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Roundup Time at the FRC Corral
Good morning. My name is Maria Swarts. In my work as a financial and data analyst on the Eller College Finance Team, I build tools to help improve business processes and make data more readily available to the people in our college. Some of the other finance team members here with us today are – Tara, Amy, Pat, Rachel, Jessica, and Mary. Depending on your schedules, you might see Tara and Mary presenting on some different topics later today. (click) Tools for Wrangling Subaccounts and Expenses Maria Swarts, Analyst Eller Finance Team
Budget Reports Reporting Structure Custom Dashboard Provisioning
Today we are going to look at some custom reports - using financial reporting codes and subaccounts - that round up our Dean’s office expenses into a financial reporting structure that we are developing. To start, I’ll talk briefly about a part of our monthly budget vs actuals reports. Then I’ll go over my process to create a reporting structure in Analytics using financial reporting codes and subaccounts. Then I’ll show you the custom dashboard reports I’ve built for reporting at the manager level. And I’ll talk about the provisioning process needed to get a manager access to view reports online in Analytics. I’ll stop in a few places for questions - so please hold your questions until we get to those stopping points. (click)
Budget Reports Budget vs Actuals reports for functional working groups
FELLER – legacy reporting system is retiring Marketing and Communications (MARCOM) example In our Dean’s office, we have a few functional working groups - along with the Finance Team that I work on - we have a centralized Marketing and Communications group, a Facilities unit, and the college’s Development Team. Each of these groups has a manager who oversees a budget for their area and they receive monthly budget vs actuals reports to track their spending. Basically, a budget vs actuals report is a simple report that shows an annual target budget amount, a summary of expenses year-to-date, and an available balance. (click) The monthly reports are currently coming out of a legacy reporting system named FELLER. We’re retiring FELLER at the end of the fiscal year and moving over to using the reports you’ll see in this presentation. (click) For this reporting process, I’m building custom dashboard pages in Analytics for each functional group manager using financial reporting codes, subaccounts, and a few other tools available in Analytics. And for this presentation, we’re going to look at the dashboard page that I built for our MARCOM group. (click)
Reporting Structure Eller uses Sub Accounts to track expenses within the Dean’s Office Expenses are grouped into functional reporting areas using Financial Reporting Codes (FRC) Target Budgets and UA Foundation data are added using a My Analytics List (mylist) In the Dean’s office, we’re adding a subaccount to all expense transactions. (click) And all of our subaccounts have been coded to include a financial reporting code. The FRCs have been coded to follow a financial reporting structure that groups the subaccount expenses into the functional working groups, like MARCOM or Facilities. I’ll show you what the FRC mapping process looks like in a few slides. (click) The annual budget for any one of our functional groups is made up of variety of funds – budget style, cash style, and Foundation – so the challenge was - how do we corral all those different expenses across all those different funding sources into one budget report on a dashboard page. Analytics can easily give us year-to-date UA expenses, but we also needed to include a target budget and the UA Foundation expenses to create our budget vs actuals report. A MyAnalytics List can pull together system data and external data. I used a mylist to combine the target budget and the Foundation data with the UA data. We’ll take a look at the mylist process later in the presentation. (click)
Reporting Structure - Sub Accounts
Sub Accounts are coded to Accounts and added to transactions Sub Accounts group expenses into different buckets across multiple accounts and object codes Allocations (TF, RBC) into Sub Accounts not used to set budget If you attended Ron Robert’s presentation this morning, you heard about how Campus Rec is using subaccounts and financial reporting codes to get the big picture. For those of you who didn’t hear his presentation, here’s a quick review of these tools. Subaccounts are coded to accounts and added to the transaction accounting line in Financials. (click) Subaccounts group expenses into a reporting bucket, regardless of the account number or the object code. This allows you to pull reports in Analytics using just the subaccount to see how much has been spent for that activity. You can also pull a report for a group of subaccounts and see activity for larger reporting groups in your department. (click) For our budget vs actuals process in Eller, we are not allocating funds to a subaccount to create budget – that is only being done via a mylist. If you are attending Jennifer Paine’s presentation after lunch today, you will see how she is creating budget using subaccount allocations for her departments. (click)
Reporting Structure - Financial Reporting Codes
FRCs are coded to Sub Accounts FRCs pull Sub Accounts into reporting groups for reporting at the manager level FRCs are tied to an Organization or Unofficial Organization Code Financial reporting codes are tied to subaccounts in Financials - so when a transaction has a subaccount added to the accounting line in Financials, the FRC is there in the background. (click) Financial reporting codes group the subaccount expenses into larger reporting buckets, again regardless of the account number or the object code. If groups of subaccounts are always being pulled together to make a report, FRCs can do that grouping for you in Analytics for that managers level view. (click) FRCs are also tied to a department organization code and can be tied to unofficial orgs if you are using those. (click)
