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Do Your Homework! 30 Things You Might Not Know about Dynamics GP Functionality.

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1 Do Your Homework! 30 Things You Might Not Know about Dynamics GP Functionality

2 Sandy Wickman Over 16 years of GP experience
Served 1 year as GP Product Manager Significant focus on Mixed Mode Manufacturing & Distribution verticals Microsoft Certified Professional Accounting & Business educated Home in Austin, Texas Senior Implementation Consultant

3 Objectives – Fast and Furious!!
Homework resources GP Ease of Use Info YOU can use….specific to YOU Repeatability Data access Module specific quickies TOPICS As the session title states, these are 30 things that you ‘Might’ not know. We want to learn in this interactive session which ones you ‘Don’t’ know. So in this Fast & Furious event, we will show a tip, then ask ‘Is this new to you’. In response to the question…Please raise your hand if the tip is new to you. We have to be a bit vulnerable and transparent, but it will be worth it so we all learn together. My associate Ashley will gauge the responses & record them on the white board. Once we have all 30 revealed, then we will take the top 5-10 that are ‘new to most’ and demo those in GP for your further use. We will be highlighting some new features of GP2016 as a part of the tips so you might consider the value to your organization in upgrading to this new version. Sound like fun?! Ok, let’s get started.

4 Homework resources Tip #1
GP Manuals….Where are they? You may remember as a child your parents saying: “Do your homework!”. Well this homework assignment gives you the ‘crib notes’ that you can take with you and refer back to as you progress thru your GP experiences and show off to others with your new-found expertise. Our first reference here is to how to find those GP manuals that may need to be referred to on occasion. Did you know that GP ships with manuals….still?

5 Homework resources Tip #2
GP HELP….ways to access it. When doing your homework, is it not just the ‘best’ when you find that you can target the specific area you need help with in a very simple fashion? And, then dig deeply into the topic that you need details on in order to proceed? Well the GP HELP is the resource for you. Right down to the descriptions of the fields. HELP can be accessed from a variety of places but looks the same wherever you begin. Do you recognize this symbol?

6 GP Ease of Use Tip #3 Select your GP Industry & Role
Choosing your Industry allows you to include/exclude functionalities that may/may not relate to you. For instance, if you are not a manufacturer, then no need to see some of the manufacturing specific extended windows for item maintenance. Your role selection narrows the security to tasks that you might perform based on a general understanding of the roles in American accounting positions.

7 GP Ease of Use Tip #4 Customize your Homepage incl Power BI
From ToDo’s to Typical reports, from Microsoft content to Community interactions….your homepage can be just what you need in order to get the ‘lay of the land’ to start your day, and keep updated throughout the day. New versions also allow you to see workflow alerts for tasks you need to take action on, or even update your own W-9 details and print paystubs. Also, you can add Power BI details using a new Web part that was added with GP2016

8 GP Ease of Use Tip #5 Copy Home/Area Pages Home Page Role
Home Page Content Area Pages GP2016 allows you to copy Home and Area Pages. Why should you care? When was the last time you had a GP accounting clerk leave your organization, then need the new person to have the exact same links and security as the person who left? After all, the notes/documentation for this role had all the references to quick links, etc. This feature helps you to have a duplicate available to support the new person in the role and keeps things processing effectively in your organization.

9 GP Ease of Use Tip #6 Custom Navigation Lists
Navigation lists are relatively underused. Did you know that you can take action on a number of records at the same time? And select the records from a list that you want that action to apply to? Another common use of Navigation lists is as a workflow. Your Shipping department might see a list of orders to be shipped, take action, and refresh the list such that you can always see what work needs done currently. Here is a quick tip for you: When creating custom Nav Lists….Save them first, then customize the saved new list.

10 GP Ease of Use Tip #7 MR report access from within GP
Another GP2016 feature is the ability to access MR reports directly from GP. Imagine how much easier to run routine reports and, no need to launch another application as a starting point of report generation.

