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University of California Irvine

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2 University of California Irvine
James Fallon Martina Panzenboeck Vid Petrovic


4 White Matter Atlas Jim Fallon and Martina Panzenboeck are building a 3D atlas of white matter tracts extracted using Slicer from DTI data Major neurological diseases (MS, Parkinson, schizophrenia, depression, …) and developmental issues are linked to white matter connectivity With Slicer and DTI we can now image and analyze white matter tracts in vivo Quantification and comparison will allow new insights into disease pathology and offer new diagnostic and therapeutic methods

5 White Matter Atlas The first step is to construct a normal control for later comparison We start with six normal brains from the Dartmouth DWI dataset We define, label and save every tract bundle by hand We then visualize the saved tracts using a new Slicer-compatible tool developed by Vid Petrovic





10 Visualization Currently a special-purpose tract viewer
Use ‘tuboids’—flat streamtube impostors—to speed up rendering Simplify tract geometry while navigating

11 Slicer We have found the program very useful
Some additional functionality we’d like to see: We’ve been unable to save, reload, and continue working on [adding and deleting] tracts in a new Slicer session ABC filtering


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