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Catch and Landings statistics

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1 Catch and Landings statistics
Instructions for transmitting data for year 2012 Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

2 A few simple steps to send your data:
Open the Excel templates on CircaBC Paste your data into the template corresponding to the area of your catches Convert your data from .xls into .xml format (DATA > XML > EXPORT in Excel 2003) Save the .xml file on your drive Open the eDamis Web portal, select the correct dataset and send your .xml file indicating the year and your country's name Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

3 Avoid common mistakes - to save your own and our time!
Use the most recent Excel templates for transmitting your data Follow the instructions in the sheets Use the right classification and codes for species, areas, etc. Use the right units required for reporting data Do not send duplicate data Check for outliers Make sure your file is in .xml format Make sure you select the correct dataset name, year and country to send your data !!! Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

Introduction of "_NK" codes to identify catches for which specific subdivision/division or subarea is unknown. PLEASE, do not report unknown catches at the aggregate level!!! Nothing should be reported at the aggregate level at all! Only report at the lowest possible level. All aggregates will be calculated at Eurostat. x For example: Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

Example: Atlantic Herring (HER) in Area 27_3 27 do not report 27_3 27_3_A report 27_3_B 27_3_B_23 27_3_C 27_3_C_22 27_3_D 27_3_D_24 27_3_D_28 27_3_D_28_1 27_3_D_28_2 27_3_D_28_NK 27_3_D_NK 27_3_NK 27_NK A compete list will be sent to all countries! Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

6 Further details can be found on the following slides.
Thank you for submitting your data in good quality and format! Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

7 Purpose of this presentation? Get prepared
This presentation is made for easier understanding of how Eurostat requires European Union Member Countries and EFTA Countries to report catch and landings data Its purpose is to improve the quality of data for Catch and Landings statistics to the benefit of everybody In some slides you can find hyperlinks which will connect you to the web-pages where you can find what we are talking about. Do not hesitate to to in case of doubt Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

8 Get connected to CIRCABC
CIRCABC is an extranet tool, developed by the European Commission, to share documents. Select your template and paste your data. Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

9 Excel to SDMX Templates
Template for Catch A Excel to SDMX Templates To help produce the SDMX data for Fishery, Eurostat has built some easy-to-use Excel templates. You find a lot of information by clicking on the specific sheets as indicated with the arrows Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

10 Catch data for Catch A (Rules sheet)
Some mistakes to avoid for Catch A: Some fish species which shoud not be caught in some areas Duplicates Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

11 Template for Catch 21 B and Effort (BEFF)
What shall I send? Click here Usage instructions here Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

12 CATCH 21 B Rules for Catch 21 B, please avoid: Duplicates Outliers
Fish species which should not be caught in some areas Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

13 CATCH 21 BEFF Template for 21 BEFF:
Sometimes the effort caterogy was missing (see below) Avoid duplicates Three alpha code species to take from FAO's ASIFS list Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

14 To know which data we are expecting, click the RULES button
Template for Landings data and find all the required codes under these buttons (species, flag state, presentation…) To know which data we are expecting, click the RULES button Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

15 Landings data (Rules button)
Mistakes to avoid: Quantities landed in kilograms instead of tonnes Duplicates Empty cells Wrong format (e.g. excel sheets) OTH (="other") is not a fish species Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

16 Of course you may produce SDMX-ML files by your own means.
After copying your data in the Excel file (follow instructions in sheets), save it using the Export command in the XML group on the Developer tab – do not rename the file as its structure is important for the transfer via eDamis Use the last version MS-Excel Spreadsheet not the one saved on your drive Of course you may produce SDMX-ML files by your own means. Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

17 In case of old version of excel, if you don’t find the Developer tab in your Excel, here is the way how to add it: 1. 2. Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

At the eDAMIS Portal , select the "Transmission" and 'send datafile' buttons Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

19 Sending data with eDamis
Select the xml file in your drive Select the correct dataset 2012 Annual Insert a comment Your country Button to transmit your file Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

20 Other important information
Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

21 Essential indications
Excel template Dataset in eDamis Data collected Regulation Deadline* FISH_CATCH_A FISH_C21A_A Catches in area 21 – Table A (EC) No 217/2009 31-May FISH_C34TO51_A Catches in area 34,37,41,47,51 (EC) No 216/2009 30-June FISH_C27_A Catches in area 27 (EC) No 218/2009 FISH_LANDG_A FISH_COTH_A Catches in areas not covered by legislation Landings (EC) No 1921/2006 FISH_C21B_A Catches in area 21 – Table B 31-Aug FISH_C21BEFF_A Effort in area 21 * In 2013, the May and June deadlines are being exceptionnally extended. Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

The ASFIS list of fish species includes species items selected according to their interest or relation to fisheries and aquaculture. For each species, ISSCAAP group, taxonomic and 3-alpha codes are provided. The list is updated once a year in April/May. Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

23 FAO Major Fishing Areas
FAO Major Fishing Areas are arbitrary areas defined for statistical purposes. The areas boundaries were determined in consultation with international fishery agencies on various considerations. Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

24 Area 01 (Africa - Inland waters)
Area 02 (America, North - Inland waters) Area 03 (America, South - Inland waters) Area 04 (Asia -Inland waters) Area 05 (Europe - Inland waters) Area 06 (Oceania - Inland waters) Area 07 (Former USSR area – Inland waters) Area 08 (Antarctica - Inland waters) Area 18 (Arctic Sea) Area 21 (Atlantic, Northwest) Area 27 (Atlantic, Northeast) Area 31 (Atlantic, Western Central) Area 34 (Atlantic, Eastern Central) Area 37 (Mediterranean and Black Sea) Area 41 (Atlantic, Southwest) Area 47 (Atlantic, Southeast) Area 51 (Indian Ocean, Western) Area 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) Area 61 (Pacific, Northwest) Area 67 (Pacific, Northeast) Area 71 (Pacific, Western Central) Area 77 (Pacific, Eastern Central) Area 81 (Pacific, Southwest) Area 87 (Pacific, Southeast) Area 48 (Atlantic, Antarctic) Area 58 (Indian Ocean, Antarctic) Area 88 (Pacific, Antarctic) Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

25 Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries
An example of good data Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

26 Extract of data in the excel template
Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

27 The result in .xml format (Catch A)
Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

28 More useful web-sites:
FISHBASE Statistics_explained/Fishery_statistics Eurostat's Fishery statistics Databases Agriculture, fishery and forestry statistics last pocket book Eurostat's Metadata Server Eurostat's statistics -metadata- FAO ASFIS LIST FAO major fishing areas ICES fishmaps Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

29 Thank you for your attention!
If you need any help, do not hesitate to contact us Annabelle JANSEN Tel: (+352) Or Unit E1 - Agriculture and Fisheries

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