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Copy the following Notes into your Notebook?

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1 Copy the following Notes into your Notebook?
Remember to copy down the white text, those are the Main Ideas.

Listen to HIPPO

3 What does it mean to Analyze?
What Does ANALYZE mean? What does it mean to Analyze? “Read Between the lines” Examine carefully in detail Paraphrase in your own words Use background knowledge

When studying historical sources you need to be aware of documents’ sources and their authors’ POINT OF VIEW

5 What is Point of View (POV)?
An Authors perspective A belief that has been shaped over time Experiences Race / ethnic origins Social class Gender


7 Analyzing POV The FIRST Question you should ask yourself when analyzing the authors POV is… THE FIRST QUESTION Who produced the document? Gender, age, name, ethnicity, social status, religion

8 Analyzing POV The SECOND Question you should ask yourself when analyzing the authors POV is… THE SECOND QUESTION Who was the intended audience? Written privately, written for the public, official, unofficial

9 Analyzing POV The THIRD Question you should ask yourself when analyzing the authors POV is… THE THIRD QUESTION What is the TONE of the document? Motive: inspire, anger, happy, upset, start a change


11 H.I.P.P.Oing Documents Historical Context: Intended Audience: Purpose:
Analysis of ‘Historical Context’ involves connecting a document to specific historical events or time and place. Intended Audience: Explain to the Reader who the author had in mind when he/she created the document. Purpose: Explain to the Reader why was the document created?

12 H.I.P.P.Oing Documents Point of View: Outside Information:
Point of view the opinion or feelings of the individuals. Outside Information: One piece of outside information that is not contained in the document and why it is important.  

13 Write These Phrases in your Notebook
Historical context: “the historical context of this document is___________________.” Intended Audience: “the author’s intended audience was ___________________” and “is shown by_______________.” Purpose: “the author’s purpose in writing was to ______________” and “is shown by______________.” Point of View: “the author’s point of view in this document was ____________________” and “is shown by______________.”

14 Document Choices for your notebook checks:
Reading Selections: You must find a Twitter reading selections within the time period being discussed in class that are between 120 – 150 words. These selections should help inform you about the particular time period. They can be either primary or secondary sources. Historical Pictures/Political Cartoons: You can choose a historical picture or political cartoon that took place during a certain time period in US History. Make sure the Picture or Cartoon helps to teach you more about the time period through HIPPOing. Graphs or Charts Graphs or charts that describe a factor/s of a time period can also be used as a HIPPOing document. WARNING: These documents will be more difficult to HIPPO! Copy and Paste the Document into your notebook check and then HIPPO the document

15 Document A H I P O Columbus Discovers America (1492), Saturday October 13th “At dawn many of these men came down to the shore, all are, as already, said, youths of good size and very handsome: their hair is not wooly, but loose and course like horse hair, they have broader heads and foreheads than I have seen in any other race of men, and the eyes very beautiful not small, none of them are black, but of the completions of the inhabitants of the Canaries, as it is to be expected, for it is east [and] west with the island of Hierro in the Canaries, in the same line [latitude]. All without exception have very straight limbs, and no bellies, and very well formed. They came to the ship in canoes, made out of trunks of trees all in one piece, and wonderfully built according to the locality, in some of them forty or forth-five men came, others were smaller, and in some but a single man came.

16 H I P O Document B Cortes and La Malinche meet Moctezuma in Tenochtitlan, November 8, 1519.

17 Document C H I P O

18 Bartolomé de las Casas Condemns Spanish Treatment of the Indians (circa. 1510)
In exchange for his life of services, an Indian received 225 maravedis, paid them once a year as pin money or cacona, as Indians call it, which means bonus or reward. This sum bought a comb, a small mirror, and a string of green or blue glass beads. I believe the above clearly demonstrates that the Indians were totally deprived of their freedom and were put in the harshest, fiercest, most horrible servitude and captivity which no one who has not seen it can understand. Even beasts enjoy more freedom when they are allowed to graze in the fields. When the Indians were allowed to go home, they often found it deserted and had no other recourse than to go out into the woods to find food and die. When they fell ill, which was very frequently because they are a delicate people unaccustomed to such work, the Spaniards did not believe them and pitilessly called them lazy dogs, and kicked and beat them, and when illness was apparent they sent them home as useless. H I P O Document D

19 Document E

20 Document F

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