Reporting Structure – Mapping
Visio is a helpful tool for mapping Sub Accounts under FRCs Up to 5 levels in the reporting structure similar to a traditional organizational chart If you attended Christine Duddleston’s presentation last year or if you just attended Ron’s presentation – you saw that they used an organizational chart to map out the financial reporting structure for their departments. And I do the same thing using Visio. It creates a visual that shows the reporting structure in the org chart format that is easy to follow. I do recommend starting the FRC and subaccount mapping process with an org chart and I’ll show you what that looks like on the next slide. (click) FRCs allow up to 5 levels in the structure and in Eller we have coded down to 3 levels. You can think of the FRCs like 5 levels of managers with all the subaccounts reporting up to their managers. (click)
Here is part of the Visio org chart that I developed when mapping out our FRCs and subaccounts. This shows the first level - or lead FRC - which is simply DEAN. And you can see MARCOM is a level 2. On the Visio org chart, each functional reporting group has all of it’s subaccounts listed below the FRC as a way to keep track of the build process. For MARCOM, the subaccounts mirror the budget categories on the manager’s Excel budget - so we have categories like salaries, advertising, web marketing – and in the subaccount boxes, I list the accounts that can use those subs. This chart was my worksheet and as I entered the subaccounts in Financials, I checked off the account numbers as I created each subaccount. (click) This morning at Ron’s presentation, he showed you the Google chart in Analytics on the Financial Management dashboard that displays the FRC structure after everything is set up. This is part of the Eller Google chart from Analytics that shows that everything is mapping the way I wanted. (click)
Let’s take a quick look at the screens in Financials to see where the coding for FRCs and subaccounts takes place. In the financial reporting code create function, FRCs can be up to 10 characters long and names up to 35 characters. The manager name is also entered here. If you remember from the last slide, the top of my Visio chart is DEAN – so for MARCOM, I made it a level 2 FRC by making it report to DEAN. (click) In the subaccount create function, subaccounts can be 5 characters long and names up to 35 characters. MARCOM is entered in the FRC section - it really is that simple to tie the subaccount to the FRC. If you already have some free-range subaccounts , you can use the subaccount edit function to add FRCs. It’s pretty flexible - you can change the FRC on a subaccount anytime and you can rename your subaccounts and FRCs. If you do change the FRC on a subaccount, remember that you’ll be moving all those expenses on your reports to the new reporting group going forward and back in time. And the same thing will happen if you rename your FRCs or subaccounts. (click)
Reporting Structure - Checklist
Create FRC Level 1 Create FRC Levels 2-5 Create or update subaccounts Position Distributions Salary Expense Transfers GEC/DI on posted transactions After the FRCs and subaccounts are mapped out in Visio, I use this checklist to keep track of the process. I do recommend doing the tasks in this order to make sure the coding goes smoothly. As I mentioned in the last slide, I started with DEAN for level 1 and then created the other levels. FRC edocs don’t need additional approvals so they can be used right away. Then I create or update the subaccounts on all accounts and include their FRC. After the subaccount edocs are final, we work on coding payroll and other expense transactions. First we add subaccounts to position distributions in Employee MSS. Once those have been processed, then we submit salary transfers to add subs to payroll already posted. Then we move onto the GECs or DIs to add subaccounts to posted transactions. And during all this, we’re adding the subs on all new transactions. When we coded MARCOM this fall, we went back to the beginning of the fiscal year so that the reports would capture the entire year. Before we move onto the dashboard page, are there any questions on our reporting structure or the coding process? (click)
Budget vs Actuals Dashboard
Annual Budget Monthly Agent I/E Sub Account Report Transaction Report Payroll Expense Report Project Code Report Sweep Reports and Agents Sub Account Reports To List For the MARCOM manager, I built a custom budget vs actuals page on our Dean’s office dashboard with the reports she needs to monitor her budget. There is an Annual Budget - that budget vs actuals report - shows the target budget, year-to-date expenses, and balance available - and this high level report is delivered to the manager every month via an agent. The subaccount, project code, transaction, and payroll reports on the page give more detailed views. The subaccount sweep report is a tool to help find transactions that are missing subaccounts. And finally there is a subaccount list for reference. The dashboard setup, the reports, and the reporting structure are flexible – they can be designed in many different ways, so please, as we go through each of these reports, think about how you could change them to make them work for you area. After we take a tour of these reports, I’ll go over how we are handling our Foundation data. (click)
Annual Budget The Annual Budget is the top level report on the MARCOM manager’s dashboard page and it is that summary view of our budget vs actuals that is delivered to her by . I started with the Income/Expense report in the AMAC subject area and modified it down to what you see here. (click) I used the MyAnalytics List tool to bring some key information – UAF Update, Target Budget, and UAF YTD. When I first started working on this report, the only option was to create a mylist by account number. That would have required a bit more mylist maintenance because every account number used by MARCOM would need to be added to the mylist. So I contacted UAIR - explained what I was working on and they were able to add the mylist folder for the dept org code level. (click) I was then able to filter for everything coded to the level 2 FRC for MARCOM in dept So no need to enter all the account numbers or subaccounts in the filter. (click)
