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Published byJocelin French Modified over 6 years ago
School Site Council Legal Responsibilities and Best Practices
Financial planning and development Financial planning, Monitoring and Accountability
Agenda/Outcomes The Role of the School Site Council
The Role in your Community Legal Requirements SSC Responsibilities General Responsibilities Conducting Successful Meetings Preparation and Practice Mandatory Record Keeping Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Data and Evaluation Budgets Title I MPP/LCFF
The Role of the SSC California Education Code Section and SDUSD Administrative Procedure SSCs must be established at schools participating in education programs supported by Title I funds. Every SDUSD school is required to establish and maintain an appropriately configured School Site Council.
The Role of the SSC The SSC is a decision-making committee that oversees: SPSA The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and corresponding site-controlled categorical budgets: Title 1. The SPSA is the plan that identifies academic goals and drives the school’s instructional program. Modifications to the SPSA Site Parent Involvement Policy Site Home School Compact At many schools there are key parent and community members who support the school in many capacities. The members of your SSC are probably on other school committees too. As the site leader, you want to be able to identify and utilize these key people. * Keep in mind when you are scheduling meetings that many of the same people are attending multiple meetings. * Weigh efficiency with responsibilities of organizations that are meeting * Try not to burn out your team members Classroom teachers and office staff can be very helpful when identifying potential SSC and other school committee membership. The best way to support meeting participation is to be well prepared. Every school site is responsible for the tasks above.
The Role of the SSC: Title 1 Law and SDUSD Policy
All schools must: Review the District Title 1 Parent Involvement Policy with Guidelines for Implementation. Develop and annually review Title 1 Parent Involvement Policy and Home/School Compact. – Revise as necessary. Distribute copies of these three documents to parents in English and other languages as needed. Conduct the annual Title 1 meeting to inform parents of the Title 1 Program and its requirements (Principal). Conduct Annual Meeting at Open House or similar event Our district policy is to constitute an SSC at all of our schools who will complete the responsibilities defined by Title I Law. While Title I law is specific to schools receiving Title I dollars, SDUSD tasks all of our schools with these responsibilities. In our district we use the SSC as a body that fulfills this task of developing and writing the Parent Involvement Policy & Home School Compact. * The PIP and HSC are distributed at the Parent Meeting. * The PIP and HSC are included in the SPSA * It is the principal’s responsibility to conduct the Title1 meeting * Must have annual Title I meeting early in the year. * It must be at a convenient time for parents. * The Parent Involvement Policy and the Home School Compact are reviewed and revised by the SSC annually. Languages – 15%+ of community language – must provide necessary translation.
The Role of the SSC: Title 1 Law
Title I: Federal funds are to be used to support students due to economic concerns. Title I funds provide direct instructional support. All SDUSD Title I schools implement a Schoolwide Title I Program. Schoolwide Program – Our district distributes Title I funding based on a formula that funds the percentage of students meeting Title I requirements on a per pupil basis. A purpose of Title I is to support students of poverty and to close academic achievement gaps. Our district uses free and reduced lunch count to determine the percentage of students eligible for Title I funding. Schools with 40% or higher free and reduced lunch counts receive Title I funding. -This only determines funding distribution. -Once the funds are at the site, they are used toward supporting any student who is struggling to achieve grade level expectations/requirements. -- schoolwide
SSC Responsibilities
General SSC Responsibilities
Focus on improving student achievement for all students. Regularly attend SSC meetings. Membership is from Fall to Fall the following year. Review meeting procedures Review procedures regarding categorical programs and budgets. Be prepared to serve on subcommittees to assist the SSC.
Principal Responsibilities
The principal at each site is responsible for ensuring that the School Site Council is fulfilling its duties under federal, state, and District mandates. The school principal is responsible for developing a process where students are able to elect students to the SSC. The Principal should provide guidance and support for student SSC members.
Principal and SSC Chair Responsibilities
The principal and SSC chair are responsible for working together to guide the School Site Council. They must: Follow the Greene Act requirements. Maintain all records in the SSC handbook. Co-sign all required documents. Set the monthly agenda. Collect and organize all handouts for meetings. Educate other members.
SSC Responsibilities: Best practices
Establish and elect a co-chair position in your SSC (embed in SSC bylaws) Consider providing all SSC members an SSC binder Plot SSC meetings to follow DAC meetings (3rd Wednesday of each month) Review SSC and SPSA timeline when developing meeting calendar and agendas Establish DAC Representatives*
District Advisory Council
The DAC representative or alternate should attend the monthly DAC meeting. National, state, and district information is discussed at DAC meetings. The DAC representative should report all DAC information to the SSC so that stakeholders are informed. All parent SSC members are automatic voting DAC members. Principals may attend, but do not have a vote. Teachers may be DAC representatives as well. However, they do not have automatic membership. They must be identified on the SSC roster by the school site.
