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By: Andrea, Jen, Ann and Caitie

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Presentation on theme: "By: Andrea, Jen, Ann and Caitie"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Andrea, Jen, Ann and Caitie
How To By: Andrea, Jen, Ann and Caitie

2 What is Create a Graph? Graphing and Charting boring old data has never been more fun or more easy! This tool allows you to input any sort of data and customize how it will be displayed. You can make anything from a Pie Chart to a Line Graph School age children and Teachers alike will have a blast using this tool in and outside of the classroom!

3 Let’s get started… Log on to
Select the type of graph you want to create

4 Now it’s time to get creative!
Select the background color for your graph, the color of the grid lines, and whether you want your graph to be 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional.

5 Different Types of Graphs have different options
Bar Graphs: the direction and the shape of the bars. Pie Charts: the filler you want for your information. X-Y Chart: line, bubble, or scatter chart. vs.

6 Plugging in Your Data Select the Data tab on the right side of your screen. Begin by giving your graph a title and writing it in the appropriate spot. If your graph requires labeling of the x and y axes, do this now.

7 Plugging in Your Data Next, select how many data points you want to enter You can choose the colors of your bars/lines/slices as well as the shape, size and color of the points.

8 Plugging in Your Data Enter your data. Remember to label each set.
The last thing you need to do on this page is enter in minimum and maximum values for the axes if desired. Once you have all of this information entered in, select the Labels tab on the right of your screen to move on.

9 Labels The most important step is to decide if you want labels in your graph. If not, skip this step and proceed to How to Print/Save Your Graph If you want labels they are quick and easy to do. Follow these steps…..

10 Labels Choose the position, font, and color of your data labels (data labels are the pieces that directly label each piece of data). You can also choose the color and size for the other text in your graph at this point. Select the font you want your labels to appear in.

11 Labels The Preview tab on the right side of the screen allows you to see what your graph looks like. If you want to change anything, just select the appropriate tab and change the information. Once you are satisfied, select the Print/Save Tab to complete your graph!

12 How to Print/Save your graph!
If you want to print your graph, select “I.” If you want to save your graph, click on “I” and choose your format and where you want to save your graph. If you would like to the graph, simply type in the address and click send (you will be able to make changes to the graph from the ed link).

13 Now it’s your turn!!

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