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Faith Under Fire in the Furnace Daniel 3

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1 Faith Under Fire in the Furnace Daniel 3

2 Daniel 3 Discussion Questions
What would you do if you were in the position of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? What situations do we face today where we risk compromising our faith? Look at the reaction by the three friends in vv. 17–18. Explain how this compares with your response to difficult situations in your own life. Where do we draw a line in the sand within our culture to be in the world but not of the world?

3 Dan 3:1–12 “plain of Dura” – about 16 miles south of Babylon.
Daniel is probably back at the royal palace in Babylon (Dan 2:49). Babylonian astrologers motivated by 1) jealousy from account in Daniel 2; 2) prejudice against Jews Refusal by the three friends is considered an act of treason (they do not worship the king’s gods) and insubordination (they refuse to obey the king’s edict).

4 Dan 3:13–23 Burning as a form of execution was common in the Babylonian Empire (Jer 29:22 – Ahab and Zedekiah burned by king of Babylon) There was probably an opening at the top of the furnace as well as a door on the side. The “seven times hotter” was probably figurative, meaning “as hot as possible.” Greek version of OT (LXX) includes “The Prayer of Azariah” and the “Song of the Three Young Men” between v. 23 and v. 24.

5 Dan 3:24–30 Question: “What god can rescue you from my hand?” (v. 15).
Answer: The same God who revealed your dream, remember (2:47)? “son of the gods” (v. 25) identifies a divine being in a polytheistic worldview but was probably a theophany (appearance of God in the Old Testament).

6 Dan 3:24–30 “Most High God” – often used for God by non-Hebrews (ex: Gen 14:18–24). For pagans, it refers to the highest among many gods. Notice the “take away” verse for Daniel 3 in v. 28b: “They trusted in him and defied the king’s command and were willing to give up their lives rather than serve or worship any god except their own God.” Similar threat to those who oppose God as that given to the astrologers in Daniel 2 who could not interpret the king’s dream. Additionally, the three friends were promoted yet again.

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