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10–1 Cell Growth Photo Credit: © CAMR/A.B. Dowsett/Science Photo Library/Photo Researchers, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "10–1 Cell Growth Photo Credit: © CAMR/A.B. Dowsett/Science Photo Library/Photo Researchers, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 10–1 Cell Growth Photo Credit: © CAMR/A.B. Dowsett/Science Photo Library/Photo Researchers, Inc.

2 Limits to Cell Growth 10 Cell Division
The rate at which food, oxygen, water, and wastes are moved in and out of the cell is dependent on the surface area of the cell and its volume. The larger a cell is, the longer it takes to get rid of waste and get food.

3 10 Cell Division C. Cell Growth
In eukaryotes, cell division occurs in two major stages. The first stage, division of the cell nucleus, is called mitosis. The second stage, division of the cell cytoplasm, is called cytokinesis.

4 10 Cell Division Chromosomes
D. Chromosomes Before cell division, each chromosome is duplicated, or copied. Each chromosome consists of two identical “sister” chromatids. Each pair of chromatids is attached at an area called the centromere.

5 Events of the Cell Cycle
Interphase is the period of growth that occurs between cell divisions. It is the most important and longest phase. During the cell cycle, the cell grows, replicates its DNA, and divides into two daughter cells. DNA synthesis takes place during the S phase. Cell division takes place during the M phase. G1 and G2 are gap phases.

6 The Cell Cycle E. Cell Cycle or Mitosis
The cell cycle is the series of events that cells go through as they grow and divide.

7 The Cell Cycle F. Cell Cycle Interphase During G1, the cell
increases in size G stands for growth During the S phase, chromosomes are replicated S stands for synthesis

8 Mitosis G. Mitosis (PMAT) pee mat
Biologists divide the events of mitosis into four phases: Prophase Prophase is the first and longest phase of mitosis. The centrioles separate and take up positions on opposite sides of the nucleus. Metaphase The chromosomes line up across the center of the cell. Anaphase The sister chromatids separate into individual chromosomes. Telophase Chromosomes gather at opposite ends of the cell and lose their distinct shape.

9 Mitosis Spindle forming Prophase Centromere Chromosomes
(paired chromatids)

10 Mitosis Centriole Metaphase Spindle

11 Mitosis Individual chromosomes Anaphase

12 Mitosis Telophase

13 Cytokinesis Cytokinesis the cytoplasm pinches in half.
Each daughter cell has an identical set of duplicate chromosomes

14 Cytokinesis in Plants Cell plate Cell wall
H. In plants, a structure known as the cell plate forms midway between the divided nuclei. Cell plate Cell wall

15 Cell Cycle Regulators I. Cell Cycle Regulators
The cell cycle is regulated by a specific protein called cyclin.

16 Uncontrolled Cell Growth
J. Uncontrolled Cell Growth Cancer is a disorder in which some of the body's own cells lose the ability to control growth. How are cancer cells different from other cells? Cancer cells do not respond to the signals that regulate the growth of most cells.

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