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M.V. Fuses & Accessories Product Line
M.V. Fuses & Accessories used for:
Motor and motor controller protection Transformer protection Distribution system protection Capacitor protection During this presentation we will review the Ferraz Shawmut medium voltage fuses and accessories product line. For the purpose of this presentation and since medium voltage fuses are designed for specific applications, we will categorize our product line for the type of application they are used for. For each type of application, we will review the products we offer, where they are used and who our competitors are.
Common fuse terms and definitions
Backup Current-Limiting Fuse Types General Purpose Full Range Per ANSI and IEEE standards, there are three different types of current-limiting fuses: Backup fuses, General Purpose fuses and Full Range fuses. The three fuse types differ in the “low” melting current they are designed to interrupt. Their characteristics define the type of applications the fuses can be used for. 1 hr. i Min IR Max IR Melting Current
Motor & Motor Controller Protection Amp Trap® line
R- Rated Backup motor starter CL fuses UL Recognized 2.4 kV – 1R to 36R 3.3 kV – 2R to 19R 4.8 kV – 2R to 36R 5.0 kV – 18R to 57X 5.5 kV – 2R to 19R 7.2 kV – 2R to 24R 15.5 kV – 9R to 38X A480R6R-1 For the protection of medium voltage motor and motor control centers, Ferraz Shawmut Amp trap R-Rated fuses make up the most extensive line of backup current-limiting fuses in the industry. Most fuses of this line are UL Recognized. An R-rated fuse must melt in 15 to 35 seconds at a value of current equal to 100 times the R rating. The R-Rated Amp-Trap line ranges from 2.4 kilovolt to 15.5 kilovolt; with R-ratings from 1R to 57X. We offer three mounting configurations as shown here: Bolted, DIN-style and Ferrule. Our part numbers are easy to decipher, for example the: A072B3D0R0-48X fuse is 7.2 kilovolt, bolted, with 3 barrels and rated 48X The A480R6R-1 fuse is 4.8 kilovolt and rated 6R. A072B3D0R0-48X
Motor and Motor Controller Protection 9F line
9F60 series, EJ-2 type R-Rated Backup motor starter CL fuses UL Recognized up to 24R 2.54 kV – 2R to 24R 5.08 kV – 2R to 36R In addition to the Amp-Trap line for the protection of medium voltage motor and motor control centers, we have the 9F60 series Type EJ-2. These R-rated back-up current-limiting fuses are UL recognized for ratings up to 24R. Two voltages are available; 2.54 kilovolt and 5.08 kilovolt, rated from 2R to 36R. While the size and ratings available seem redundant with the Amp-Trap line, the element designs are very different, resulting in distinct electrical characteristics. You’ll find many of the 9F60 series EJ-2 type fuses in the GE motor control equipment. The part numbering system for the EJ-2 is very close to be meaningless. For details, you will need to refer to the catalog. Ferraz Shawmut is the market leader for R-Rated fuses with many OEMs such as Rockwell, Square-D, Benshaw, GE, Toshiba and ABB specifying our products in their equipment. 9F60MJD518
Motor and Motor Controller Protection
Applications: Across the line starter Soft starter Drive Motor Control Center Fuse purpose: Back up fuse Short circuit protection Fuse characteristics: Handle the motor Inrush R-Rated fuses are used for short circuit protection for the following type of motor and motor controller equipment: Across the line starter Soft starter Drive Motor Control Center The purpose of the R-Rated fuses is to act as a back-up fuse and give high fault current protection. Since they do not provide overload protection, another protective device must be properly coordinated with the fuse to fulfill this function. One of the most important characteristics for the motor protection fuses is that they must handle the motor inrush current during start-up time.
Motor and Motor Controller Protection
Where they are sold/used: Medium voltage starters and drives. Replacement market within these industries: Waste water treatment Oil and gas Chemical Pulp and paper Mining Steel mill The best customers for R-Rated fuses are companies that manufacture Medium Voltage starters and drives. There is also an enormous sales opportunity within the replacement market for the following industries: Waste water treatment Oil and gas Chemical Pulp and paper Mining Steel mill
Motor and Motor Controller Protection
Competition: Bussmann JCG – JCH – JCK – JCL - JCR Eaton Cutler Hammer CLS – ACLS – BCLS Littelfuse: 150-5R-1C-2.75 700-38R-3BI-5.5 450-24R-2BI-8.25 Three competitors also manufacture Medium Voltage R-rated fuses. They are: Bussmann, Eaton Cutler Hammer, with a line of fuses originally developed by Westinghouse, and Littelfuse with a line they bought from Norberg in 1998. We recommend that you contact the factory regarding questions about replacing competitors fuses.
