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Chapter 10/11 Cell Division.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 10/11 Cell Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 10/11 Cell Division

2 Question As a cell becomes larger, its volume increases______________ than its surface area.

3 Answer: Faster

4 Question What happens when a cell grows?

5 Answer It places more demands on its DNA.
It uses up food an oxygen more quickly. It has more trouble moving enough materials across its cell membrane.

6 Question What is the series of events that cells go through as they grow and divide called?

7 Answer The cell cycle

8 Question What are the phases of mitosis?

9 Answer Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

10 Question What happens when cells come into contact with other cells.

11 Answer They stop growing.

12 Question What regulates the cell cycle?

13 Answer Growth factors Cylins p53

14 Question Cancer is a disease in which some cells have lost their ability to…….

15 Answer Control their growth rate

16 Question What is a tumor?

17 Answer A mass of cells that are sometimes cancerous.

18 Question If an organisms diploid number is 16, Its haploid number is…….

19 Answer 8

20 Question Are gametes produced through meiosis or mitosis?

21 Answer Meiosis

22 Question Gametes have __________ allele for each gene.

23 Answer one

24 Question Meiosis results in the formation of what type of cells?

25 Answer Haploid cells

26 Question Meiosis results in the formation of __________ genetically different cells.

27 Answer four

28 Question What happens if cancer cells are left untreated?

29 Answer They will break loose and spread through the body which causes serious medical problems and disrupts normal activities. Ovarian Cancer

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