Delegating ELAC to SSC When the ELAC votes to Delegate it’s responsibility to SSC SSC must complete the following Mandated Tasks The School’s Program for English Learners The School’s Effort’s to make Parents Aware of the Importance of Regular School Attendance Advising the SSC on the development of the Single Plan for Student Achievement Reviewing the Annual Language Census Conducting an Annual Site English Learner Needs Assessment
Conducting your SSC Meetings
Successful SSC Meetings: Preparation and Practice
Draft a plan for the year Review SSC Bylaws Review SSC and SPSA timeline Calendar meeting dates – coordinate with available assessment data Plan the agenda Review Data and Budget information prior to meeting presentation Make sure to follow the Greene Act Share timeline Data – Illuminate, site developed assessments. You want to make sure you are very familiar with what the data is reporting. Be consistent in the format you use to report information. Try to connect the dots for the team members. Reading levels are ____. The target for the school year is____. At this time of the school year we are on/not on track, etc. Budget – Share the same report format at each meeting. Generate the report at the same time each month. The information contained in the report can change depending upon when in the month the report is run. For example, hourly time is posted by the 10th. If the report is produced before that it is not included in the information presented. Big idea – make sure what you share is consistent. Your SSC team (parents) may/may not be familiar with budgets. They probably aren’t familiar with educational data. Remember to keep it simple and clear.
SSC Preparation: Bylaws
Bylaw articles should address: Duties of the SSC Membership Elections Office Committees Meetings Amendments
Bylaws: Frequent Concerns
Voting Rights: Each member of the council is entitled to one vote and may cast that vote on any matter submitted to a vote of the council Vacancies: A vacancy shall be filled at the earliest opportunity. Bylaws should specify how vacancies are filled Special elections of the council for the remaining portion of the term of office or, Previous candidate that was not elected or, Appointment by remaining SSC members or,
SSC Preparation for Meetings over Time
Provide Opportunities to: Monitor implementation of the SPSA Review school and student performance data Establish/Review school goals Annually recommend the SPSA to the SDUSD Board of Education for approval Develop/Oversee Title I Parent Involvement Policy and Home/School Compact Collaborate and seek input from other school committees SSC/DAC Timeline here
Planning the Agenda The agenda should contain: Call to Order
Public Comment SSC Business Approval of previous minutes Bylaws, Home School Compact, Parent Involvement Policy Data Review Site Developed Common Formative Assessments, DRA, etc. SPSA Review Monitoring Goals Review Activities Budget Transfers Current Budget Status DAC, DELAC, ELAC, & Other Committees
SSC Responsibilities in Practice The Greene Act: Open Meetings
Agenda is posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Posting is in a place accessible to public. Agenda must state location, time, and date of meeting. Agenda includes specific details of the meeting. Voting takes place only on posted agenda items unless item is added by unanimous vote.
The Greene Act: Public Comment
Public comment is limited to items under the purview of the SSC. Public comment is at the beginning of the SSC meeting.
The Greene Act: Best Practices
Distribute agenda to SSC members Post the agenda in multiple locations and though multiple methods If SSC meetings are on Mondays, try to have agenda distributed by Wednesday of preceding week Avoid early morning SSC meetings All meetings are live and open to the public Electronic IS NOT Open
Effective Meeting Management
Effective Meeting Management is the foundation of productive meetings. The chairperson is the gatekeeper of meeting order. The District uses Robert’s Rules of Order as its parliamentary guide.
Record Keeping Federal Program Monitoring (FPM)
Federal and state laws require the California Department of Education (CDE) to monitor the implementation of categorical programs operated by all California school districts. FPM is a combination of data and document review, and onsite visits of categorical programs administered by our district. (requires 5 years plus current year) New principals: look for SSC handbooks and keep in a centralized place
Record Keeping If it is not written, it does not exist.