Annual Budget Let’s look at this report again and step through each column. First, you can see I have renamed all of the column headers – so instead of the level 2 FRC, I simply named the first column Area. I’ll come back to the UAF Update field in a minute. For the Target Budget, I used the mylist to put in an amount that comes from the budgeting process that happens external to Analytics. Then there is the UA YTD and the UA Encumbered - those come from the income/expense report. Next is the UAF YTD - this number comes from the same mylist that adds the target budget. The mylist also includes the UAF Update field so that we know when the Foundation total was last entered. The Committed-Spent column adds the UA YTD, the UA Encumbered, and the Foundation YTD numbers. And finally, the Balance Available column subtracts the Committed-Spent from the Target Budget. As I mentioned before, we eliminated the need to do transfer allocations into subaccounts by using the mylist target budget. (click) And this is what the mylist looks like. I selected the list type as Dept and in the data fields, I entered some numbers just for this presentation, so no, these are not MARCOM’s actual numbers. It’s easy to enter and update the target budget and Foundation amounts anytime. After a mylist is built, it can be delegated to anyone on your finance team for monthly updates. This really is simple to use - just change the numbers in the mylist and the Annual Budget report updates in Analytics. (click)
Monthly Agent As I mentioned, the annual budget report is delivered to the MARCOM manager by agent and it goes out on the 8th of each month. The includes information on who sent the report - instructions on how to navigate to the custom MARCOM dashboard in Analytics to see the detailed reports – and a reminder to review transactions. The MARCOM manager has been provisioned for access to the Dean’s office dashboard and once she goes to her page, she can see her more detailed reports. I also include the report path on my agents - you can see that this is a test report and I can go back into my Analytics catalog and find it by following this path. (click)
I/E Subaccount Report This subaccount summary is the second report on the MARCOM dashboard and shows the UA spending by subaccount. As I mentioned before, the subaccounts match the manager’s budget categories in her excel spreadsheet. This report is another customized Income/Expense report and is filtered by the MARCOM FRC. (click) Managers usually want to see salaries at the top of the report, but a report like this will show the subaccounts in alphabetical order. So I used an Analytics tool called binning to sort the subaccounts into two groups - Salaries and Operations. Binning does not show up in the FRC structure – it just organizes data in the report. A binning trick can help with sorting – I use spaces in front of the bin names to create a non-alpha sort. So when I entered the bin name for Salaries, I put a space before the ‘S’ and the bins then sorted the way I want. If you have 10 bins and want them sorted a particular way, then put 10 spaces in front of the bin you want at the top, 9 spaces for the second bin, and on down. I could do a whole other presentation just on binning. It really is a nice tool. (click)
Transaction and Payroll Reports
Next on the MARCOM dashboard are the transaction and payroll reports. (click) These reports were a quick steal from the published reports, a few mods, and filtered by account number and subaccount. On the transaction report, I included the edoc link so that the manager can drill in and look at the transactions if needed. The Ledger subject areas have the option to filter by the subaccount report to code - which is the same as the FRC - but that view would not include transactions that are missing subaccounts and for these 2 reports I wanted to include all the transactions on the MARCOM accounts. (click)
Project Code Report MARCOM also has one project code for their Progress publication. We wanted a separate report outside of the subaccounts to show this activity, as there might be spending across several subaccounts and sometimes there is funding from outside the MARCOM accounts. This is a transaction report and the filter is simply the project code named Progress. (click) And the second view shows the transaction detail. (click)
Sub Account Sweep Report
An important tool on the MARCOM dashboard page is what I call the subaccount sweep report – it shows transactions that are missing subaccounts. One of the challenges with the first draft of this report was that it didn’t show if a transaction might have already been corrected. I had to look through all the transactions – those with and without subaccounts - to see if corrections might have already been made and that took time. (click) So I asked UAIR for help with an object code filter that basically says – if the subaccount is a dash and the object code subtotal equals zero - then don’t show me the transactions for that object code. (click) This report shows a balance for 2 printing transactions that need subaccounts, so I know a DI needs to be done. Now for object code there are two entries that have been corrected, but one for $166 that has not. When the DI is done to add subaccounts to these 3 transactions, both sections for 4840 and 7956 will disappear. The report will only show an object code section when a correction needs to be made and eliminates most of the noise around those transactions. (click)