11 GP Ease of Use Tip #8 Scan multiple pages to attachments
Note that you must have a scanner with a multi page feeder to be able to scan in multiple pages With GP2016 comes the ability to scan multiple pages for Document Attach. Note that you must have a scanner with a multi page feeder to be able to scan in multiple pages.

12 GP Ease of Use Tip #9 Default Smartlist Visibility
When creating a new SmartList Favorite, system administrators now have the option to select a default value for to whom the SmartList Favorite will be visible, including the following options: System, Company, User Class, and User ID. So much less clutter in the smartlists made available to System when they are only needed by an individual user. Open the System Preferences window. Administration >> Setup >> System >> System Preferences.

13 Info YOU can use….specific to YOU Tip #10
Custom Reminders You can create them from custom Smartlist Favorites or while creating a NEW smartlist favorite

14 Info YOU can use….specific to YOU Tip #11
Activity Tracking Who did that? How can I know who to train so this does not continue to be a repeated issue? Here’s how! You will want to carefully select what you want to turn this on for so that you don’t fill up your database with tracking of activities that are not useful to know. Setup: Administration > Setup > Activity Tracking View Results: Administration > Inquiry > Activity Tracking Report: Administration > Reports > System > General > Activity Tracking Detail

15 Info YOU can use….specific to YOU Tip #12
Sending users a message Did you know that you can send GP users a message from within the application? How handy is that?!! Administration > Utilities > System > Send Users Message

16 Repeatability Tip #13 Creating GL accounts
Description will “pre-populate” if you name the GL Segments Financial > Setup > Segment Posting Type, Typical Balance and Category with “pre-populate” if you lookup a similar account first

17 Repeatability Tip #14 Setup shortcuts
The fastest way to setup shortcuts on your GP Home page is by using the File button on the toolbar or ribbon. Then you can rename them and/or place them into folders for organization. How very File Explorer like…..

18 Repeatability Tip #15 Keyboard Shortcuts
You can add a Keyboard Shortcut to any Window in GP. There are lots of key stroke combinations that you can choose from to make keying data entry more streamlined.

19 Repeatability Tip #16 Customize the toolbar
A simple right-click to the toolbar gives you access to add images and/or text for the windows you need to access most often. Smartlist is a common one to add to the toolbar. The benefit of having the link on the toolbar is that it is available regardless of the Area page you are working on.

20 Repeatability Tip #17 Field Level Security Before: After:
Do you have a need to further restrict users to keep accidental events from causing ‘headache fixes’? Making a button invisible to users as in this example of hiding the Delete button can aid users in making the right selections. Administration > Setup > System > Field Level Security

21 Data access Tip #18 Table Structure within GP
From within GP you have access to all the table structure details you have installed. With a number of different filter options and sort choices, you can easily find the details you need for use in Smartlist Designing, SQL querying, SQL View creating, etc. Additionally, you can print the list to the screen and use the CTL+F to find on specific words.

22 Data access Tip #19 Smartlists Debits before Credits
A number of new features available in GP2015 R2 make upgrading very worthwhile. The accounting minds will love the reality that Debits will now be represented before Credits in core smartlists without you having to rearrange the columns manually….no more alphabetical columns, now they are accounting accurate.

23 Data access Tip #20 Smartlists company export/import
With GP2016 you can export a Designed smartlist from a GP company and/or install and import it into a different GP company. What will you do with all the time you save not having to design the same reports multiple times?

24 Data access Tip #21 Smartlists to excel number format
Can you believe how long it has taken to get this ‘feature’ right? With GP2016 you can now export numbers from Smartlist columns into excel and they arrive with number formats instead of text! Whoo Hooooo!!!

25 Module specific quickies-Purchasing Tip #22
Multi AP Distributions by default A great way to aid your AP clerk to code routinely to multiple GL accounts is to set the accounts by default on the Vendor card record. Although it will not distribute to them by default, it is a great way to ‘remind’ the user to break out the value to multiple accounts when there isn’t a defined / fixed allocation to accounts.

