottish Police Force Scotland’s Colleges Sector Skills Councils Community Learning & Development sector

6 Operational models for RPL within Scottish universities
Devolved model: University-wide procedures, operated at faculty/school/department/programme level- no central coordination or support Partnership/centralised model: Central RPL Coordinator or Faculty RPL Coordinator works in partnership with academic staff A learner may combine an RPL claim with a credit transfer claim in seeking credit within a programme. 6

7 University sector 2005-10 Integrating RPL within formal learning provision
Supporting the development of the flexible curriculum (QET project ) Piloting RPL modules with specific groups: formative recognition (GCU, Stirling, 2005; UWS 2009) Mapping outcomes of prior informal learning against SCQF/QAA level descriptors Integration within work-based or life-place learning; & CPD programmes RPL models for refugees and migrant workers (GCU CARA projects 2007 & 2008; OU,2009; SG ) QAA Universities Scotland HEI RPL Network (2008) Supporting the development of the flexible curriculum: flexible entry and flexible programmes within the context of the SCQF (QET project ) QAA Scottish Universities RPL Network (2008) Piloting RPL modules with specific groups :formative recognition (GCU, Stirling, 2005; UWS 2009) Mapping outcomes of prior informal learning against SCQF/QAA level descriptors: broad comparison of skills /capacities rather than direct match of LOs Integration within work-based or life place learning programmes - flexible entry/delivery: negotiated learning outcomes and assessment. RPL work shadowing and professional development model for refugee academics (GCU CARA projects 2007 & 2008); New migrant research (OU,2009); SG Scoping study ( ) Integration into CPD programmes

8 QAA Universities Scotland HEI RPL Network
Purpose: Vehicle for sharing practice and research in RPL to assist development in Scottish sector Raise awareness of developments in the rest of the UK, Europe and internationally Link into post-Bologna developments Link into other RPL developments via SCQF RPL Network and international research community e.g. PLIRC

9 Issues identified by QAA Universities Scotland HEI RPL Network
Challenges for Recognising Prior informal Learning Lack of evidence base Lack of resources Concept & Practice: Parity of esteem & curriculum design Basis of recognition: direct match or broad comparison of outcomes/capacities? Consistency and transparency Transition issues for learners A learner may combine an RPL claim with a credit transfer claim in seeking credit within a programme.

10 Key areas of network activity
Streamlining process and increase accessibility: guidelines and on-line resource Explore recognition of learning gained outside the UK within the context of the SCQF Building an evidence base: case studies; research Participating in Bologna developments: European RPL Network Development of case studies of practice in Scotland and beyond. Clear guidelines for streamlining the process across the Scottish HE sector. Online resource- sharing of tools/approaches Building an evidence base through student tracking and research. Raising visibility of the network Participating in a European Network 26 from 11 countries: Scotland ; Belgium; Croatia; Finland; France; Germany; Ireland; Latvia; Northern Ireland; Netherlands; Slovenia Examples of actual RPL practice : individual projects; institutional developments; sectoral or national initiatives Range of credit awarded and numbers of learners Types: RPL & university admissions; credit rating employers’ programmes; RPL & workforce development/re-skilling; RPL to support transition; RPL frameworks; national policy and provision; supporting and training university staff

11 Cross–sector work SCQF RPL Network:
SCQF RPL Review , Inspire Scotland (2008) Development of SCQF RPL toolkit (generic version of SCQF Social Services resource pack and facilitator guide (2009) Scottish Government Scoping Study of support and recognition mechanisms for refugees and migrant workers ( ): SCQFP; GCU, representing Universities Scotland; Scotland’s Colleges and Skills Development Scotland Development of SCQF mapping via RPL as part of careers guidance: Skills Development Scotland /GCU( ) Development of contextualised SCQF Level Descriptors (SCQFP/GCU (2010) Making the Case for RPL : sector specific (2010) SCQF RPL Network: SCQF RPL Review , Inspire Scotland (2008) Development of SCQF RPL toolkit (generic version of SCQF Social Services resource pack and facilitator guide (2009)– to be tailored/adapted within different sectors Scottish Government Scoping Study of support and recognition mechanisms for refugees and migrant workers ( ): Partners: SCQFP; GCU, representing Universities Scotland; Scotland’s Colleges and Skills Development Scotland Development of SCQF mapping via RPL as part of careers guidance ( ) Development of contextualised SCQF Level Descriptors (2010) Development of sector specific ‘business cases’ for RPL (2010)