Transformer and distribution system protection Amp-Trap® line
General purpose fuse E-Rated Indoor only UL Listed 5.0 kV – 1200E 5.5 kVt – 10E to 900E 7.2 kV – 250E to 400E 8.25 kV– 10E to 200E 15.5 kV – 10E to 300E A072B2D0R0-350E For the protection of transformers and distribution systems, Ferraz Shawmut offers general purpose fuses from our Amp-Trap product line, which meet E-rated requirements: Please remember that an E-rated fuse is defined as follows, “When rated 100E and below, the fuse must melt in 300 seconds at 200% to 240% of its E-Rating. Above 100E, the fuse shall melt in 600 seconds at 220% to 264% of its E-Rating. Further information on E-rated fuses, can be found in our “Definitions and Introductions to IEEE/ANSI Standards” training module. Our general purpose Amp-Trap line is for indoor usage only. Most of our fuses are UL listed. We offer voltage ratings from 5.0 kilovolt up to 15.5 kilovolt with ratings from 10E up to 1200E. For installation purposes, we offer three mounting configurations: Clip Lock style (or CL14) as shown on the left picture, Ferrule as shown in the center and Bolted as shown on the on the right. Part numbers are easy to decode: An A825X30E-1, is a kilovolt fuse rated 30E. An A072B2D0R0-350E is a 7.2 kilovolt, Bolted, made with 2 barrels and rated 350E. A825X30E-1
Transformer and distribution system protection - 9F line
9F62 series, EJO-1 type General purpose UL Listed 0utdoor 5.5 kV – 25A to 900A 8.3 kV – 20A to 250A 15.5 kV– 20A to 300A Ferraz Shawmut offers a wider range of products for the protection of transformers and distribution systems from its 9F line as compared to its Amp-Trap line. Starting with the 9F62 series also known as EJO-1, this line of general purpose current limiting fuses are all UL listed and suitable for indoor and outdoor use. The voltage ratings range from 5.5 kilovolt to 15.5 kilovolt and the ampere ratings range from 20A to 900A. For all ratings up to 300 amps, these fuses are ferrule style and above 300 amps they are bolt-in style. As we saw it for the R-rated fuses, the part numbering system for this line is not easy to decipher. For detailed information, we recommend you to consult the catalog. 9F62FCC200
Transformer and distribution system protection - 9F line
9F60 series, EJ-1 / EJO-1 type Power Distribution Fuse E-Rated Indoor/0utdoor 2.75 kV – 1E to 200E 5.5 kV – 1/2E to 200E 8.25 kV – 1/2E to 200E 15.5 kV – 1/2E to 100E 15 kV – 125E to 175E 25.8 kV – 1/2E to 100E 38 kV – 1E to 80E The bulk of Ferraz Shawmut’s offering in the 9F line comes from the 9F60 series type EJ-1 and EJO-1. These power distribution current limiting fuses meet E-rated requirements and can be used indoors and outdoors for the EJO-1, and indoor only for the EJ-1. The voltage ratings range from 2.75 kilovolt to 38 kilovolt with ratings from half E to 200 E. All of the fuses in this series are ferrule style. With a part numbering system more or less meaningless we recommend to consult the catalog for detailed information. For the protection of transformers and distribution systems the 9F line is a strong compliment to our existing Amp-Trap line. It provides us with fuses having a wide variety of dimensions, higher voltages and technology that accommodates outdoors usage. Just to name few of them our customers for this line are GE , Line Power, Powercon, RSE-Sierra switchgear as well as some Utilities. 9F60HMM100
Transformer and distribution system protection
Applications: Fused switches Power transformers Feeder circuits Fuse purpose: Overload protection Short circuit protection Fuse characteristics: Handle the transformer magnetizing inrush when energized. E rated and general purpose fuses are used for the following type of applications: Fused switches Power transformers Feeder circuits For this type of applications the purpose of the fuse is: providing overload protection as well as short circuit protection. One of the most important fuse characteristics, is the ability to handle the transformer magnetizing inrush when energized.
