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How would your life be different without your cell Phone?

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1 How would your life be different without your cell Phone?


3 Traditional Economy Traditional economy is an economic system in which traditions, customs, and beliefs help shape the goods and the services the economy produces, economic activity is based on tradition with roles determined by previous generations What kind of societal jobs would be common in these communities?

4 Traditional Culture The Inuit
The Inuit are located in northern Canada. Inuit parents teach their children the how to survive in the freezing weather of the Arctic Circle. As the children grow up they learn how to hunt and fish; then they pass their skills to their children. The best hunters get to choose first and then everyone in the community gets an equal amount of meat that was hunted. These communities survive because of the skilled hunters and that everyone has an equal amount of food to live on.


6 Surviving in globalized world
Times Change = Technology shift Dogsleds turned into snowmobiles and Canoes turned into motor-powered freighter canoes Technology had to be Purchased with large sums of money. it costs an Inuit hunter approximately $30,000 and Arctic environment is hard on equipment, full replacement, at least of snowmobiles, is necessary every two to three years The national parks. Hunting is still a big part of Inuit life because of its importance to the food economy but also because of its values toward their traditional life style. The sale of furs and sealskin has been badly damaged by pressures from the animal rights movement. Inuit people are now having to branch into the global market and participate in wage employment ranging from driving trucks, heavy equipment operator, to community mayor. It is now possible for Inuit to gain employment as pilots, managers, politicians, and own small businesses. What is happening to the true traditional economy?

7 Amish Northeast Ohio, about 100 miles from Pittsburgh, Northeastern Indiana, and Amish settlement in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. The Amish are traditionalist Christian church fellowships with Swiss Anabaptist origins. The Amish value simplicity and self-denial over comfort, convenience and leisure. Their lifestyle is a deliberate way of separating from the world and maintaining self-sufficiency. As a result there is a bonding that unites the Amish community and protects it from outside influences such as television, radios, and other influences


9 Electricity Amish people interpret linking with electrical wires as a connection with the world – and the Bible tells them they are not to be “conformed to the world.” Amish leaders agreed that connecting to power lines would not be in the best interest of the Amish community. They did not believe electricity was evil in itself, but it opens the door to temptations and the deterioration of church and family life. The Amish feel these distinctive clothes encourage humility and separation from the world. Their clothing is not a costume; it is an expression of their faith. ouBIXBz4

10 Self Sustaining Main crops raised by Amish in Lancaster County, in order of acreage, are corn, hay, wheat, tobacco, soybeans, barley, potatoes, and other vegetables. Very few Amish, if any, do their milking by hand. Today they have modern milking equipment — not electric, but operated by alternate sources of power. Musical instruments are forbidden by the Old 0lder Amish community. Playing an instrument would be “worldly.” Amish use gas. Bottled gas is used to operate water heaters, modern stoves and refrigerators. Gas-pressured lanterns and lamps are used to light homes, barns and shops.

11 Quick discussion Are there any more north American traditional cultures? What problems are traditional cultures facing in this modern world?

12 Read the article on the Dakota pipeline and put 3 bullet points of possible solutions to the situation.

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