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What does the word ‘diet’ mean? Write down your ideas (2 mins)

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Presentation on theme: "What does the word ‘diet’ mean? Write down your ideas (2 mins)"— Presentation transcript:

1 What does the word ‘diet’ mean? Write down your ideas (2 mins)

2 Lesson 4 Staying Healthy Objectives:
To describe the importance of having a well-balanced diet To explain that obesity may lead to a number of health problems

3 Body Mass Index (BMI) Body Mass Index = Body Mass (Kg)
(Body Height)2 (m2) Can you think of any situations where the BMI is not the best way to determine obesity?


5 Size 0 – BMI<18

6 Obesity

7 Task Worksheet B3.1 4a looks at aspects of weight control in more detail.

8 Exam Question Describe the stages in the commercial production of soy sauce. (4 marks) Any four in correct sequence from: 1. cook soya bean; 2. mix with (ground) roasted wheat; 3. ferment with Aspergillus ; 4. brine is added; 5. yeast and/or Lactobacillus added; 6. second fermentation/refermentation; 7. filtered; 8. pasteurisation; 9. use sterile bottle; [Ignore sterilising] Max 3 marks if any points in wrong sequence.

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