Protection of Potential Transformer Amp-Trap and 9F lines
Diameter 0.81” and 1” 2.4 kV – 1/2E to 5E 4.8 kV – 1/2E to 3E 5.0 kV – 1/2E to 5E 7.2 kV – 1/2E to 3E 9F60BHH001 (PT EJ-1 FI 15.5kV 1E) 9F60 series, EJ-1 type Diameter 1.6” 2.75kV – 1E to 3E 5.5 kV – 1/2E to 3E 8.25kV – 1/2E to 3E 15.5kV – 1/2E to 3E For the protection of potential transformers, also known as PT and Control Potential Transformers or CPT, Ferraz Shawmut offers Amp-Trap and 9F fuse lines in the most popular dimensions and voltages. In the Amp-Trap fuse line, fuses are 0.81 inch and 1 inch diameter with voltage ratings from 2.4 kilovolt to 7.2 kilovolt. In the 9F fuse line, we offer the most commonly used diameter, 1.6 inch, in voltages ratings from 2.7 kilovolt to 15.5 kilovolt. A480T1E
Transformer and distribution system protection
Applications: Potential transformers for metering application Fuse purpose: Short circuit protection Fuse characteristics: Handle the transformer magnetizing inrush when energized. Measuring or monitoring certain electrical characteristics in a medium voltage circuit can only be done after stepping down the voltage. This is done using a potential transformer or a control potential transformer. The PT fuses are used for the protection of these transformers. The purpose of the fuse is to provide short circuit protection on the primary while being able to handle the high magnetizing inrush current when the transformer is energized.
Transformer and distribution system protection
Competition: Bussmann: JCU – JCX – JCY – JCZ – JDZ – MV055 – MV155 - JCD – JCE – JCI – JCQ – JCT – JCW Eaton Cutler Hammer: CLS – ACLS – BCLS - CLPT – NCLPT Littelfuse: Our competitors for all E-Rated and general purpose fuses used for the protection of transformers are: Bussmann, Eaton, and Littelfuse We recommend that you contact the factory regarding questions about replacing competitors fuses. 150E-2C-5.5 15NLE2-125E LCN 125X 2E-11PT-15.5 LCT 2E
Transformer and distribution system protection
Where they are sold/used: OEMs integrating MV transformers into their equipments. Utilities Mining operations Paper and steel mills Water treatment plants Oil, gas and chemical plants Manufacturing plants Subway and rapid transits Hospitals, hotels and schools Offices and shopping complex Research facilities Airport terminals The target customer for transformer and distribution system protection fuses are OEMs that integrate medium voltage transformers into their equipment. We also target industries that use transformers, including: Utilities Mining operations Paper and steel mills Water treatment plants Oil, gas and chemical plants Manufacturing plants Subway and rapid transits Hospitals, hotels and schools Offices and shopping complex Research facilities Airport terminals
M.V. Fuse Accessories 9F line
9F61 series Fuse support type EK-1 / EKO-1 To facilitate installation of our medium voltage fuses we offer a line of fuse supports and fuse disconnect switches. The fuse supports, shown here, simply hold the fuses. They are part of our 9F61 series. The type EK-1 shown on the left is for indoor usage. The type EKO-1 as shown on the right is for outdoor usage. 9F61ADG101 9F61CJN409
M.V. Fuse Accessories 9F line
9F61 series Fuse disconnect switches type EK-3 / EKO-3 Still part of our 9F61 series are the fuse disconnect switches. The type EK-3 on the left is for indoor usage and the type EKO-3 on the right is for outdoors. These fuse disconnect switches are a practical system to remove and install the fuse. While open it keeps the load safely disconnected from the source. It is important to note that these disconnecting switches are not load-breaking devices, therefore the circuit must be open prior to the fuse disconnection. All fuse disconnecting switches and fuse supports come ready to use, all the user needs to supply is the fuse. 9F61CGL310 9F61AEG405
M.V. Fuse Disconnecting Switches & Supports Spare Parts 9F61AWW738 SP 3IND(2) LONG LIVE PARTS If the user needs replacement parts or already has their own insulator and base, Ferraz Shawmut offers: Spare live parts, Spare fuse clips, Hinges and trunions, and Conversion kits. Further information can be found in the training module “Medium Voltage Fuse Supports, Fuse Disconnect Switches, and Accessories”.
