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MC Kong Fuzi lil Lao-t u AKA Confucius. MC Kong Fuzi lil Lao-t u AKA Confucius.

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2 MC Kong Fuzi lil Lao-t u AKA Confucius

3 Your audience is your teacher, your Grandmother, Gandhi, and Jesus
Directions Write epic rhymes for both Confucius and Lao-Tsu Make sure both spit verses that follow the pattern below VERSE 1: Thoroughly explain the similarities in the two philosophies, yo. VERSE 2: Thoroughly describe each philosophy. VERSE 3:Thoroughly explain how each philosophy will bring stability to China. VERSE 4: Throw shade at the opposing philosopher by explaining how their own philosophy is better, bruh. Title both songs by summarizing the philosophy in less than 5 words REMEMBER Your audience is your teacher, your Grandmother, Gandhi, and Jesus

4 Classical Chinese Philosophy Rap Battle: EXTRA CREDIT
UP TO 10 points for a WELL PRODUCED music video performance of the rap battle Get into groups At least 2-3 (two performers and one videographer for pre-recorded raps) Group does not have to be the group you created your rap with. Can be other WHAP students Grade based entirely on creativity and performance Spotify users: search “Chinese Hip Hop” for Chinese beats Anything inappropriate (vulgar, racist, sexist, etc.) will get a zero Remember, your audience is your teacher, your grandmother, Gandhi, and Jesus Due Friday September 22. Send to me via , title file using all participants names

5 MC Confucius Lil Lao-Tsu
Student handout

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