Sweep Agents Last week, I set up an agent to deliver a subaccount sweep report for all accounts in 3001 to our business manager. The is scheduled for every Tuesday morning and this first report shows that an entry for $114 on 7956 is needed because some transactions were moved off the account January. The report is formatted so that the can be printed and used as a worksheet if needed. (click) I also had UAIR help me this month with a position filter on a PEL report and we now have a PEL sweep report going to our business manager every other Thursday. A little bit small, but this shows that a cell phone allowance for March 13th needs a subaccount. (click)
Sub Account Reports To List
Let’s come back to the MARCOM dashboard and look at the last report. This is a customized subaccount lookup report which is a list of all the subaccounts tied to the MARCOM FRC - and it shows all the accounts that can use the subaccounts. I included the Active flag as a table prompt so that we can quickly look at inactivated subs if needed. The filter is set for subaccount report code equals MARCOM - this is another simple report to build after the subs are mapped to their FRCs. Well, we just covered a lot territory here. Any questions? (click)
UA Foundation Data Currently delivered via legacy system
Transactions downloaded every month and coded in Excel UAF data used for several different reports My Analytics List options in the future When I showed you the annual budget report with the Foundation YTD number, I didn’t go into detail about how we are handling Foundation data. The FELLER legacy system was programmed to bring in the Foundation transactions and merge them with UA transactions into a single report. With FELLER’s retirement on the horizon, we are now downloading Foundation transactions to an excel spreadsheet. We then apply a comprehensive coding structure that includes adding the same subaccounts that are being used in Financials. We’re using the Foundation data for several reports including a college wide sources and uses report - an annual budget vs actuals - a workload metrics report - and now the manager level monthly budget vs actuals reports. There has been some discussion with UAIR about adding more mylist folders in the AMAC subject area. If that happens, I would like to explore ideas to bring more Foundation details into Analytics – maybe at the subaccount level. (click)
Dashboard and Provisioning Checklist
Dept dashboard request Dept dashboard users Check Security Prereqs Access agreement and training Data provisioning roles Agents This is another checklist I wanted to share with you - for Dashboard and Provisioning access. I refer back to this frequently when provisioning a manager for access to Analytics. So, the first step for you might be to request your department dashboard. And depending on how your dashboard is set up, you might also need to add the new manager as a Viewer. The next step is to make sure your manager will be able to see the data when they login to Analytics. Start with checking the security prereqs report to see if they need any training. If the manager is new, they will need to complete the online user access agreement and elevated privileges training. I send an with instructions for doing these tasks before I submit a provisioning request. Once training is done, go into the provisioning tool and submit a request to give the manager the Analytics Financials-Medium role. And if you want to send a report using an Agent, please remember that recipients of Agents must be provisioned as if they were viewing the report in Analytics. The recipients don’t have to have access to your dept dashboard, but they must be provisioned for the subject areas used to build the reports. For the reports I presented today, Financials-Medium is the only role needed. If you are interested in all the steps behind this dashboard provisioning process, I am working with UAIR to hopefully present this checklist in a Speakers Series in the near future. (click)
Next Steps Retire legacy reporting system
Sub Account coding for Income UA Foundation reporting process Adaptive Planning This is a big project to retire a legacy system and we’ve been going through the coding process one functional reporting group at a time. Most of the subaccounts have all been herded into their FRC corrals and with the MARCOM dashboard template, the reports for the other functional groups are going up quickly. We haven’t added subaccounts to all of the transfers or perm budget yet - we wanted to get all of the expenses coded as the first step and we’re still thinking about the coding structure for income reports. And as I just mentioned, we’re looking into ways to deliver more Foundation data using mylists and a process to deliver detailed transaction reports. We’re also looking at how Adaptive Planning might assist with or change this reporting process. (click)
Resources UAccess Community Tutorials UAccess Learning
Next Steps: Using My Analytics Lists Working with Agents: Delivering Data to Your Desktop Next Steps: Working with Bins, Groups, and Calculated Items Request a College or Department Dashboard UAccess Learning UAccess Analytics: Office Hours (UA-1071) There are many resources available if you are interested in learning more about the many tools that I presented. There are tutorials for mylists, agents, binning, and building dashboard pages on the Community resources website. You can also watch some of the other Symposium presentations related to this topic. As some of you may already know, I do share my reports. If you are interested, please contact me and we can discuss what might work for your department. And when you need one-on-one help with a dashboard or report – especially when using mylist data - sign up for Analytics office hours. I couldn’t have made all this work without Steve’s help. Are there any other questions? UAccess Symposium Presentations Managing Cash-Style Accounts: Budgeting, Tracking, and Reporting 2016 Sub Accounts and Financial Reporting Codes: The Big Picture 2016 Finding the Big Picture: Using Macros on the GEC Template 2015 Sub Accounts and Financial Reporting Codes 2013
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