M.V. Capacitor Fuses 9F and Amp-Trap lines
9F60 series, EJO-5 type 0utdoor 5.5 kV – 25A to 80A 9.52 kV – 15A to 40A 9F60RJF015 Amp-Trap Indoor 1.5 kV – 25A to 200A 2.5 kV – 25A to 200A 3.0 kV – 50A to 175A 4.3 kV – 6A to 100A 5.5 kV – 6 to 75A Ferraz Shawmut offers a line of medium voltage fuses to protect capacitors. These fuses are part of the 9F line and are the 9F60 series EJO-5 fuses. They are for indoor and outdoor usage. Rated voltages are 5.5 kilovolt and 9.52 kilovolt with only one mounting configuration as shown. From of our Amp-Trap line , which is for indoor use only, we offer fuses with voltage ratings from 1.5 kilovolt to 5.5 kilovolt; in nine different mounting configurations. Like the other parts from the 9F line, part numbering system is not easy to decipher and we suggest you to consult the catalog for detailed information. In the case of the Amp-Trap fuse A550C75-15, the 550 stands for 5.5 killovolt, C, for capacitor fuse, 75 for 75 Amps, and 15 stands for mounting style 15. A550C75-15
M.V. Capacitor Fuses Application: Capacitor protection Fuse purpose:
Isolate shorted capacitor before case rupture occurs. Fuse characteristics: Withstand high inrush current when energized. Interrupt high current discharge. The purpose of medium voltage capacitor fuses is to isolate the system from failed capacitor units and prevent damage to adjacent equipment. These capacitor fuses must withstand high inrush current when energized and be able to interrupt high current discharge when short circuits occur.
M.V. Capacitor Fuses Where they are sold/used:
Any companies manufacturing: Power factor correction equipment Harmonic filtering equipment Induction heating systems High power drive Soft starters Welding equipment Industries that uses them: Steel mill Mining Any companies using equipment with high power electronics. You’ll have the most success selling medium voltage capacitor fuses to companies that manufacture: Power factor correction equipment Harmonic filtering equipment Induction heating systems High power drive Soft starters, and Welding equipment For the replacement market, you should target: Steel mill Mining, and Any company using equipment with high power electronics.
M.V. Capacitor Fuses Competition:
Cooper Power Systems. ELX-NX- X limiter Eaton Cutler Hammer CX – CXN ABB: CLC Fusetek TCCF Thomas & Betts. HTFX (Formerly Hi-Tech) Ferraz Shawmut’s competitors, in the Medium Voltage Capacitor fuse market, are: Cooper power systems Eaton Cutler Hammer ABB Fusetek, and Thomas and Betts
Why our medium voltage product line is successful
Broad product line High service level, with many of items in stock Medium voltage equipment is the most economical solution It uses less power than low voltage Requires less copper Motor control centers reduce stress on the equipment and electrical system. Reduces energy consumption Medium voltage semiconductors can support these applications Medium voltage breakers are very expensive. The strength of Ferraz Shawmut’s medium voltage fuse line is attributed to: The breadth of our medium voltage product line and a high level of service with items in stock. In addition, the need for medium voltage equipment is growing as compared to low voltage, because often it is the most economical solution: A medium voltage system use less power than a low voltage system. Medium voltage equipment requires less copper. Medium voltage motor control centers reduce stress on the equipment and electrical system, consequently reducing maintenance and repair costs The use of medium voltage equipment helps reduce energy consumption Medium voltage semiconductors can support these applications as they are now able to work at higher voltages and can handle higher current values Medium voltage breakers are very expensive as compared to fuses alone or fuse/contactor combination.
The Value of Having an Inventory of Spare Parts
Downtime on one piece of equipment is expensive. Having spare parts is a necessity Finally it is important to mention the value of having an inventory of spare parts. The downtime on medium voltage equipment is expensive because it typically powers all sections of a building or a few pieces of equipment. In order to reduce downtown on medium voltage equipment, having an inventory of spare parts should not be considered a luxury but a necessity.
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