Minutes, agendas, sign-in sheets, handouts, documents from SSC meetings, and the SPSA are public records Documents must be kept in the SSC handbook The SSC Handbook must be made available for public review upon request Copies must be made upon request* * Please allow schools reasonable amount of response time per request
Records Maintained in the SSC Binder
Everything discussed and distributed at the SSC meeting must be kept in the SSC binder. Including: Agendas, Minutes and all Handouts Copy of Title 1 Verification form Bylaws Home School Compact and Parent Involvement Policy Copy of Budget transfers and the approval from FPMA BOE approved SPSA Election Documentation
SSC Elections Recordkeeping
Election process and results are maintained in the SSC binder Include the following information: Call to Nominations Process – Date distributed, closed Elections Process – Date conducted, conducted via mailing or at Back to School Night, etc… Positions open for election Record of Nominees and number of votes each received Federal Program Monitoring Compliance require a site to keep all Election Documentation including Final Tally Sheets Call to Nominations Process – Date distributed, closed Elections Process – dates, method and procedure Slate of positions Ballot including an write in option Final Tally Sheet record from each groups election: teachers, others, Parents and students
SSC Agendas/Minutes Recordkeeping
Agendas/Minutes are considered legal documents Introduction of newly elected members (Fall) Approval of SSC bylaws (Fall) Approval of next year’s SPSA (February/March) Approval of next year’s categorical budget (February/March) Approval of the Parent Involvement Policy (Spring) Approval of the Home/School Compact (Spring) Modifications to the SPSA/categorical budget (continuously) *Consider using your agenda template as the template for your minutes
The Single Plan for Student Achievement
The SPSA is the plan that identifies academic goals and drives the school’s instructional program.
Monitoring and Evaluating the SPSA
Review relevant school and student achievement data. Based on the data, consider the effectiveness of overall strategies/activities. Identify obstacles. Examine budget expenditures. Seek input from school committees. Develop goals – implement the cycle of continuous improvement
Monitoring and Evaluation of the SPSA: Best Practices
All members should have a copy of the SPSA Agendas should reflect the use of this document monthly Minutes should reflect discussions regarding the SPSA for future planning
SPSA Goals - Activity The SPSA contains “the school’s means of evaluating progress toward accomplish those goals” EC §64001(f) As an SSC review your CURRENT goals in this years SPSA Review your most recent SBAC data As a SSC develop your short term goals for the next semester What data will you begin to collect? Will you invite special speakers to your next SSC meeting?
Budgets Title 1 and LCFF/MPP
School Budgets Schools have two primary sources of funds to operate the school. Unrestricted budgets (district funds including LCFF) Restricted budgets (Title 1) In addition, schools may receive funds through grants, foundations, PTA, and miscellaneous other sources Before funding is allocated, need is identified.
Funds Contained in the SPSA
Description Resource Code Title I Basic Title I Parent Involvement Title I Program Improvement 30106 * Title 1 is under the purview of the SSC LCFF LCFF S/C positions
Guidelines for Title 1 Expenditures
The purpose of Title 1 funds is to: Provide direct instructional support to students to improve academic achievement in core subjects Supplement the district’s general program Support professional development Foster new types of parent partnerships that focus on improving student achievement Support closing achievement gaps in core content areas
Title 1 Funding Requirements
All site-controlled restricted expenditures at the school site are described in the SPSA Current data MUST support all supplemental supports and expenses identified in the SPSA SSC must provide RATIONALES describing the intent and expected result of the expenses identified in the plan
Revisions to the Plan/Title 1 Funding
The SPSA is a living document Revisions to the plan that involve budget revisions: Require SSC approval Must be documented in SSC minutes - How will the change be funded? Money is not limitless—you must transfer money out of a resource in order to pay for the newly-identified expense. Why is this change warranted? Specific changes must be described: Resource/account, rationale voting details The SSC should make prudent use of limited funds. You should get the most “bang for your buck.”
Guidelines for LCFF Expenditures
LCFF are unrestricted funds with a designated intent to be used for the principal benefit of unduplicated students. These funds are not under the purview of the SSC. However, they are reported in the SPSA.
LCFF/MPP Funding Requirements
The purpose of LCFF/MPP funds in SDUSD is to provide: Classroom Support that focuses on improving student achievement. Intervention Support that directly effects the academic achievement of students. Professional Development for staff to support and increase student achievement.
LCFF/MPP Funding Requirements
All site-controlled expenditures at the school site are described in the SPSA Current data MUST support all strategies and expenses identified in the SPSA Principal must provide RATIONALES describing the intent, the desired goals and expected result of the expenses identified in the plan
Contact Information Finance Debbie Foster – Executive Director Financial Planning, Monitoring and Accountability Thomas Liberto - Director (619) (Phone) (619) (Fax)
Contact Information School Support Dario Gutierrez (619) (Areas: 1, 2, 3 Office of Secondary Schools, Special Ed, and Transition Schools) Mary Johnson (619) (Areas: 4, 5, 6, Trace and District Advisory Council Liaison)
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