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Daniel 3:1-7 A really tall statue and a really unusual dedication ceremony (“bow down or burn up.”)

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2 Daniel 3:1-7 A really tall statue and a really unusual dedication ceremony (“bow down or burn up.”)

3 Daniel 3:8-12 Three guys ruin the entire ceremony.

4 Daniel 3:13-15 King Neb gives three of his favorite workers, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, a second chance.

5 Daniel 3:16-18 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego tell King Neb, “Thanks but no thanks; heat up the furnace.”

6 Daniel 3:19-23 A really hot furnace….

7 Daniel 3:24-25 The surprise of a lifetime: four firewalkers in the furnace.

8 Daniel 3:26-30 King Nebuchadnezzar declares God to be the one true God.

9 What gods are you bowing down to?

10 What gods are you bowing down to?
Do you believe that God is ABLE to rescue you from whatever fiery furnace you are in?

11 What gods are you bowing down to?
Do you believe that God is ABLE to rescue you? Will you still trust and follow Him if He doesn’t rescue you?

12 What gods are you bowing down to?
Do you believe that God is ABLE to rescue you? Will you still trust Him if He doesn’t rescue you? Will you “do the right thing because it is the right thing?”

13 No other gods. God is ABLE to rescue me. But I will still trust and follow Him even if He doesn’t. Because I will live my life doing the right thing because it’s the right thing.

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