26 Module specific quickies-Purchasing Tip #23
Payment Terms validation What a great idea! Now you can actually validate that the payment terms that you setup will have the impact that you intended BEFORE needing them to provide accurate information with the vendors/customers that are assigned to. This GP2015 R2 feature let’s you use a validation from the setup to assure the results are as expected.

27 Module specific quickies-Purchasing Tip #24
Historical RNI Report Who wants to stop all processing on the first day of the next month in order to run the month end Received Not Invoiced report? No one! So, there is a new SSRS report available that gives you opportunity to enter a date parameter making it a historical report. Have you deployed the Out-of-the-box SSRS reports? There are lots more available…..

28 Module specific quickies-Purchasing Tip #25
Prepayments on POs Prepayments on POs have been available for a couple of versions, however with GP2016 a new feature resolves the issue that a prepayment could not in the past be inclusive of Freight and Misc charges. Microsoft Dynamics GP, select Tools, select Setup, select Purchasing, click on Purchase Order Processing Mark the Allow Purchase Order Prepayments setup option Mark the Create manual prepayment from Purchase Order Processing box Enter Prepayment Account of ( create if necessary ) Click OK

29 Module specific quickies-Purchasing Tip #26
Payables Credit Card Payments Are you collecting credit card points? Want to pay your AP with the company credit card and rack up the points for vacation?  Now with GP2016 there is an option to use the company credit card to pay a payables check run. This has the same functionality as a single credit card payment thereby showing a transaction for the total amount of the batch as a voucher on the credit card vendor. Safe travels!

30 Module specific quickies-Sales Tip #27
Auto Batch Deposit Cash Receipts GP2015 R2 came on the scene with the ability to skip a second step when processing cash receipts by auto depositing those to the check book. BUT, every check was a single deposit! Argh! So, with GP2016, the Auto Deposit feature allows for those to be batched for a deposit of multiple items together. To select the option, mark the “Automatically post cash receipt deposits” checkbox in the Company Setup Options window. When this option is marked, cash receipts entered in Cash Receipt Entry, Receivables Transaction Entry, Sales Transaction Entry, and Invoice Entry and on return documents in Payables Transaction Entry will be deposited automatically in the checkbook, updating the checkbook balance.

31 Module specific quickies-Sales Tip #28
Customer Credit Limit Indicators GP2016 has enhanced the visibility for customers over their credit limit making it quite obvious to users who need to be made aware. Click Sales >> Setup >> Receivables. In the Options section, mark the Display Over Credit Icon checkbox. Mark the Warn if Customer Over Credit checkbox.

32 Module specific quickies-Financial Tip #29
GL Acct Inquiries-Open & History No longer is it necessary to open different windows to query GL account activity from the current year or a prior historical year. As of GP2015 R2, they are all in one window. And, any Go-Tos or drill backs go to a single window as well.

33 Grand Finale – All-In-One Viewers Tip #30
All-In-One Viewers===Sales, Purchasing, Inventory Purchasing All-In-One viewer was first on the scene, but with GP2016 we have access to sales & Inventory windows as well. These are a great way to see across the landscape of any entry without having to open multiple windows to do so. Several filters allow you to restrict the document types, or specific documents. You can begin with the sales quote, or begin with the customer payment. And, you can access the All-In-One viewers from a variety of windows, area pages, and navigation lists.

34 Contact:
Thank you for the opportunity to spend time with you today. Please feel free to contact me to follow up on any unanswered questions or additional features you would like to implement. You can also find value in the blog posts that happen routinely at InterDynBMI. (insert link for blogs)….. Contact: A portion of the content was provided from GPUG session content presented by Amber Bell

35 References Share Blogs, websites, etc. resources that support your topic. List them here: Upcoming Webinar: Webinar Recordings Classroom Training website page Let’s Talk Blogs for Tips & Tricks Access to CustomerSource ?

36 ? Related Resources CPE Eligible Session
Share Blogs, websites, etc. resources that support your topic. List them here: Upcoming Webinar: Webinar Recordings Classroom Training website page Let’s Talk Blogs for Tips & Tricks Access to CustomerSource ? CPE Eligible Session

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