12 The way forward Building Capacity and Demand
Widening accessibility of RPL process Manageable, more streamlined, flexible approaches Development of a more flexible curriculum Collaborative learning partnerships/trust between providers and across sectors Staff developing and operating RPL processes need to be supported and resourced to carry out their role Development of support and recognition mechanisms for refugees and migrant workers Development of more flexible routes into and through programmes Integration of RPL into workforce development processes Development of RPL ‘toolkits’ which can be tailored for different sectors, including profiling tools Development of more collaborative learning partnerships Development of support and recognition mechanisms for refugees and migrant workers Awareness-raising, marketing strategies to highlight benefits and opportunities presented by RPL RPL networks to encourage sharing of practice and research and raise awareness of related developments at sector, national and international levels National online resource – existing tools, approaches, case studies: streamlining processes

13 The way forward Exploration of ways of securing/deploying RPL resources effectively & gaining commitment from institutional leaders: organisations will invest in RPL if it meets strategic objectives Development of RPL ‘toolkits’ which can be tailored for different sectors, including profiling tools Awareness-raising, marketing strategies to highlight benefits and opportunities presented by RPL : speaking the same language RPL networks to encourage sharing of practice and raise awareness of related developments at sector, national and international levels National online resource – existing tools, approaches, case studies

14 Possible areas of collaborative investigation & development
RPL National agendas Impact of NQFs Skills recognition and skills development & utilisation Workforce development strategies Participation of the workforce in lifelong learning Participation by non-traditional learner groups Support transitions

15 Benefits of European collaboration
Supporting Scottish University RPL developments : access wider expertise and support streamlining of support and assessment Share practice, access knowledge and expertise and resources across EHEA Developing European RPL Research Agenda: to develop evidence base Informing a programme of action/typology on the basis of good practice across a range of different countries

16 References Ahlgren L, et al (2007) Experiences of workplace Learning in SMEs: Lessons for good Practice Community Learning and Development Portfolio : a Resource to Record Learning, Experiences and Achievements (2008) Community Learning & Development Managers , Scotland Guest, P & Vecchia, M (2010) Scoping Study on Support Mechanisms for the Recognition of the skills, Learning and Qualifications of Migrant Workers and Refugees. Final Report SCQF on behalf of Scottish Government Inspire Scotland (2008) The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Partnership (SCQF) A Review of the Recognition of Prior Learning. Final Report, SCQF OECD (2008) Thematic Review and Collaborative Policy Analysis Recognition of Non-formal and informal learning : Scotland & England, OECD SCQF RPL Guidelines (2005) Whittaker, R et al (2006) Flexible Delivery Quality Enhancement Theme. Supporting the Development of the Flexible Curriculum Final Report, QAA

17 References Whittaker, R and Knox, H (2006) Flexible Entry Staff Development Pack: Recognising Prior informal Learning and Credit Transfer within the context of the SCQF. QAA Whittaker, R (2006) Scottish Executive Recognition of Prior informal Learning (RPL) Scoping Exercise. Final Report, SE Whittaker R (2007) Recognising prior learning in Community Learning and Development using the SCQF. Report 81 Communities Scotland Whittaker, R (2008) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) : guidance and resources for mentors and learners, Scottish Social Services Council Whittaker, R (2008) Scottish Credit & Qualifications Framework (SCQF) Social Services: Recognition of Prior informal Learning (RPL) pilot. Evaluation Report , SSSC Whittaker, R & Anderson, P (2009) Evaluation of RPL Profiling Tool and SCQF Mapping Guide pilot, Skills Development Scotland

18 Websites

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