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6th grade science (integrated with art)

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1 6th grade science (integrated with art)
Viscosity 6th grade science (integrated with art)

2 Featured Artist: Laura Trevey




6 Featured Scientist: Jean Louis Poiseuille (1799 - 1869)
Poiseuille is pronounced “pwaz” . The French do not sound out the vowels “U”, “I”, “E,”, or the letters “LL”. He was a doctor who wanted to learn more about blood pressure. This led him to preform tests on the resistance of liquids. The equation for flow of liquids through a tube is called Poiseuille's Law.

7 Viscosity Determines the amount of friction, which in turn determines the amount of energy absorbed by the flow. The thicker the substance, the more friction between the molecules there will be. More friction = slower flow

8 What substance flows easiest?
Honey Soap Soda Salsa

9 WHY??

10 The natural progression of colors. Defines the light value of color.
Color wheel The natural progression of colors. Defines the light value of color.



13 Directions Get into groups of 3 and 4
Find supplies and set up a station in the classroom that has plenty of space and will not be disturbed. Discuss with your group what you need to do in order to complete the whole project (including experiment and poster board)

14 Supplies Four 50 ml test tubes
Three liquids of your choice and one water Poster board Markers Tape Stop watch

15 Bibliography _Flow

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