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Spring into Service.

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1 Spring into Service

2 Service comes first! At this point in the year it is crucial to remember the importance of plentiful and varied service within your club While it can be easy to get caught up in fundraising, club elections, etc. always remember that service comes first and should be a priority Put service first by making sure to always provide service opportunities Emphasize the importance of keeping up service throughout the year Including service projects in meetings is important Ask how many people already include service projects in meetings- every meeting? Every other? What works what does not? Anyone have any good ideas?

3 Tips on Keeping Up Service
There are many ways to ensure service remains a priority Set service goals: How often do you want to do service in meetings? How often do you want to do larger projects? How many members do you want showing up to projects? How many service hours should members be performing each month? Setting goals provides a tangible way to keep track of service Setting goals is very important to encourage service within your club Get members excited for service

4 Tips on Keeping Up Service
Plan a schedule several weeks ahead of time so members know what is coming up Offer opportunities for both smaller service projects and larger service events Get involved with other organizations within the community Planning ahead allows members to have a heads up and be able to plan to attend events. Reach out to community organizations to see what kind of projects they could need help with. This can help provide more opportunities without high costs and with minimal planning

5 How to Plan a Service Project
A successful project begins with thoughtful planning Start planning projects way before you think you may need to Brainstorm with club officers and members ideas for projects that would be meaningful, impactful and engaging for members Things often take more time than you may initially expect- take this into consideration Coming up with a detailed plan helps everything run smoothly.

6 How to Plan a Service Project
3. Create a budget for your project: what materials/resources will you need to purchase and how much will they cost? Where will you get the money to fund the project? 4. Advertise your project: spread the word, create posters, use social media Budgets ensure your project is cost effective Advertising is everything- can determine the success or failure of a project

7 How to Plan a Service Project
5. Get club and community members excited 6. After the project make sure to review and evaluate what went well and what did not. What can be done to improve projects in the future? More volunteers? More preparation? Getting excited about a project helps members want to volunteer. Emphasize the great difference you will be making.

8 How to Plan a Service Project
Communication is key when planning projects. Keep all officers, members, advisors and community partners in the loop at all times

9 Spring Service Ideas Create a garden at your school, a local community center or other location that could benefit Get involved in home building organizations like Habitat for Humanity Host a beach or park clean up Get outside! It’s the perfect time of year to do projects outdoors. Ask if anyone has done any outdoor projects lately?

10 Spring Service Ideas Host a “Walk-A-Thon” or “Dance-A-Thon” at your school and raise money for a service organization (like the major emphasis organizations!) *remember that members get service hours for fundraising events as long as the funds raised go towards a service organization*

11 More information For more information contact your Lieutenant Governor
Also visit the FL Key Club website for resources and service guides for more ideas

12 Questions and/or Comments?

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