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LLL through volunteering: Principles, intercultural aspects and good practices. LLL through volunteering – principles Sabine Remdisch VALUE Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "LLL through volunteering: Principles, intercultural aspects and good practices. LLL through volunteering – principles Sabine Remdisch VALUE Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 LLL through volunteering: Principles, intercultural aspects and good practices. LLL through volunteering – principles Sabine Remdisch VALUE Conference – Middle East Technical University, Ankara (Turkey) 8–9 June 2011

2 LLL as a Challenge for Educational Policy in Europe Continuous professional education and training throughout the entire working life Improvement of educational opportunities and participation for all levels of the population Recognition and inclusion of informal learning Educating older people to maintain expertise and thus guarantee transfer of knowledge between generations 08–09.06.2011Value Conference – LLL through Volunteering2

3 The Contribution of Universities to LLL Universities will have a prominent role in LLL through academic continuing education. Lifelong learning and learning parallel to work must become a leading principle. Universities must develop specific, closely- tailored continuing education opportunities for the working world and meet the qualification needs of the working individual. Universities must offer individualised education based on professional biographies. They must make access to higher education possible through recognition of professional competencies. Universities need appealing and effective teaching methods for participants from different phases of life. 08–09.06.2011Value Conference – LLL through Volunteering3

4 Effective Teaching Methods: LLL through Volunteering Learning must remain attractive for professionals, people in late-professional life and in retirement –to provide necessary professional knowledge and to inspire innovation; –so that their knowledge and competence is not lost; –to promote their social participation and social recognition and appreciation of their expertise. Older people with their strong community involvement must develop and up-date their competencies to ensure the transfer of knowledge to younger generations 08–09.06.2011Value Conference – LLL through Volunteering4

5 LLL through Volunteering: Learning in Other Living Environments Examples of Learning in Other Living Environments: –Service Learning (Universities) Service Learning is a teaching method which combines academic seminar content (learning) with community involvement (service). Students take on social responsibility and can assimilate the learning content more intensively. –Changeover (Companies) Relates to managers who have a practical lear- ning week in drug rehabilitation centers, centers for the disabled, hospices, child and youthcare facilities or in the penal system. –A Real Honour (Companies) Teams within a company take on responsibility for social projects (e.g. renovating a kindergarten) within the framework of team development seminars –Volunteering Projects in Developing Regions (Organisations / Societies) Adults work on community, social or cultural projects in developing countries in: environmental preservation, wildlife preservation, education, childcare, social work and healthcare projects. 08–09.06.2011Value Conference – LLL through Volunteering5

6 LLL through Volunteering: Learning in Other Living Environments University continuing education for the voluntary sector –the development of university programmes (continuing education) for the qualification of leaders active in third-sector organisations. Demand is particularly in the leadership task areas of organisation and public relations. 08–09.06.2011Value Conference – LLL through Volunteering6

7 LLL through Volunteering: The Principles Integrated learning: anchoring the learning experience at different levels, strong personal impressions, inspiring group experiences, learner becomes open. Experience-oriented learning: learner is strongly activated by the new learning arena, gathering intercultural competence. Self-evaluation and reflection: strongly promotes self-evaluation process: questioning own values; recognising own behaviour and learning to control it. 08–09.06.2011Value Conference – LLL through Volunteering7

8 LLL through Volunteering: The Benefits Learners can –develop social competence, –learn to be more sensitive and understanding of others, –develop personally, especially sense of civic responsibility, –build leadership abilities, –gather experience in project management, –gain professional orientation, –develop openness and personal strengths. Universities can –increase their responsibility within the community, –exchange knowledge with the region, –increase the variety of seminars offered, –improve their image within the society. The community can –improve the quality and quantity of socially-oriented opportunities, –improve social cohesion through networking, –gain academic expertise in the support and evaluation of projects. 08–09.06.2011Value Conference – LLL through Volunteering8

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